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Everything posted by Remaliat

  1. Not since you were under different management... way ... different.
  2. Heh... MHA actually honoring a treaty during war :? Interesting.
  3. You guys really need to rethink your attacks on VE, even today there are few alliances I would sooner trust with my nation then theres.
  4. Dame Hime Themis with deepest humility I offer my nomination, From time to time rulers emerge in this great world to perhaps to make the world better or simply more enjoyable for others. The individual who I would like to nominate, for this most honorable distinction, has served his alliance for over 4 years. Thus to my knowledge is the oldest continuously serving ruler of any alliance. His loyalty is hard to view by those outside the alliance he is a member of, and I am proud to have once called him a brother. Despite the fact that our alliances are now on opposite sides of the political spectrum I hold no reservation when I nominate [b]Sir Paul of SIR PAUL[/b] for this honor. In the beginning on the eve of the now famous August Revolution Sir Paul proudly stood beside iconic figures such as Francos Spain, Vladimir, and Bertram Strantous. His actions and that of his brothers enabled the world to forever be transformed. From the time of the first war that Pacifica ever entered until the most recent war the nation of SIR PAUL and it’s ruler Sir Paul have worked feverishly to ensure that morale was well maintained and the military of her alliance possessed another capable nation. Never has an individual been as loyal or committed to Pacifica or this world then Sir Paul. His works as editor of the Triannual Tribune, Tabloid Tribune, and the Concert for Pacifica to this day are iconic bits of Digiterra culture that we would all be a little worse off without. So without further ado, I cement my nomination with a digital copy of the flag that his work has enabled so many rulers to enjoy in there own palacial mansions (OOC: Flags in real life) of which I am posting by kind permission of the current Emperor of the New Pacific Order, Cortath. [center][img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090917182853/cybernations/images/thumb/b/b8/NPObannerflagnew.png/200px-NPObannerflagnew.png[/img][/center] With deepest respect, Remaliat of Poquoson [i]Better known as[/i] John Rocker of Polaris
  5. Shame my friends at MK can't be friends with my friends at CCC... Really a shame they are lacking that bit of respect. Congratulations to CCC and to NATO, I am quite happy with this new covenant.
  6. What a wonderful little fight, thanks for the good times )
  7. Nice Blitz Imperium Romanum, I look forward to what you bring to the battlefield.
  8. I have great personal respect for Pork Shrimp, good luck to you guys!
  9. The relationships that UPN have with there respective treaty partner are private, and can not be judged except by UPN and those alliances. Alterego, you really need to get over it bud.
  10. Myth bud, do me a favour and explain why you even need cancellation clauses anymore? You have proven to be experts at breaking/canceling treaties in your past. You can find me on IRC if you prefer not to discuss it here.
  11. Now that wasn't very nice Fernando, FAR and Avalance are perfectly capable of forming there own relationships, friendships and treaties without having to meet a certain level of OWF Polar Quota. They both know how much support they have from us, and when you have a true friendship it doesn't need to be expressed at every single possible moment. Perhaps though... one day we can come to post en masse for one of your alliances topics? Would that make you happy?
  12. This little skirmish looked like to much fun for me to stand by on the side lines, so I have decided to fight me some Brittanica nations. See you on the battlefield.
  13. I will agree with an earlier poster to some extent. 1) Ragnarok - Proven history of military fortitude, strong and stable treaties, and good leaders. 2) Mushroom Kingdom - There allies really let them down often having to carry certain alliances. They are tough and are very deserving of the #2 position. 3) Umbrella - I've always liked them they are a bit of a silent wrecking ball in the sense they don't look for a fight they just say prayers for those they have to fight. 4) New Pacific Order - Solid #4 due to the fact that they have a strong nuke count, a membership that doesn't flake in the middle of a war, and generally are pretty well organized. Easily a #1 alliance in the future if any alliance would ever be willing to take a chance on them when it comes to treaties. 5) New Polar Order - Relatively stable, not afraid of a fight, and good treaty connections. Our tech numbers are the only thing that prevents us from moving a bit higher up on this list. ... 99) Mostly Harmless Alliance - Meh? Who cares? An alliance that has the backbone of an invertebrate. Untested, and realistically have the look of a GWIII Legion Paper Tiger.
  14. Ever forward Pacifica! I look forward to seeing you continue your meteoric rise to greatness once more.
  15. Outside my alliance... 1) Chris Kaos - Original beacon of light and while I wasn't particularly active back in those days a true inspiration to me. 2) Syzygy - As honorable of a man as you can find in this game. Shared a dream that would tragically be cut short. 3) Kaiser Martens - Strong willed and persistant. Amazing personality and a dreamer. Good guy. 4) Rebel Virginia - Always willing to challenge what needs to be challenged, willing to do what needs to be done ! ... Also a Virginian <3 5) Egore - The original dreamer, charismatic, benevolent, and strong. Someone that I have the utmost respect and admiration for.
  16. Listen to there wise words and never abuse the trust they have placed in you SUN.
  17. Great War III I was fighting for LoSS and right after the war, I joined the Viridian Entente so yea.. Switched sides to an alliance that a few days earlier we were at war with.
  18. [quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1282184296' post='2422468'] If that's in your charter then how can you....? [/quote] Quite simply, \m/ doesn't honor there own charter. They never have.
  19. I'm closest probably to y+7 x-4 I am quite happy with my position in that as well, although I wouldn't mind getting in touch with my "inner sith"
  20. Swan I implore you to stop talking before you create a Dephire moment.
  21. STA peacing out with MM doesn't admit guilt it just shows that one alliance is capable of acting with class and respect. Furthermore it shows they are willing to use a concept that no one in \m/ seems to understand, Diplomacy. Also do yourself a favour, fire your entire government and promote Lezrahi, you have a \m/ember there who is capable of humility and respect. Something I have not seem from \m/ in a very long time.
  22. [quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282023427' post='2418947'] Well actually we claimed sovereignty over the AA 24 hours before STA did, so they are the ones who will be launching a offensive war, think about it, think, [/quote] Except your statement states that you will protect GGA nations from outside raids unless you give permission first. STA states they will protect the GGA nations from raids from \m/ members. Either way GGA nations are being protected. If you attack GGA nations you are violating STA's protectorate statement of GGA and thus would be commiting an aggressive attack. If they attack you in response to your attacks they are not violating your statement as they are not raiding the GGA nations. They are defending the GGA nations by attacking \m/ nations. It seems to me that you are still the aggressor should you continue attacks my friend.
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