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His Imperial Majesty's Most Gracious Speech


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[quote name='Wentworth the Brave' timestamp='1283218771' post='2436419']
I don't believe it was a charade, some people like to act older than ten.

QFT my good friend...wishing some civility and maturity catches on

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[quote name='Wentworth the Brave' timestamp='1283218771' post='2436419']
I don't believe it was a charade, some people like to act older than ten.

I know it's a charade. If he could say what he really would like to say to me it would make him look bad in public as an IO of the NPO.

[quote name='Hakim' timestamp='1283219367' post='2436437']
QFT my good friend...wishing some civility and maturity catches on

I think the mature thing to do is to be straightforward. Wearing masks is bad.

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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1283209462' post='2436225']
You invite me?. Cut the public charade we both know we don't like each other. Act like it. And congratulations on finally changing SOMETHING in the Order.
Just because you choose to totally disregard civility and common courtesy does not mean that other people have to.

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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1283221210' post='2436469']
I know it's a charade. If he could say what he really would like to say to me it would make him look bad in public as an IO of the NPO.

Let me guess, he thinks you are a jerk? :smug:

I think the mature thing to do is to be straightforward. Wearing masks is bad.

If I may be so straightforward, what kind of a nation leader hates the Green Hornet, the Lone Ranger, and even Batman? Don't tell me, I bet you also hate Captain America. :(

Oh, and I also listened to the recorded speech. Greatly enjoyed the introductory chuckle, but I could not tell if Chucklehead was wearing a mask or not, or even if he was a superhero or a supervillain. :D

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[quote name='Brenann' timestamp='1283222577' post='2436494']
Just because you choose to totally disregard civility and common courtesy does not mean that other people have to.

Just makes you look fake. Just sayin'

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[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1283223844' post='2436514']
booo hiss down with Pacifica for being polite.

You have my M-4.
And my hammer!


Also this argument about the may the strength never be used is stupid. One could easily misconstrue it's meaning as HoT did, but now that it's explained, we can all shut up about it.

Which is why I'm going to continue talking about it, of course.

See, the thing is, I, like many other Pacificans, kinda like war. It's fun, and non-bankers/tech sellers get to finally use their nations for something. If we never use our strength, that means no war. Which is boring. So Antonio, even when you try to be nice to us, you're mean to us! So I hope we've all learned a lesson about different alliances, and maybe even friendship.

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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1283226297' post='2436562']
Just makes you look fake. Just sayin'
As stated before we will extend an olive branch to anyone willing to grasp it. We try to treat everyone with respect but it's people like you who seek to test our patience.

Pacifica has been nothing but quiet and respectful since coming out of reps. People keep using us as a boogeyman to keep us politically isolated or think that we are out to kill every alliance that attacked us during Karma, or that we are trying to runaway or can't come to terms with our past.

Since I don't think any of you have developed telepathy you don't know what the hell we're thinking or planning.

This is coming from someone who used to be Anti-NPO. You know, Back in the days when it wasn't cool to hate them.

I joined them recently because I like the attitude they have taken towards the rest of the world. They also learned a lesson from Karma, and no I don't mean the "Haha you aren't big and bad anymore lesson". Because of it they came out smarter and stronger as a community and with a somewhat different outlook that isn't harsh like before.

Whether you believe me or not the only thing I can tell you is that our intentions are peaceful. It's that simple. We aren't angels but we also aren't the devils you make us out to be.

Edited by BlkAK47_002
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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1283209462' post='2436225']
You invite me?. Cut the public charade we both know we don't like each other. Act like it. And congratulations on finally changing SOMETHING in the Order.

I agree, everyone here should act like angst-ridden teenagers. It's, like, the only honest thing to do, man.

[quote name='BlkAK47_002' timestamp='1283229315' post='2436630']
This is coming from someone who used to be Anti-NPO. You know, Back in the days when it wasn't cool to hate them.[/quote]

Back in the days when it wasn't cool to hate them. So, never.

Edited by Zombie Glaucon
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[quote name='Daimos' timestamp='1283267858' post='2437075']
For NPO to hold it together after Karma when everyone else would understand if it fell apart...that is true strength.
Indeed it was, akin to the survival of other alliances that survived such curbstomps over the years. NPO in this regard is not alone.

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The[i][b] People's[/b][/i] Government?[i] Fasten your seat belts Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be landing in North Korea very shortly.[/i]
EDIT: That aside, cool format for a speech.

Edited by snibbmaster
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[quote name='BlkAK47_002' timestamp='1283229315' post='2436630']

Since I don't think any of you have developed telepathy you don't know what the hell we're thinking or planning.


Unless you've become an IO in the past....24 hours I'm sure you have no idea what you're even thinking or planning honestly.

[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283268421' post='2437084']
Cager lecturing people on maturity is a bit like taking lessons from WalkerNinja on strategic planning.

I wasn't lecturing people on maturity. I tell it like it is and expect the same in return. I don't sugar coat and don't want it in return.

[quote name='Zombie Glaucon' timestamp='1283229725' post='2436644']
I agree, everyone here should act like angst-ridden teenagers. It's, like, the only honest thing to do, man.


How is asking somebody to tell it like it is angst ridden. You can cover poop in sugar but it still tastes like poop.

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So, Cager, you are upset that you got a civil response to your original post in the announcement,....and now you are having a fit over it.

You do know how that makes you look completely foolish, right? lol, seriously mate, just let it go.

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[quote]I wasn't lecturing people on maturity. I tell it like it is and expect the same in return. I don't sugar coat and don't want it in return. [/quote]

What is it with undeserving people using this reasoning lately? First the leader of GATO and now you. You people are making it much harder for people like me, who actually tells it like it is and who aren't out to be total jerks, to operate. Seriously, stop.

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Congratulations, Pacifica, on not only surviving this long, but also continually thriving as a community and as an alliance.

I firmly believe a constant process of self-examination and questioning is healthy and necessary for any group to function well over a longer period of time and I've been mostly happy with what I've seen of NPO since her last war. If we never learn from the lessons of the past, then we never truly advance beyond what we are. Change is essential.

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