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Players you've always admired


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For being players (and one mod): Electron Sponge, :wub: Count Rupert :wub:, and [b]Justitia.

mods are people too ):[/b]

For being awesome: Mia, BlackjackCF, Schattenmann.

For being incredibly sexy to the point of me turning gay for them: Dementual

Edited by Sargun
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MY answers to this question are pretty typical. Doitzel, because of all he put at risk with De Profundis. electron sponge, because of his ambition. Shantamantan, because of his tenacity. Vladimir, because of his devotion to deep thinking in the CN world, which should come with a "No Diving" sign.

However, I must add that though I've seen plenty of tenacity and ambition in CN, I never understood the people who see certain individuals as exceptional "leaders" here. Personally, I've watched Archon, Van Hoo, and Ivan Moldavi work, and I fail to see how they're so well revered. Frankly, I think all three of them were simply in the right place at the right time. If they rerolled into other alliances, I don't think they'd likely succceed.

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Not a player that most would know unless they had ever had the pleasure of being his alliance mate, but Semperfidelist is hands down the player I respect the most for his dedication and sheer loyalty to his alliance and friends. You won't find a finer player.

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When I was a newb, Starfox101. After that, Ardus and DV. At various times I've admired Palehorse, Soviet Canuck, President Smith, Delta, much as it's probably going to be nauseatingly repeated in here Dilber, and probably a ton of people I'm forgetting. Will edit if any jump to mind.

Edit: napoleon blownapart.

Edited by Xiphosis
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I don't know about admired, but I've always really respected and consistently agreed with the posts of Bob Janova, Delta and Tygaland.

It's happened literally hundreds of times, I'll be reading a thread and think of something good to say, and then I'll reach Delta's post and he will have said exactly what I intended to say. I would have twice my postcount if not for him. :P

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I have way to many. My top ones are Doitzel, E_S, Schattenmann, and Starfox as huge movers and changers.

I have a whole bunch more that I just like though. I don't really hate/dislike anybody (that I can think of at the moment).

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