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Foreign Affairs Dispatch from the New Pacific Order


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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1281930941' post='2417460']
So you're trying to keep Omni's actions from GATO's and try to restablish the relationship later. We get it.
Nah, I just hate Omni.

If this were about rebuilding relations between our alliances later, Id be calling for a witchhunt on the likes of Laserwolf and Gulagman. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1281930941' post='2417460']

Uhh, i dunno, all the lines around that snippet that show Omni still intended to fight and was cancelling as a final resort~
You're welcome to show those lines indicating that the cancellation was anything but a decision that was initially decided upon after it was suggested.

The nullification idea, however, was thought up at the end and then immediately embraced by all parties. Feel free to prove otherwise. It should be simple, if you're able to.

Once again, good luck to both former signatories.

Edited by Chron
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[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1281912390' post='2417065']
Here's the thing. Sparta didn't do nothing about it. They started moving away from you, quietly signing treaties with the opposition, starting with Athens actually. When you crossed the invisible little line in the sand and came after their friends as you had come after so many others, they canceled on you and attacked you after the cancellation period was up. And they didn't do it to be part of the glorious new world order or to save their pixels. They did it because they were sick of your behavior to the rest of Planet Bob, and sick of the way you treated them.


Not really that relevant to the topic of discussion right now but Sparta signed with RIA and GOD months before Athens so they didn't really start with Athens. >_> :P

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[quote name='ShadowDragon' timestamp='1281933726' post='2417503']

Not really that relevant to the topic of discussion right now but Sparta signed with RIA and GOD months before Athens so they didn't really start with Athens. >_> :P
SF during that time could easily have been considered part of the "Hegemony". After all, RIA itself had a treaty with NPO. Athens was on the the fringe.

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[quote name='ShadowDragon' timestamp='1281933726' post='2417503']

Not really that relevant to the topic of discussion right now but Sparta signed with RIA and GOD months before Athens so they didn't really start with Athens. >_> :P

I looked it up, and the RIA treaty actually did come first by a couple weeks, but GOD didn't come until around a month later. However, we would have probably signed with Sparta sooner, except we didn't get out of surrender terms until the beginning of December 2008. :P

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=40347 Sparta-RIA MDP (November 25th, 2008)
http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=42203 Sparta-Athens MDP (December 11th, 2008)
http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=45773 Sparta-GOD MDoAP (January 20th, 2009)

ALSO to attempt to stay on topic, nothing of value was lost in this cancellation.

Edited by Londo Mollari
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[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1281934685' post='2417523']
I looked it up, and the RIA treaty actually did come first by a couple weeks, but GOD didn't come until around a month later. However, we would have probably signed with Sparta sooner, except we didn't get out of surrender terms until the beginning of December 2008. :P

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=40347 Sparta-RIA MDP (November 25th, 2008)
http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=42203 Sparta-Athens MDP (December 11th, 2008)
http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=45773 Sparta-GOD MDoAP (January 20th, 2009)

ALSO to attempt to stay on topic, nothing of value was lost in this cancellation.


Ah ok. I said GOD too since I used the wiki and only took a quick glance at your MDoAP announcement's date (which was in March) while forgetting you had a MDP prior to that lol.

Also back to the topic on hand, good luck to GATO and NPO in moving past this cancellation.

Edited by ShadowDragon
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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1281854483' post='2416474']
PIATs are useless anyway, good move ditching it.
[quote name='Hymenbreach' timestamp='1281859409' post='2416525']
A cancelled PIAT? Will no-one think of the children?
The GATO-NPO PIAT was signed with a mind to finally end the age-old rivalry which had until then run quite deep in both alliances. It was no ordinary treaty, it was a ceasefire. A ceasefire which has now been removed.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281931033' post='2417462']
If this were about rebuilding relations between our alliances later, Id be calling for a witchhunt on the likes of Laserwolf and Gulagman.
You're welcome to show those lines indicating that the cancellation was anything but a decision that was initially decided upon after it was suggested.

The nullification idea, however, was thought up at the end and then immediately embraced by all parties. Feel free to prove otherwise. It should be simple, if you're able to.
Pretty, however my pretence was only that the lines were taken out of context.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1281945161' post='2417723']
Pretty, however my pretence was only that the lines were taken out of context.
You are most welcome to show their proper context, then.

There was no deception utilized on my part, and the quoted portions mean exactly what they say, in precisely the context they were presented. Once again, feel free to prove that I took those lines out of context in a manner that would lead the reader to interpret said lines incorrectly.

If you can't prove that, its pretty clear you're just mining for excuses here.

Again, good luck to the two former signatories.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281945870' post='2417731']
You are most welcome to show their proper context, then.

There was no deception utilized on my part, and the quoted portions mean exactly what they say, in precisely the context they were presented. Once again, feel free to prove that I took those lines out of context in a manner that would lead the reader to interpret said lines incorrectly.

If you can't prove that, its pretty clear you're just mining for excuses here.
Um, the proper context was the set that you posted. The incorrect context were the following:

01[14:27] <&Omniscientone[gato]> all the numbers though Lanore[afk]
01[14:27] <&Omniscientone[gato]> are against us
01[14:27] <&Omniscientone[gato]> if we go in with NSO
01[14:28] <&Omniscientone[gato]> so I'm thinking of simply canceling the NSO treaty.

Are you arguing that those four lines are completely in context or is something being lost in translation?

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1281949357' post='2417748']
Um, the proper context was the set that you posted. The incorrect context were the following:

01[14:27] <&Omniscientone[gato]> all the numbers though Lanore[afk]
01[14:27] <&Omniscientone[gato]> are against us
01[14:27] <&Omniscientone[gato]> if we go in with NSO
01[14:28] <&Omniscientone[gato]> so I'm thinking of simply canceling the NSO treaty.

Are you arguing that those four lines are completely in context or is something being lost in translation?

Coming from an ODN member, your credibility is near zero when it comes to talking about honoring treaties. I suppose your treaty with GATO is a paradox.

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[quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1281963880' post='2417850']
Coming from an ODN member, your credibility is near zero when it comes to talking about honoring treaties. I suppose your treaty with GATO is a paradox.

While that is a clever and creative soundbite you just created there, you did little to address the question as to whether or not the logs as YOU presented them, presented in the proper context, or in a context that elevates the NSO position. The line immediately following where you snip your logs... completely changes the perspective as to GATO's intentions. It was a clever try by you, but alas, a complete failure.

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[quote][8:47pm] Moo-Cows was promoted to half-operator by ChanServ.
[8:47pm] Moo-Cows was granted voice by |}Wes{|-[Naked].
[8:47pm] Yamin[Silence] is now known as Yamin[AFK].
[8:48pm] Moo-Cows: I just need to share something with you guys
[8:48pm] Moo-Cows: it's just priceless
[8:48pm] Moo-Cows: it shows that gato remains the same as it always was....which is sad for the members
[8:48pm] Moo-Cows: [14:27] <&Omniscientone[gato]> all the numbers though Lanore[afk]
[8:48pm] Moo-Cows: [14:27] <&Omniscientone[gato]> are against us
[8:48pm] Moo-Cows: [14:27] <&Omniscientone[gato]> if we go in with NSO
[8:48pm] Moo-Cows: [14:28] <&Omniscientone[gato]> so I'm thinking of simply canceling the NSO treaty.
[8:48pm] Moo-Cows: night night[/quote]

At this point, the treaty is canceled, the cancellation period is over with, the bonds that existed between NPO and GATO are cut. What could the NPO [i]possibly[/i] gain from sending a former Emperor into #gato to try to slander Omni? Most people in the room were more concerned with Moo's poor form than whatever Omni said in that brief snippet of logs.

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1281964456' post='2417856']
While that is a clever and creative soundbite you just created there, you did little to address the question as to whether or not the logs as YOU presented them, presented in the proper context, or in a context that elevates the NSO position. The line immediately following where you snip your logs... completely changes the perspective as to GATO's intentions. It was a clever try by you, but alas, a complete failure.

No, because it was the complete truth. The section I posted is exactly what happened.

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Remarkably, Xerxer, you might want to know that the NPO does not send Moo to conduct diplomacy anywhere. He's not the Regent or even a Legate; he is a respected former Emperor, but he takes actions on his own.

If you have a problem with something he's done, the proper person to complain to is Cortath, or possibly Mary or VektorZero.

(And you might well be right to in this case...)

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[quote name='Xerxer' timestamp='1281965441' post='2417867']
At this point, the treaty is canceled, the cancellation period is over with, the bonds that existed between NPO and GATO are cut. What could the NPO [i]possibly[/i] gain from sending a former Emperor into #gato to try to slander Omni? Most people in the room were more concerned with Moo's poor form than whatever Omni said in that brief snippet of logs.

What could they have lost? Oh wait...

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1281965693' post='2417874']
Laughing at Moo having 'poor form' at this point in history is like laughing at update being every twenty-four hours.

[i]*insert witless 'no u' statement here*[/i]

Have you read half the crap you've posted in the last few weeks? You're not really one to comment on anyones 'poor form' - even if it is that heffer ..

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[quote name='Xerxer' timestamp='1281965441' post='2417867']
At this point, the treaty is canceled, the cancellation period is over with, the bonds that existed between NPO and GATO are cut. What could the NPO [i]possibly[/i] gain from sending a [b]former Emperor into #gato to try to slander Omni?[/b] Most people in the room were more concerned with Moo's poor form than whatever Omni said in that brief snippet of logs.

Moo isn't really slandering him. He'd slander him, if the logs were faked, or if he added something insulting to it. But he is simply copy-/pasting a statement. Every reader can draw own conclusions...that these conclusions might be something like "GATO sucks", isn't Moo's fault but Omni's.

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[quote name='Baden-Württemberg' timestamp='1281971966' post='2417939']
Moo isn't really slandering him. He'd slander him, if the logs were faked, or if he added something insulting to it. But he is simply copy-/pasting a statement. Every reader can draw own conclusions...that these conclusions might be something like "GATO sucks", isn't Moo's fault but Omni's.

I understand, I was talking about the logs being taken out of context. I suppose slandering would be the wrong word, but had the rest of that conversation been posted, as well as the countless others Omni has had within the last few days regarding NSO, a different conclusion would probably be reached.

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[quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1281963880' post='2417850']
Coming from an ODN member, your credibility is near zero when it comes to talking about honoring treaties. I suppose your treaty with GATO is a paradox.

Heh, you should address the issue rather than make a quip about his AA.

I think what he's asking for is a Pastebin link of the logs in its entirety.

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1281973667' post='2417960']
I would really like to know where all these little log snips are coming from, seeing as one of them was taken from a private query between myself and another...
Well, if it's not you, then....

Glad I could help.

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