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Your Drama Sucks

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[quote name='the masheen' timestamp='1280119875' post='2389326']
Sorry for the off topic rant:

When you say it "used to be ok in the past", do you mean when you had my good friend removed from planet bob via log dump? You've always been so quick to insult others. You are the biggest hypocrite I've ever met. You are pathetic. You've always been pathetic.

What on earth are you talking about? Which friend did I remove via log dump?!?!

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1280117777' post='2389279']
I will not fight you, father.

Luke Zogwalker, Hero of Pacifica! Looks like Nemhauser is going to get a PM regarding the name change of a certain user on our forums. :awesome:

Also, I am disappointed with the low turnout on this thread, because it was supposed to overthrow the Gre thread..:(

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[quote name='ratonbox' timestamp='1280126997' post='2389441']
Luke Zogwalker, Hero of Pacifica! Looks like Nemhauser is going to get a PM regarding the name change of a certain user on our forums. :awesome:

Also, I am disappointed with the low turnout on this thread, because it was supposed to overthrow the Gre thread..:(

Guess we can't count on your alliance to get things done.

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[quote name='Anthony' timestamp='1280127872' post='2389448']
Guess we can't count on your alliance to get things done.

Heard the same thing while I was in ADI... but they did provide you with some OWF drama & entertainment , didn't they?

Edited by ratonbox
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[quote name='ratonbox' timestamp='1280128110' post='2389460']
Heard the same thing while I was in ADI... but they did provide you with some OWF drama & entertainment , didn't they?

Only thing they did was provide a medium for Lennox to make me smile.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1280106322' post='2389081']
[color="#0000FF"]You want to get a new line there, sparky? I think we've been over this already.[/color]

No sunshine, I want chron your dog and pony show is boring and repetitive RV, although I will say from time to time you are slightly amusing. However you usually are far more interesting when operating offensively, watching you, heggo,lennox and cornian is like watching a barbershop quartet, bring out chron he's the rockstar here.

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This thread has really fizzled out. Only chance of anything hilariously awesome happening now is the resposobility of Chron. Good try though Kingzog.

[ooc] I was really hoping for some drama to read through at work today. :mad: [/ooc]

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[quote name='Daikos' timestamp='1280147029' post='2389618']
[ooc] I was really hoping for some drama to read through at work today. :mad: [/ooc]
At least we know that zog's drama also sucks now.
Thankfully it had it's amusing moments.

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Some of this is quite funny, but not what you think.

I just get this impression of NSO's private IRC channel.

"I'm the most devious player!"
"No, I'm the most devious player and I'm a monster too"
"No, I'm the most alpha of you lot. Mom says so!"

And so on. Angry Teenager Alliance, promise me you'll never change.

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You let the cat out of the bag too soon imo :<

edit: No really, weren't you at least curious what the "pinky&brain" type of plan was all about with teh chron strategy and all?

Edited by uaciaut
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1280164460' post='2389789']
Is there anyone or thing that Hymenbreach cannot talk down to from his position underneath them/it? Nay.

In his defense, he's pretty much correct.

Don't worry, Hymen. We'll never change.

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[quote name='Hymenbreach' timestamp='1280164135' post='2389785']
Some of this is quite funny, but not what you think.

I just get this impression of NSO's private IRC channel.

"I'm the most devious player!"
"No, I'm the most devious player and I'm a monster too"
"No, I'm the most alpha of you lot. Mom says so!"

And so on. Angry Teenager Alliance, promise me you'll never change.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand....somebody finally gets it.

[quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1280178818' post='2390181']
¡Viva Kingzog!

Is there any way I can sign an MADP treaty with your nation?

I'm sure we could get it added as an amendment to the treaty between our alliances.

Edited by Ashoka the Great
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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1280115125' post='2389228']
This will cost me precious nanoseconds of sleep.

Ummm....who are you again?

The "who are you" response, that's a [i]great[/i] argument. :rolleyes:

Regardless, maybe you shouldn't brag about how good your drama is, if it's not that good.

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[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1280193556' post='2390574']The "who are you" response, that's a [i]great[/i] argument. :rolleyes: [/quote]

I was being serious. Have we spoken before? Do I perhaps know you under another name?

After four years, the memory gets fuzzy, y'know.

In the meantime....

I wish to thank the NSO for inviting me to participate in one of their programs.


I regret I must decline, however.

(Name removed since this was an honest mistake based on a confusion with regard to ruler names. The timing was great, though.)

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Fine, turn down our money then you prick. I was hoping if we couldn't have Chron talk you into our little conspiracy we could at least bribe you into it, but no. It's like you'll do anything to keep us from making you into a kingmaker.

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[quote name='heggo' timestamp='1280201109' post='2390760']
Fine, turn down our money then you prick. I was hoping if we couldn't have Chron talk you into our little conspiracy we could at least bribe you into it, but no. It's like you'll do anything to keep us from making you into a kingmaker.

hmm.. Interesting choice of words there heggo.

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