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What will the next war look like?


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[quote name='WalkerNinja' date='16 July 2010 - 11:37 AM' timestamp='1279298238' post='2374595']
If the last war is any indicator, the next war will look like a pack of chimpanzees trying to hump a football.
BWHAHAHA you owe me a new keyboard you !@#$%^&

Back on topic, #1 or #5. it wont be any major players like NPO or Athens who cause it but likely someone a few chains down ala OV in Karma and \m/ in the "chimpanzee humping a football" war unless someone have a momentary lapse in using their brain and gifts the other side a good reason to kick their $@!

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[quote name='WalkerNinja' date='16 July 2010 - 09:37 AM' timestamp='1279298238' post='2374595']
If the last war is any indicator, the next war will look like a pack of chimpanzees trying to hump a football.
An American football? Or the other one?

Also, I think that the old Citadel members are going to rogue everyone else on that 10-10-10 thing they have planned :ph34r:

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[quote name='Sande' date='16 July 2010 - 02:12 PM' timestamp='1279303935' post='2374769']
I don't know which scenario will occur but I know 100% that it will begin with a 200-page topic where people whine over the CB.

This man speaks the truth.

I'd say the next war will likely occur from some idiocy that occurs between smaller / mid sized alliance who have ties with heavy hitters.

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I think #3 is the most likely. It'll be some alliance that isn't seen immediately as a raider alliance though. GOONS is usually pretty careful with their raids and do their research. #2 won't happen as long as everyone thinks NPO is still gunning for them. It keeps everyone together. I've always thought if #2 did happen though it'd be over someone in Polar's sphere pissing off someone in SF's sphere. CnG has alot of links over there while SF not as many. That's just a random thought though, no secret knowledge on that one.

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#1 - I'm with Mirreille on this one.
#2 - It won't happen in the near future.
#3 - it wouldn't surprise me, but it would have to be from someone in the middle of the tech-raid opinion continuum, or from someone who has incredibly lax TR policies. Usually, those alliances who despise tech-raiding or only marginally allow it (like TOOL for example) would rather boot an offending member than go to war over something they don't believe in. On the other hand, you have :(( GOONS :(( and PC and \m/ and the like, who especially after UJW2/BiPolar/whatever the heck you wanna call the thing, are overall far too smart to let something like a tech-raid explode out of hand. They know their raid diplomacy altogether too well, barring the odd glitch.
#4 - would agree with the OP here. The boredom level would have to be astronomical for people to even consider this in passing. Unless one of said neutrals did something legitimately dumb and/or nasty.
#5 - The unpredictability factor comes into play here. But like the OP said, not likely.

CN has honestly become like [OOC]a Switzerland vs. Tunisia soccer match[/OOC]. No one wants to make a mistake.

Edited by Uralica
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Unless it's going to be a(nother) boring one sided stomping it will require Supergrievances to fracture, because at the moment that pseudo-bloc and the associated fringe alliances has a majority of usable strength so any war where they all fight on the same side will be a stomping. (TOP and IRON were basically knocked out of the other side in Bipolar, and a lot of other alliances took a lot of damage, whereas SG lost only Grämlins and no important alliances really got beaten up during the main war.)

I don't see that happening for at least the medium term (a few months) so I reckon it's going to be pretty dull on the war front for 2010 (after the spectacular start it made too). I expect somebody [i]will[/i] get bored and fabricate something on NPO (or heck, they might slip up and actually give a legitimate excuse) by winter if nothing else turns up.

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I agree with the consensus that a Pacifican Revenge! war would have to be in a world without a SF-C&G closeness. I also like the comments about a grudge war breaking out, which could be either from a #3 or #5 situation. And, yes, the tech raid gone wrong would likely be from an alliance that doesn't do it often enough to know how to deal with it diplomatically.

Polaris vs. SF came up, as well. That could be a potential conflict that tears through the heart not only of the SF-C&G bond, but through all major blocs. The fallout from a war like that could lead to some really bad blood that would last for a long time to come.

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[quote name='zzzptm' date='16 July 2010 - 05:57 PM' timestamp='1279328217' post='2375270']
Polaris vs. SF came up, as well. That could be a potential conflict that tears through the heart not only of the SF-C&G bond, but through all major blocs. The fallout from a war like that could lead to some really bad blood that would last for a long time to come.

If such a war happened, I have absolutely no idea what side my alliance would be on. :unsure: I s'pose it would come down to which of our treaty partners was attacked first, and why.

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[quote name='Uralica' date='16 July 2010 - 08:02 PM' timestamp='1279328526' post='2375274']
If such a war happened, I have absolutely no idea what side my alliance would be on. :unsure: I s'pose it would come down to which of our treaty partners was attacked first, and why.
Exactly. It would be very messy, very quickly. Some alliances would go with the overall defender in the conflict, others would judge their entry based on who they loved most that was at war, and still others would exercise a particular treaty to make sure they got to fight a particular foe. It would strain lots of relationships.

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[quote name='zzzptm' date='16 July 2010 - 06:08 PM' timestamp='1279328876' post='2375278']
Exactly. It would be very messy, very quickly. Some alliances would go with the overall defender in the conflict, others would judge their entry based on who they loved most that was at war, and still others would exercise a particular treaty to make sure they got to fight a particular foe. It would strain lots of relationships.

I could imagine. Some relations would be strained if a given alliance entered [i]at all[/i], too.

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Next war will start when GanTanX loses his translation of Make Nuke and Influence Peeps.


Edit: Also Toothless? O rly? Ima join Gray Team in 9 months and ambush heem!

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By the time that the old gang such as Sparta would be willing to come back together with Pacifica, the tide would have already turned and Pacifica would already have enough power to win without them, so I see no reason why they'd want to allow the gang to get back together and allow those alliances to dodge being the losing side of a war that would inconvenience them (again).

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Taking out the neutral alliances would be one of the best ideas in my books. They provide absolutely nothing to this community and sap much needed nations into their boring midst. After that, we take out every micro alliance. Of course certain alliances would never stand for such a travesty.

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' date='18 July 2010 - 12:09 AM' timestamp='1279364939' post='2375704']
Taking out the neutral alliances would be one of the best ideas in my books. They provide absolutely nothing to this community and sap much needed nations into their boring midst. After that, we take out every micro alliance. Of course certain alliances would never stand for such a travesty.
Killing off the micros sounds good. Because we'd be attacking a numerically superior foe we could even claim it's not a beatdown!!1!

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There seems to be a certain upswell of wanting to take out a neutral alliance. There is some hesitancy to actually [i]do[/i] it. Is this to imply that being neutral is an automatic one-way MDP with "alliances that care" and their treaty partners? They themselves offer no support, so that's an interesting arrangement.

The idea of a crusade to take on all Micro AAs is intriguing. Would it involve forced annexation or just war without end? Who would be the architects of such a movement?

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[quote name='zzzptm' date='16 July 2010 - 01:04 PM' timestamp='1279299825' post='2374643']
NPO-TOP-IRON leading a bloc, then?
You're looking for the long-term then, as IRON hasn't even been able to start its rep payments yet. The conspiracy theorists would say that it was intentional. ;)

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