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Apology to Xiphosis


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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='10 July 2010 - 02:48 PM' timestamp='1278787715' post='2366020']
There are basic lines of decency on CN and you broke about 50 of them yesterday.
Sounds like my kind of day. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='NoFish' date='10 July 2010 - 02:08 PM' timestamp='1278788888' post='2366050']
The harshest punishment we were considering for Kahn was a single ZI. Obviously we would have had no problem if he re-rolled.

and this has been confirmed by Xiph for me as well. i apologize for my other post then. my predisposition was wrong.

[quote name='Xiphosis' date='10 July 2010 - 01:48 PM' timestamp='1278787715' post='2366020']
I don't expect to pop open the OWF and see all the other stuff I do online linked up here with an "LOL". We have the OOC/IC line for that and it's a universally &#$@ move. That the immediate reaction to the moderators here deleting it was for people to start up rumors that I myself am a moderator is even less classless. Your apology is accepted, but I hope you sincerely understand the line you crossed. There are basic lines of decency on CN and you broke about 50 of them yesterday.

i have to agree with this. i certainly hope that Kahn takes this to heart and does not do anything like this in the future.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' date='10 July 2010 - 06:56 PM' timestamp='1278784600' post='2365964']
Further bashing of the guy kinda seems useless, as he has already been warned but I guess people will still feel the need to come out in droves to point out how disgusting and unacceptable this is.[/quote]
My hunch is that most of the bashing is being done because individuals want to suck up to Xiphosis, as opposed to further insult the OP. I find it hard to believe that as many people would be so outraged were it a lesser well-known player whose fictional stories displayed publicly on the internet were made fun of.

Vasuda's apology seems sincere enough which is commendable and I hope that he isn't as silly as to mix OOC and IC again in the future.

Edited by Aimee Mann
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[quote name='Big Z' date='10 July 2010 - 06:13 PM' timestamp='1278782014' post='2365922']
Really? So if someone were to go digging into your personal life and posting the details here on the forums, your reaction would be nonchalance? The reaction was perfectly appropriate considering the heinous nature of the crime.

I wouldn't start demanding EZI and crap like that. I probably wouldn't care all that much. I would probably end up laughing it off. I don't like how certain people around here think that because they took down the hegemony they have a monopoly on morals. It was very easy for an apology to go up (that's what was suggested at first), but instead this became a "I'm the leader of our side don't mess with me" sort of thing. I fought a war to keep people from being ZIed just because they say a few bad things about important people. I will end it there though because Xiphosis is my friend and this thread is about forgiveness and not hate.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='10 July 2010 - 10:17 PM' timestamp='1278796602' post='2366160']
I never did, you know, lol. Chim or anyone will tell you EZI was never on the table, that was a miscommunication.

I believe you said last night "I have already been talked down from EZI. I won't be talked down anymore."

Don't get my wrong Xiphosis. What he done was wrong, but I think what was wrong with last night was your "I'm the coalition leader you don't mess with me." attitude. I'm sure if we would have all came together as if we were on the same team working to solve a problem I wouldn't have lost sleep last night.

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[quote]I believe you said last night "I have already been talked down from EZI. I won't be talked down anymore."[/quote]

PZI. When Chim mentioned that IAA had qualms with dooming someone to it I assured him it wasn't going to go that far.

[quote]I think what was wrong with last night was your "I'm the coalition leader you don't mess with me." attitude. I'm sure if we would have all came together as if we were on the same team working to solve a problem I wouldn't have lost sleep last night.[/quote]

Tbh it was "I'm Xiphosis don't $%&@ with me" more than it was anything to do with SG. I agree, I took it too far and was insensitive to the terrible positions it put people in, but yeah. Nothing I can really do about it now except apologize.

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[i]Lezrahi looked puzzled.[/i]

[OOC]The writing of Fan-Fiction is considered taboo? I was not aware of this. I, too, partake in it from time to time. So does my girlfriend. We do not base it on Harry Potter, but it is Fan-Fiction, all the same.

I suppose that it would be distasteful if it exhibited the failure levels of [i]My Immortal[/i] (not to be confused with the Evanescence song, though that is its namesake), but I am fairly certain without looking that Xiphosis is much better of a writer than that.[/OOC]

How stupid. It appears that both parties made/are making an issue of something that was hardly damning in the first place.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='10 July 2010 - 10:41 PM' timestamp='1278798099' post='2366194']
PZI. When Chim mentioned that IAA had qualms with dooming someone to it I assured him it wasn't going to go that far.[/quote]

Ah ok, I've never made a distinct difference between the two.

Tbh it was "I'm Xiphosis don't $%&@ with me" more than it was anything to do with SG. I agree, I took it too far and was insensitive to the terrible positions it put people in, but yeah. Nothing I can really do about it now except apologize.

I figured as much. Thanks for the apology. At least we got this all over and everyone can be friends again. I'm starting to wonder if everyone I do tech deals without outside of GATO is cursed. First it was LM, then Berith, then Rakasha (or whatever his name is), now I almost had to fight you while still owing tech. :P

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I fail to see a problem. I was unaware that there is a uncool stigma about fanfiction. lol. What is this, American high schoo,.....ooooohhh, I see the problem.

Common, grow up everybody. So, what series/movie?

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[quote name='Branimir' date='10 July 2010 - 11:18 PM' timestamp='1278800291' post='2366248']

I fail to see a problem. I was unaware that there is a uncool stigma about fanfiction. lol. What is this, American high schoo,.....ooooohhh, I see the problem.

Common, grow up everybody. So, what series/movie?

I think the major problem was Kahn carefully picked which stories he revealed to the OWF to make Xiphosis look gay.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' date='11 July 2010 - 12:24 AM' timestamp='1278800636' post='2366259']
I think the major problem was Kahn carefully picked which stories he revealed to the OWF to make Xiphosis look gay.
"Look gay"? What are you talking about, its fictional stories?

Anyway, if Xiphosis feels embarrassed about it or something, shouldn't be. I am sure many do not see what the problem is. Or think less of him. But as far as I can see from a glance, there is some bad blood here that goes beyond this childish antic, so I can not go into that but in regards to writing fanfiction,...so what? Honestly, what are you all, 14?

Anyway, hopefully it gets settled,...whatever needs to get settled.

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[quote name='Branimir' date='10 July 2010 - 11:32 PM' timestamp='1278801125' post='2366274']
"Look gay"? What are you talking about, its fictional stories?

Anyway, if Xiphosis feels embarrassed about it or something, shouldn't be. I am sure many do not see what the problem is. Or think less of him. But as far as I can see from a glance, there is some bad blood here that goes beyond this childish antic, so I can not go into that but in regards to writing fanfiction,...so what? Honestly, what are you all, 14?

Anyway, hopefully it gets settled,...whatever needs to get settled.

From what I saw the stories that Kahn released were about Harry Potter !@#$@#$ guys or something. I think that's why Xiphosis had the problem.

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[quote name='Branimir' date='10 July 2010 - 11:32 PM' timestamp='1278801125' post='2366274']
"Look gay"? What are you talking about, its fictional stories?

Anyway, if Xiphosis feels embarrassed about it or something, shouldn't be. I am sure many do not see what the problem is. Or think less of him. But as far as I can see from a glance, there is some bad blood here that goes beyond this childish antic, so I can not go into that but in regards to writing fanfiction,...so what? Honestly, what are you all, 14?

Anyway, hopefully it gets settled,...whatever needs to get settled.

Are we 14? did you read the original thread or are you operating, yet again, with your head firmly lodged in your rectum?

So if you didnt read it, and commenting on peoples reactions, what are you 12?

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I am not going to argue over a non issue. What ever squabble between this parties is I am not familiar with it, but in regards to the linking of fanfiction writings argued here I couldn't care less, or even start to see what possible problem there could be. I just do not share that type of view.

So, I can not fathom how linking fanfiction makes one "look gay" or what "look gay" should even suppose to mean in this context.

I understand the point that someone can do benign things with malicious intend, and while what he did is a complete non issue harmful to nothing and nobody, problem is his malice. Cant interfere with that, that is between the parties, but can say that "injured" party here should just have a hearty lol over it, if he feel bad about it. I dont believe anybody thinks less of him or his CN character for it, except for maybe some 14 year young ones among us.

[quote name='Omniscient1' date='11 July 2010 - 12:37 AM' timestamp='1278801420' post='2366279']From what I saw the stories that Kahn released were about Harry Potter !@#$@#$ guys or something. I think that's why Xiphosis had the problem.[/quote]
Its just a fiction story. I too always thought Harry Potter was homosexual, so what :P

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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='10 July 2010 - 04:41 PM' timestamp='1278798099' post='2366194']
PZI. When Chim mentioned that IAA had qualms with dooming someone to it I assured him it wasn't going to go that far.

Tbh it was "I'm Xiphosis don't $%&@ with me" more than it was anything to do with SG. I agree, I took it too far and was insensitive to the terrible positions it put people in, but yeah. Nothing I can really do about it now except apologize.

Mmmmmm. Well at least it's over now, and we can move past this issue.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='11 May 2008 - 02:46 AM' timestamp='1210488374' post='595716']
It's about time.

That's a quote from Xip after a war based on an OOC CB. For those who are wondering, he's hailing the aggressors in that war. Easy to play victim, right Xip?

[quote name='Ardus' date='10 July 2010 - 01:04 PM' timestamp='1278781468' post='2365912']
Fan-fiction are works of fiction based on existing works written by fans of the source material. For example, writing an episode for your favorite television show. The great majority of works like this are extraordinarily bad, so even being associated with the phenomenon can be rather humiliating.
Oh lord. I don't think I can be judged by an online community. I'm sure most of us are involved in actions rather humiliating. Hell, I days and days watching College football tape and looking at NFL prospects(Even the 7th round picks) and just analyzing each and every play. The worst thing is, the Browns still haven't made me an NFL scout :v

[quote name='Omniscient1' date='10 July 2010 - 06:24 PM' timestamp='1278800636' post='2366259']
I think the major problem was Kahn carefully picked which stories he revealed to the OWF to make Xiphosis look gay.
Again, lol.

OP, you need to grow up. Your actions are absolutely horrible and childish throughout this whole ordeal. I've never been a fan for OOC attacks, and I never will. Trying to get a community to dislike someone because of fanfiction(Which could have been a lot worse) is a very petty and childish act.

IAA, you should have never thrown your member out to the wolves, even if it was for one cycle. You should have tried to negotiate it down to reps.

GOD/Xip, I love the hypocrisy you've shown.

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