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Apology to Xiphosis


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Well, I believe this is as good as it's going to get. Time for everyone to support their side and trash talk until the thread inevitably goes inactive. I hope this issue is a closed case, but if not that's fine too. I wish both parties the best.

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[quote name='TimLee' date='10 July 2010 - 12:39 PM' timestamp='1278783546' post='2365951']
Well, I believe this is as good as it's going to get. Time for everyone to support their side and trash talk until the thread inevitably goes inactive. I hope this issue is a closed case, but if not that's fine too. I wish both parties the best.

Exactly what he said.

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I'm not exactly sure what people supporting Xiph would want Vasuda/Kahn to do, to be honest. I don't think the apology was asked or forced, he did it out of his own volition.

He can't do much more aside from that. Further bashing of the guy kinda seems useless, as he has already been warned but I guess people will still feel the need to come out in droves to point out how disgusting and unacceptable this is.

Oh well. Good luck to both parties in solving this.

Edited by Yevgeni Luchenkov
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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' date='10 July 2010 - 01:56 PM' timestamp='1278784600' post='2365964']
I'm not exactly sure what people supporting Xiph would want Vasuda/Kahn to do, to be honest. I don't think the apology was asked or forced, he did it out of his own volition.

He can't do much more aside from that. Further bashing of the guy kinda seems useless, as he has already been warned but I guess people will still feel the need to come out in droves to point out how disgusting and unacceptable this is.

Oh well. Good luck to both parties in solving this.
It's less what we want Vasuda to do, and more what we want to do to Vasuda. I, for one, would suggest he tread lightly for the rest of his time here, even if Xiphosis accepts the apology.

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[quote name='Sir Paul' date='10 July 2010 - 01:02 PM' timestamp='1278784955' post='2365968']
Actually, this is a bit of a compliment to Xiphosis. He now joins the company of some fine CN players who have also been cyber-stalked.
I was thinking along the same lines myself.

Anyway, I don't really know you but you've always seemed like a pretty good guy Vasuda. I can't imagine what your reasoning was for this d-baggery.

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[quote name='Facade' date='10 July 2010 - 02:13 PM' timestamp='1278785594' post='2365982']
Yup. Pulling an OOC on an IC person isn't a classy move.

Yup. Forcing someone to be attacked for an OOC reason is even less classy.

Yup. Xiph's kind of a dick for not rolling over and taking it.

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[quote name='NoFish' date='10 July 2010 - 01:06 PM' timestamp='1278785173' post='2365971']
It's less what we want Vasuda to do, and more what we want to do to Vasuda. I, for one, would suggest he tread lightly for the rest of his time here, even if Xiphosis accepts the apology.

I wonder if Kahn were to reroll, what would GOD do then?

I have never agreed with passing the OOC/IC line in any direction. IC should stay IC and OOC should stay OOC. what Kahn did was tasteless in my opinion. he has been punished by admin for his actions, to my knowledge that is. GOD wants to take IC action for what is an OOC thing. that is again tasteless in my opinion. The precedent of what should be done if someone crosses the OOC/IC line is strictly the domain of admin and the mods. (sorry for bring mod issues up but i feel it is necessary in this case)

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' date='10 July 2010 - 06:56 PM' timestamp='1278784600' post='2365964']
I'm not exactly sure what people supporting Xiph would want Vasuda/Kahn to do, to be honest. I don't think the apology was asked or forced, he did it out of his own volition.

He can't do much more aside from that. Further bashing of the guy kinda seems useless, as he has already been warned but I guess people will still feel the need to come out in droves to point out how disgusting and unacceptable this is.

Oh well. Good luck to both parties in solving this.

Yes well its easy to say "I'm sorry", heck everyone does it, the problem is that once the act is committed the other party has to deal with the B.S. So the "need" is really all you have left. Kind of like a victim statement, you get your 10-15 minutes to go on about how bad the person is then, everyone goes away and you get to deal with the consequences of someone elses choice.

The beauty of this is, the genius chose to take an action in our dear CN and there can be consequences for that, Im sure if there are you wont be belly aching about how disgusting and unacceptable it is, will you?

Edited by Thorgrum
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Guys, Big Z especially, try not to divulge so many details about the OP's original thread while you're railing against him. The OP did something quite wrong, sure, but keeping this thread alive isn't helping xiph. Consider that everyone who missed the OP's original thread will have learned far more about what happened through y'all than through the original offender.

Edited by heggo
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I'm tired of the BS and wild accusations in this thread.

Khan can hate me for poling a stick in this hornets nest, Xiphosis can demand my head on a platter, IAA can kick me from the alliance, but lets have some damned honesty here.

Yes kahn made an OOC post linking to Xiphosis fan fiction.


There was no stalking, no digging in Xiphosis personal life, a friend of Kahn's, who happens to be a member of some sites where Xiphosis posts, told Kahn about it.

Xiphosis himself linked his CN persona to his fan fiction persona by posting a recruitment thread on DLP, a fan fiction site, where he is apparently proud that his alliance was founded by members from the aforementioned fan fiction site.

[offending link removed]

All the posts that Kahn linked too are listed in Xiphosis public profile on the fan faction site that was linked to in Kahn's post. No trawling through hundreds of posts on multiple sites to cherry pick the contents of Khans post. Just five links taken from a public profile on a single site.


Edited by SSX Zephir
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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' date='10 July 2010 - 12:56 PM' timestamp='1278784589' post='2365963']
Pathetic and disgusting.

....and that.

Seriously, why? Bored on a friday?

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[quote name='Tigerdonia Redux' date='10 July 2010 - 01:16 PM' timestamp='1278782193' post='2365926']
Dont worry man, Xiphosis usually doesn't hold grudges.

Lol.. really..

Vasuda, was your intention was to blow up half of CN?

Props for apologizing... I guess.

edit: clarification

Edited by Valtamdraugr
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[quote name='SSX Zephir' date='10 July 2010 - 02:24 PM' timestamp='1278786255' post='2365993']
There was no stalking, no digging in Xophosis personal life, a friend of Kahn's, who happens to be a member of some sites where Xophosis posts, told Kahn about it.

Look, for me the issue isn't so much that Kahn found the information. I mean, he could have come across it anywhere, it's the internet. My concern is that he maliciously posted it on the OWF, in a manner that sought only to embarrass Xiph. Those who saw the OP know that it wasn't just a "look what I found". Kahn twisted the information and tried to make Xiph look stupid. Xiph obviously likes the other site, and there's nothing wrong with that. I hate that Kahn felt the need to try to make Xiph feel bad for enjoying it.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='10 July 2010 - 01:17 PM' timestamp='1278785843' post='2365986']
I wonder if Kahn were to reroll, what would GOD do then?

Please tell me you intended for that question to be rhetorical, as anyone who has actually dealt with GOD (and Xiphosis in particular) before knows exactly what GOD would do. Barring any major inconvenience to their longterm political ties, they'd do what they could to hunt him down regardless of what name he would be using. It's not like it's exactly rocket science to figure out GOD's MO.

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[quote name='Lord Boris' date='10 July 2010 - 01:38 PM' timestamp='1278787107' post='2366010']
Please tell me you intended for that question to be rhetorical, as anyone who has actually dealt with GOD (and Xiphosis in particular) before knows exactly what GOD would do. Barring any major inconvenience to their longterm political ties, they'd do what they could to hunt him down regardless of what name he would be using. It's not like it's exactly rocket science to figure out GOD's MO.

yes it was meant to be rhetorical and to show that GOD is more than willing to cross the OOC/IC line to stalk someone as they are crying about being done to them.

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[quote name='heggo' date='10 July 2010 - 10:23 AM' timestamp='1278786168' post='2365990']
Guys, Big Z especially, try not to divulge so many details about the OP's original thread while you're railing against him. The OP did something quite wrong, sure, but keeping this thread alive isn't helping xiph. Consider that everyone who missed the OP's original thread will have learned far more about what happened through y'all than through the original offender.

I appreciate the sentiment but that ship has kind of sailed. Beyond that a number of my friends/allies were already aware that I write fanfiction and fully aware that GOD comes from a HP site. The issue I take with him is that, where in the past where someone like Bros bothered to Google up what I do off CN, he [i]didn't[/i] talk to me about it in private. He posted a snide little thread doing his absolute best to make me look bad, including quoting a post of mine moderating on our home site as well as "reviews" of my stories that had absolutely nothing to do with the actual story content.

I don't expect to pop open the OWF and see all the other stuff I do online linked up here with an "LOL". We have the OOC/IC line for that and it's a universally &#$@ move. That the immediate reaction to the moderators here deleting it was for people to start up rumors that I myself am a moderator is even less classless. Your apology is accepted, but I hope you sincerely understand the line you crossed. There are basic lines of decency on CN and you broke about 50 of them yesterday.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='10 July 2010 - 02:17 PM' timestamp='1278785843' post='2365986']
I wonder if Kahn were to reroll, what would GOD do then?

The harshest punishment we were considering for Kahn was a single ZI. Obviously we would have had no problem if he re-rolled.

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