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The Initiative Memorium


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[quote name='LegendoftheSkies' date='05 July 2010 - 11:25 PM' timestamp='1278397498' post='2360920']
Hearing you guys reminiscing makes me sad that I wasn't around for that period :/

It was..more intense. those threats and bravado and posturing before Karma war? All the time. Good times.

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To be fair, though, back in the day we could have had 3-4 threads on various parts of individual situations. People had tabs open on each of these threads, posting in them, and everything was exciting and hectic. You can't really do that nowadays since everyone is so old-man about things and like to keep things in one thread.

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/me shrugs. While it was more entertaining I certainly wouldn't complain that others have gotten smarter and have learned how politics work. Nowadays it just takes a bit of initiative (har,) and some good leadership, and relationships with allies rather than mere treaties are essential if you're going to survive. It's challenging in its own way. While I can say I miss the egotistical failings of many leaders over that period of time I nonetheless am equally happy that new players are being given the chance to lead and/or make their mark on the ooc :game/ooc. The old ones are still doing it, whether holding puppet strings or by active involvement.

We fortunately got to witness the creation of a Unipolar world, and in the WUT's short lived era were able to see it fall apart. The ooc: game /Ooc has become Multi-Polar since then and thus boring, because of various ideologies that inevitably balance the game one way or the other. There is little co-operation and much of the world either knows who it will stand by or, more importantly, who it will not stand by. Instead of reading into the current events by logs or hearsay, the direction of current affairs are quite readily available months in advance.

Incredibly entertaining in its own right, but we must work with what we've got.

Was fun times.

Edited by caligula
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Look what "gems" I have here:



What I liked:
- Alliances were much larger
- Alliances were more rare
- The treaty web was simple
- One war didn't trigger everyone to join because of the many many many MDPs (and variants of that) around

I fought AGAINST TI in GW2 and in GW3 I was neutral, but that time had its advantages. Today it feels like real-world politics.

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Damn it, looks like it's time for me to dust off this old sig from a few months back and ascend.

Stumbled across a nice piece of memorabilia though;


Edited by Emperor Marx
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Perhaps I'm wrong, but in my old man's memory I recall that there were more quality commentators back then. Oh sure, we had plenty of "o/ this" drones who contributed nothing to a discussion, but hey....we have those now.

Otherwise, seeing a bunch of people I normally respect wiping away tears because they miss being Pacifica's lapdogs?

Must be opposite day.

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[quote name='Tamurin' date='06 July 2010 - 10:45 AM' timestamp='1278405901' post='2360983']
Look what "gems" I have here:



Ehhehehehehe....look at those activity levels. I guess we didn't know how to sled back then. :blush:

fake edit: oh, those ANS' might also explain it.

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[quote name='LegendoftheSkies' date='06 July 2010 - 08:25 AM' timestamp='1278397498' post='2360920']
Hearing you guys reminiscing makes me sad that I wasn't around for that period :/
This, unfortunately. :(

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[quote name='tbparrot' date='05 July 2010 - 05:46 PM' timestamp='1278373575' post='2360565']
I don't truly know if anyone has been so completely and utterly dominant before or after.
Continuum had way more power in 2008, just look at the sides in the no CB war vs the sides in GW2 and GW3.

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[quote name='Xavii' date='05 July 2010 - 09:52 PM' timestamp='1278381103' post='2360677']
WUT was cool but it had nothing on UJP, now that was a classy lineup of alliances.
Well minus one at least... the traitors.

Still Genmay was a part of it. o/ WUT
Missing UJP is pretty much my biggest regret in CN

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The Great War period of CN was by far the best time I've ever had in the game. I was neutral in GWI and GWII (in GUARD for the latter), rooting for the League, and was on Aegis' side in GWIII. As much as I hated WUT then, I sorely miss them now. CN desperately needs to have two rival factions again, it's so dull without them.

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'nother WAEgis chiming in that I miss it. It may just be rose-tinted glasses but I liked the faster pace of the era, and despite the fact of WUT not being gargantuan in size (like *cough* Continuum *cough*), it served its purpose wonderfully.

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[quote name='LegendoftheSkies' date='06 July 2010 - 02:25 AM' timestamp='1278397498' post='2360920']
Hearing you guys reminiscing makes me sad that I wasn't around for that period :/
Same. Its why I enjoy reading so much about CN's early days. It was so different back then...

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For a brief time in CN, you actually had a group that was united in purpose and which dictated the direction of the whole game. With the exception of one-time-only groupings like the CoaLUEtion, it was the first time that power in CN consolidated itself, and the way in which it did has dictated how the game has gone since then.

Every hegemonic group after this has been in its own way a reflection of the Initiative. In my opinion, none have done quite what it did. It was the first.

Echoing the Unjust love as well, though. That in its way was also the first of its kind, and I have always wondered what the world would be like if things hadn't gone the way they did.

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I often find myself wondering what would have happened if the UJP had somehow made it through that war. If Genmay and \m/ had held themselves together, if GOONS had a more responsible leader, and if TPF hadn't betrayed its allies, then the UJP may have survived and continued to play a huge part in CN politics. That is a lot of ifs though.

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' date='06 July 2010 - 06:14 PM' timestamp='1278468824' post='2361986']
I wish this too. CIS was little more than a spy factory and a black hole for WUT aid.

Also; a convenient way to waste AEGIS/League resources. EVERYONE DOW CIS!

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' date='07 July 2010 - 03:14 AM' timestamp='1278468824' post='2361986']
I wish this too. CIS was little more than a spy factory and a black hole for WUT aid.
I'm pretty sure we didn't spy on anyone. During my time there (before the KasMage coup)I went along with the whole joining Initiative, I pretending my heart out to be a proud WUT member (in fact I tricked myself into it).

After the coup, I followed Kas over to VE and I'm fairly certain CIS really did like WUT, at least for awhile. I rejoined CIS for a short period of time in an attempt to get CIS out of the Initiative and closer to ODN. I was in luck, some people weren't too happy with WUT so it wasn't too hard getting people to start talking about it. Polls were made, I began talks with ODN (none of which included CIS becoming ODN's colony <_< Thank you Philosopher for trying to cause problems and lying your heart out), we took a poll on whether or not we wanted to leave WUT while I drafted up the ODN MDP.
I talked to Spak briefly about ODN, but I basically took matters into my own hands (so when Spak said he didn't know that a draft of the treaty was made, he wasn't lying). The vote on whether to leave WUT or not ended up very close...if I remember correctly we actually voted not to leave WUT.

However during the MDP revision period I talked with Soccerbum about ODN's future and I was saying how it'd be cool if they had a colony alliance. He said it was an interesting idea and told me to shoot a message over to the ODN senators, I did. The next thing I knew I went into #CIS and I was being called a traitor with Philosopher at the helm (who somehow got a hold of my logs with Soccerbum and twisted the words to make it seem like I was proposing for CIS to be their colony), and thus turned my home against me. WUT thought that Spak was lying about the MDP, they were also lied to by Philosopher about the ODN issue, so they decided to kick CIS out. (CIS claimed that they had already voted to leave, as far as I know tho the vote had been to stay in the Ini and maybe pursue relations with ODN at another time.)

So in the end, WUT jumped the gun and basically killed a great alliance in the process. (Later on down the road it lead to the CIS massacre)Amd THAT is why I wish I could of talked CIS out of joining WUT.

[quote name='Xiphosis' date='07 July 2010 - 03:24 AM' timestamp='1278469431' post='2361994']
Also; a convenient way to waste AEGIS/League resources. EVERYONE DOW CIS!

lol we were terrible in war

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