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[quote name='Haflinger' date='20 May 2010 - 03:16 PM' timestamp='1274364981' post='2305106']
You probably should take note that Hymen is no longer in The Legion.

Heck, he's not even Purple anymore.

Well, he does have his finger on the pulse, doesn't he? Been in Quantum for, um, 9 months. I thought about telling him myself, but I thought his continued ignorance was funnier.

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[quote name='Hymenbreach' date='20 May 2010 - 10:20 AM' timestamp='1274365216' post='2305111']
Well, he does have his finger on the pulse, doesn't he? Been in Quantum for, um, 9 months. I thought about telling him myself, but I thought his continued ignorance was funnier.
Ah yes, an alliance that has had much more of a political impact than Legion! (not anything against your alliance just pointing out the alliance name could have easily been changed without changing the meaning or truth of his comment.)

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[quote name='Hymenbreach' date='20 May 2010 - 10:20 AM' timestamp='1274365216' post='2305111']
Well, he does have his finger on the pulse, doesn't he? Been in Quantum for, um, 9 months. I thought about telling him myself, but I thought his continued ignorance was funnier.
Lacking knowledge of something trivial for nine months is preferable to holding to the same ignorant opinion for two years. Not nearly as funny, though.

Edited by Ashoka the Great
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[i]Lezrahi looked saddened.[/i]

Ahhh, I suppose it was predictable that even a memorial thread such as this would devolve and revive bitter rivalries. Too much to hope for the reverse, it seems.

I implore you all...remember what this thread is for. Vox Populi made their point and their mark. Some still disagree that it was as significant of a mark as is ordinarily thought...or that Vox existed for the reasons that many of its members would assert. But it has apparently left enough of a mark to be remembered, and remembered positively. And that should be enough. I cannot speak for Voxians...but such would be my attitude regarding a hypothetically successful movement that I, myself, was a part of.

Remember it, and remember it well. That is why this thread exists.

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[quote name='bigwoody' date='20 May 2010 - 09:02 AM' timestamp='1274364154' post='2305086']
Yes, it was to replace NPO. That kinda my point. It was a political venture born of the frustration of those not in power to attempt to gain power. Pretty simple, really. The suckers are the ones who thought they were joining on to some greater moral cause.

to be honest, i highly doubt that Vox itself started in an attempt to replace NPO/Heg with any other group. Vox in my opinion, simply formed to take NPO/Heg down as CSM stated. it was others who essentially used Vox and their movement, in an attempt to push NPO/Heg out and put themselves in.

So Vox itself had really nothing to do with replacing NPO/Heg with SG except being a useful tool.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='20 May 2010 - 03:31 PM' timestamp='1274365860' post='2305128']
Lacking knowledge of something trivial for nine months is preferable to holding to the same ignorant opinion for two years. Not nearly as funny, though.

Shows you don't really look into things, though, doesn't it? Hmm?

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[quote name='Hymenbreach' date='20 May 2010 - 08:38 AM' timestamp='1274359084' post='2304982']
Vox was an unfunny joke that lead us to this world of joke alliances and lulzleet attitudes.

Vox was always serious business...to those that led it. Revenge is always serious business, whatever clown mask one wears.

The problem with Vox in the end was that it had only its ultimate goal (bringing NPO to its knees) and the "cool kids factor" holding it together. Once the show was over, there was no vision for what would come next, only the promise that things would be better.

They aren't better of course--power is just a bit more diffuse than it once was. This is now a world that favors the ambush predator over the straight up attack dog. Instead of a WUT or Continuum for an axis, you have SF/C&G. The same sort of grid lock you had after the The Coalition War has taken hold again.

No, Vox taken to its logical conclusion may have led to a complete cultural revolution. Instead...meh.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='20 May 2010 - 04:01 PM' timestamp='1274367683' post='2305158']
I investigate what I care about, and I don't make a habit of pissing on other people's commemorations.
I'll make a note of that and pull you up on any misdemeanour.

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[quote name='Hymenbreach' date='20 May 2010 - 10:45 AM' timestamp='1274366711' post='2305137']
Shows you don't really look into things, though, doesn't it? Hmm?
Your repeated attempts to derail this thread have not gone unnoticed. I suggest you stop now unless you want your warn level increased. This goes to everyone else as well and is the last verbal warning I will be giving to this thread.

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Those who claim that Vox was nothing but a joke, a bringer of lulz alliances and a group that devalued political discourse are wrong, of course. Prior to Vox there was very little discourse of any kind, aside from the faint sound of a vacuum cleaner I heard every once in a while.

That said, even if they were completely correct in their summation of Vox's successes, I would be quite proud to have been a part of that. For even the lulziest of Planet Bobs is superior to the old age. Even if our only accomplishment was to eliminate EZI from the game, then that was worth it.

All of Vox, whether a member for a day or a member for a year, should be proud of what we accomplished. Thanks, Kent.

Edited by New Frontier
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An excellent thread, Kent. Time really flies, seems like just yesterday.

To those who question the motive of Vox Populi, you need read nothing more than Chief's earlier message, for he summed it up perfect.

It was truly a just movement blending multiple cultures, ideals, and goals.

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It's been that long already? My respects.

I sometimes wondered why I liked Vox, despite their prominent antagonism regarding my alliance at the time (TPF).
I did eventually figure it out:

Whether or not they were fake, or a political tool, or a genuine people's movement,
they made the world a little more dynamic. A little more fun, somehow.

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[quote name='bigwoody' date='20 May 2010 - 09:57 AM' timestamp='1274363836' post='2305079']
There are always a few suckers who believe the moral bill of goods they are being sold in every war. At least you're being honest about what your intentions were, you are in the minority.
[/quote]Interesting... I would hope that no one buys the bull !@#$ you're trying to sell here, Woody. Part of the reason Pacifica made so many enemies because their actions were wrong to their very core. To be perfectly truthful, putting an end to driving people from Bob was a moral issue. Putting a stop to keeping an entire community in a perpetual state of war was a moral issue. Fighting back against an alliance that perpetuated countless crimes against the Cyberverse was a moral issue, and no amount of whitewashing by someone who greatly benefited from the immoral regime of the cow will [i]ever [/i]change that.

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[quote name='KingSrqt' date='20 May 2010 - 09:52 AM' timestamp='1274363526' post='2305069']
You aren't 100% correct (though you aren't 100% wrong either). There were a lot of ideas and motivations within Vox and unseating the current group in power was certainly at the top of the list, but it wasn't merely remove one group to put another in power. The majority of us wanted to end the practices of the Q power structure and leave it up for grabs to the rest of the world so that they would be able to learn from the past.

Overall while I am not 100% happy with the way things are right now I think Vox was a success, and no one can deny that it helped alleviate the stagnation that was plaging this world.
I can respect that, what I can't respect is when one entity tries taking sole responsibility for the sacking of NPO and allies. It was a variety of people with variety of histories, not one single entity (as some try to believe) being the "ingenious master minds," though I wanted to say this it doesn't necessarily mean Vox at hand. They were a player like everyone else, and an entertaining one as well. ;)

Edited by Ejayrazz
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[quote name='Ejayrazz' date='21 May 2010 - 12:24 AM' timestamp='1274415851' post='2306468']
I can respect that, what I can't respect is when one entity tries taking sole responsibility for the sacking of NPO and allies. It was a variety of people with variety of histories, not one single entity (as some try to believe) being the "ingenious master minds," though I wanted to say this it doesn't necessarily mean Vox at hand. They were a player like everyone else, and an entertaining one as well. ;)

You have it pretty much right, as you do so often on other subjects.

Schatt was the entertainment though. Though it should also be noted that people took some genuine risk bringing him many of the screen shots he used.

Edited by ChairmanHal
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[quote name='cookavich' date='20 May 2010 - 11:14 PM' timestamp='1274415238' post='2306456']
Interesting... I would hope that no one buys the bull !@#$ you're trying to sell here, Woody. Part of the reason Pacifica made so many enemies because their actions were wrong to their very core. To be perfectly truthful, putting an end to driving people from Bob was a moral issue. Putting a stop to keeping an entire community in a perpetual state of war was a moral issue. Fighting back against an alliance that perpetuated countless crimes against the Cyberverse was a moral issue, and no amount of whitewashing by someone who greatly benefited from the immoral regime of the cow will [i]ever [/i]change that.

well, TORN did benefit as did many others such as Sparta, MHA, Grämlins, Ragnarok, and others. it always amazes me how some have their crimes constantly thrown in their face while others continue to not have that happen. or if it does, it tends to be someone from NPO/Heg's side and then they get told to keep quiet.

since this is a thread about Vox, i thought one of the goals of Vox was to get the OWF to be capable of everyone voicing their opinions without having things like this occur. seems that you are only capable of really doin that if you are on SG's side of the fence.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='21 May 2010 - 12:59 AM' timestamp='1274417963' post='2306509']
since this is a thread about Vox, i thought one of the goals of Vox was to get the OWF to be capable of everyone voicing their opinions without having things like this occur. seems that you are only capable of really doin that if you are on SG's side of the fence.
What are you talking about?

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[quote name='Ejayrazz' date='21 May 2010 - 03:24 PM' timestamp='1274415851' post='2306468']
I can respect that, what I can't respect is when one entity tries taking sole responsibility for the sacking of NPO and allies. It was a variety of people with variety of histories, not one single entity (as some try to believe) being the "ingenious master minds," though I wanted to say this it doesn't necessarily mean Vox at hand. They were a player like everyone else, and an entertaining one as well. ;)
Yes, reading over the piece now, perhaps I should have mentioned all the others who had large parts to play. I don't think any of us Voxians would deny the idea that we were just a piece of a larger picture. But I do believe we were a central piece, and quite obviously the first one. Perhaps the recognition of the other Pocahontas signatories, Karma etc. would have been appropriate in this, perhaps not. But you'd be hard pressed to find a Voxian who'd claim total or majority respect for what happened a year ago.

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