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Reformation of TBBAF and DoW

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='09 May 2010 - 11:24 PM' timestamp='1273465467' post='2293244']
No problem, RV.

Also, AUT. Thank you. You just did it.

You came in spouting for us to attack you, trying to provoke us and now you're calling us scared. You really fit the bill of what I just stated.

If we were to hit you you'd be crying within minutes. You're a terrible tough guy.

You can hit me anytime, starfox. :awesome:

AUT really did put on quite the show today in our IRC though. I tried to goad him into attacking me, hilarity would have ensued.

Edit: Oh, and I'm the one that AUT was taking the "list" non-sense from. You realize that the entire time I was saying that I was also telling you to actually back TBB up if you're such good friends with him, right? IIRC, \m/'s "list" is empty at the moment anyways.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='10 May 2010 - 06:31 AM' timestamp='1273469474' post='2293341']
[color="#0000FF"]Also, I am not sure he is considering how Karma operates. They are a protection racket. Just as MK protected Athens when it declared war on Ni for no reason it is backing Gremlins unjust continuation of the war. They may not like it, but neither they nor anyone else has the spine to stand up and say no. They will back Gremlins. So yes, \m/ does have a point about that.[/color]

If I aid Gremlins then by definition and by proxy I find myself committing an act of war against IRON. So if I aid both somehow this offsets? That sounds ridiculous. If my wings fall off because I treat a little too closely to the sun, I know how to swim. ;)

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[quote name='The AUT' date='10 May 2010 - 06:14 AM' timestamp='1273468446' post='2293319']
Alright let me simplify things. I aided TBB, no I don't feel bad about it and no I don't care what \m/ thinks. Now if you still do, well I really don't care. What are going to do about it anyways? :smug:

Gramlins are still in the mode of making demands? That's funny. I don't aid extortionists, I'm sure they won't come to expect anything. Besides this aid is not to help TBB fight Gremlins, it's to help TBB fight \m/ I don't care if Gremlins finds it as an act of war. Question is, do you still find it to be so?
Well, I did something about it. I stole 2 million, and destroyed another 1.5 million. Thanks for the aid, my friend.

As a result of you aiding him and coming here and goading me, I'm going to nuke him everyday of the war. There's the result.

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Wow, we are really in a world where the likes of \m/ get to wave the big stick and make international policy. Once again, thank you Vox for the world you have given us. Nice to see you in the position of World Police (also world jury and world executioner).

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[quote name='Hymenbreach' date='10 May 2010 - 03:58 AM' timestamp='1273478315' post='2293413']
Wow, we are really in a world where the likes of \m/ get to wave the big stick and make international policy. Once again, thank you Vox for the world you have given us. Nice to see you in the position of World Police (also world jury and world executioner).
[color="#0000FF"]Actually if you'd listen to what Starfox said, it is just a tech raid. They don't like Big Bad so they will have their way with him. I don't agree, and yes the whole "rogue" thing was misleading, but I do not at the moment believe \m/ is trying to play world police.[/color]

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[quote name='Hymenbreach' date='10 May 2010 - 08:58 AM' timestamp='1273478315' post='2293413']
Wow, we are really in a world where the likes of \m/ get to wave the big stick and make international policy. Once again, thank you Vox for the world you have given us. Nice to see you in the position of World Police (also world jury and world executioner).

How are we making international policy? Please explain. Also explain what Vox has to do with it.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='10 May 2010 - 09:43 AM' timestamp='1273480996' post='2293426']
[color="#0000FF"]Actually if you'd listen to what Starfox said, it is just a tech raid. They don't like Big Bad so they will have their way with him. I don't agree, and yes the whole "rogue" thing was misleading, but I do not at the moment believe \m/ is trying to play world police.[/color]
We aren't. Thank you.

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Haha... \m/... haha. Funny thing you're trying to do here.

Probably didn't need to point out he was a rogue. It's pretty clear, even if his motive is pretty widely supported.

Still, tech raids don't involve nukes. The moment a nuke lands on him, it stops being a tech raid, and it becomes a war to destroy the other nation.

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[quote name='R3nowned' date='10 May 2010 - 11:27 AM' timestamp='1273487247' post='2293450']
Haha... \m/... haha. Funny thing you're trying to do here.

Probably didn't need to point out he was a rogue. It's pretty clear, even if his motive is pretty widely supported.

Still, tech raids don't involve nukes. The moment a nuke lands on him, it stops being a tech raid, and it becomes a war to destroy the other nation.
Your nuclear attack against Empire of The North was a success. Empire of The North lost 18 defending soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 2 cruise missiles, 143.035 miles of land, 5.29 technology, 155.02 infrastructure, 75% of their aircraft, and 25% of their nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses Empire of The North will experience many days of economic devastation in their nation.


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[quote name='Starfox101' date='10 May 2010 - 05:58 AM' timestamp='1273489071' post='2293454']
Your nuclear attack against Empire of The North was a success. Empire of The North lost 18 defending soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 2 cruise missiles, 143.035 miles of land, 5.29 technology, 155.02 infrastructure, 75% of their aircraft, and 25% of their nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses Empire of The North will experience many days of economic devastation in their nation.


yes you mighty tough big guy. you nuked a nation at war with 5 other nations. i stand in utter awe of your awesomeness.


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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='10 May 2010 - 12:19 PM' timestamp='1273490371' post='2293462']
yes you mighty tough big guy. you nuked a nation at war with 5 other nations. i stand in utter awe of your awesomeness.


Are you saying I should not have nuked him?

My MP cost 100 million dollars. I will use it.

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='10 May 2010 - 12:21 PM' timestamp='1273490487' post='2293463']

Are you saying I should not have nuked him?

My MP cost 100 million dollars. I will use it.

Our sarcasm at your pitifulness cost nothing. We will use it.

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Well I have to say this has been going even better then I planned. Gramlins has had only one ally come to its defense and thats \m/. Gramlins contunues to demand unconditional surrender, continues to fall apart and the forces against them have regained the momentum they were in danger of losing. \m/ has also more than played the role I assigned to them. Its not often you get to kill two birds with one stone and one tiny little nation. Sadly one alliance proved a little to smart to take the bait. GOONS I am sorry I did not give you enough credit I was warned you might be to smart for this. Oh well I suppose 3 birds is to much to ask for.

So yes if you were wondering why my one man alliance was formed instead of just joining IRON it was because certain people wanted to have some big ammo to use on others down the road. This proved to be the best bet. Get at Grams and a lure in the dummies. Thats why I did not start off with a protectorate and thats why I did not allow anyone else to join, sorry guys. And now we have all seen \m/ for what they are. Bullies who cried for a year about how they were treated and yet when given the slightest power they delcare they decide what makes and alliance and declare war in support of the thing everyone on Planet Bob is against, Unconditional Surrender. They have doomed themselves through there own words and actions just as Gramlins have. By now they know they have been played, they know they are doomed and you can expect their actions to be one of small child acting out for time they have left. And next time their very words and actions will be trotted out everytime they cry about how unfair it all is.

Gramlins and \m/ you stand side by side at war for your common cause, stupidity. \m/ and Gramlins you have just been served. Thank you for your cooperation.

Edited by The Big Bad
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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='10 May 2010 - 12:51 PM' timestamp='1273492278' post='2293467']
Well I have to say this has been going even better then I planned. Gramlins has had only one ally come to its defense and thats \m/. Gramlins contunues to demand unconditional surrender, continues to fall apart and the forces against them have regained the momentum they were in danger of losing. [b]\m/ has also more than played the role I assigned to them.[/b] Its not often you get to kill two birds with one stone and one tiny little nation. Sadly one alliance proved a little to smart to take the bait. GOONS I am sorry I did not give you enough credit I was warned you might be to smart for this. Oh well I suppose 3 birds is to much to ask for.

So yes if you were wondering why my one man alliance was formed instead of just joining IRON it was because certain people wanted to have some big ammo to use on others down the road. This proved to be the best bet. Get at Grams and a lure in the dummies. [b]Thats why I did not start off with a protectorate and thats why I did not allow anyone else to join, sorry guys.[/b] And now we have all seen \m/ for what they are. Bullies who cried for a year about how they were treated and yet when given the slightest power they delcare they decide what makes and alliance and declare war in support of the thing everyone on Planet Bob is against, Unconditional Surrender. They have doomed themselves through there own words and actions just as Gramlins have. [b]By now they know they have been played, they know they are doomed and you can expect their actions to be one of small child acting out for time they have left.[/b] And next time their very words and actions will be trotted out everytime they cry about how unfair it all is.

Gramlins and \m/ you stand side by side at war for your common cause, stupidity. \m/ and Gramlins you have just been served. Thank you for your cooperation.
Am I talking to Rebel Virginia here? You've ascended to the throne of the delusional.

I'll comment the bold in order:

1. Yeah, you assigned this role to us. Despite being caught off guard, whining about secret plans and alliances, and just in general being annoyed by us. Yet, all along you expected it? Nobody believes you, Mr. Houdini. You didn't even have the political foresight to predict that this venture would be a massive failure.

2. Yeah, [i]that's[/i] why nobody joined. Keep telling yourself that. Also, you didn't have a protectorate because you declared on an alliance within one day. Do you really think we are this dense?

3. Also, if we're doomed, well my response is awesome. Polar tried...who's next? The entire former Hegemony who can't even defeat Gramlins and their beastly 2 million NS? Har har, we're doomed. Let's pack it in boys.

Rebel Virginia, please hand off the crown to The Big Bad.

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='10 May 2010 - 08:03 AM' timestamp='1273493015' post='2293476']
Am I talking to Rebel Virginia here? You've ascended to the throne of the delusional.

I'll comment the bold in order:

1. Yeah, you assigned this role to us. Despite being caught off guard, whining about secret plans and alliances, and just in general being annoyed by us. Yet, all along you expected it? Nobody believes you, Mr. Houdini. You didn't even have the political foresight to predict that this venture would be a massive failure.

2. Yeah, [i]that's[/i] why nobody joined. Keep telling yourself that. Also, you didn't have a protectorate because you declared on an alliance within one day. Do you really think we are this dense?

3. Also, if we're doomed, well my response is awesome. Polar tried...who's next? The entire former Hegemony who can't even defeat Gramlins and their beastly 2 million NS? Har har, we're doomed. Let's pack it in boys.

Rebel Virginia, please hand off the crown to The Big Bad.

Well really I expected you and GOONS. And people who tried to join were told not to. If they wish to reveal themselves they may. I am sorry you are upset but, you can not say I made you do this. These are your actions and your words. I just let you be whom you truly are. Just remember whatever happens down the road that you will have zero room to complain. You and Gramlins are two peas in a pod. I do enjoy your tears.

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Ha ha, looks like \m/ is pretty predictable. Just dangle the right bait.

[quote name='The Big Bad' date='08 May 2010 - 09:44 PM' timestamp='1273365837' post='2291912']
I expect that those who support the idea of uncondional surrender will attack me. However the fact is this is as much for \m/ or any alliance as it is for IRON. No alliance should have those terms placed on them. And allowing Gramlins to get away with such terms will encourage others to as well. Their are plenty of alliances I do not like on Bob but, I would not want to see them placed under such terms either.

That was posted before \m/'s attack. TBB even foreshadowed what would happen.

What's funny is that by \m/ attacking they block Gre from trying to recoup their losses by filling up TBB's defensive front. So first you have two enemies fighting, pitted against each other in an ideological struggle (one which has broad implications for the future of negotiations by setting a precedent), then a third party steps forward in order to sacrifice his nation to fight against unconditional surrender (something that has wide beneficial application to all alliances), but the fourth comes along only to take tech and money and hurt someone they didn't like.

Just like any short sighted opportunistic beast.

Like any vulture or hyena they survive by living off the backs of others and scurrying away when the hammer comes down. By blocking Gre, attacking TBB, and thus hindering IRON, it's almost as if they are trying to piss in the faces of three alliances at once. Simply for their own profit. Only in this case, the scavengers fell into a pit dug just for them.

What ever minor amount of tech and money \m/ receives from this will long be overshadowed by the fact that they are so easily played.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='10 May 2010 - 01:42 PM' timestamp='1273495351' post='2293489']
Well really I expected you and GOONS. And people who tried to join were told not to. If they wish to reveal themselves they may. I am sorry you are upset but, you can not say I made you do this. These are your actions and your words. I just let you be whom you truly are. Just remember whatever happens down the road that you will have zero room to complain. You and Gramlins are two peas in a pod. I do enjoy your tears.
I'm not upset in the least. I don't where you drew that conclusion from. I literally think you're delusional. Also, I've always been what I truly am and always done what I've done. You brought nothing out of me or \m/. After all, we just got attacked for raiding. Nothing changed after it, either. Please name two people who wanted to join. If they wanted in so bad, they'd have done it. Face it, you realized this was going nowhere and decided to make up an excuse. You have no idea how to run a revolutionary front, but a good start would have been to not name it after yourself.

Also...just curious...what tears? You're the one here whining about us attacking you.

In addition, you vastly overestimate your influence and political foresight.

Finally, I'll ask again, who is gonna come destroy us? The former hegemony that can't even defeat the Gramlins? All they do is fly a bunch of signatures, and cry about things in back rooms. No action. Thus, I have nothing to fear, if I were the type to fear losing my precious infrastructure.

Enjoy the nukes.

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' date='10 May 2010 - 02:03 PM' timestamp='1273496595' post='2293497']
Ha ha, looks like \m/ is pretty predictable. Just dangle the right bait.

That was posted before \m/'s attack. TBB even foreshadowed what would happen.

What's funny is that by \m/ attacking they block Gre from trying to recoup their losses by filling up TBB's defensive front. So first you have two enemies fighting, pitted against each other in an ideological struggle (one which has broad implications for the future of negotiations by setting a precedent), then a third party steps forward in order to sacrifice his nation to fight against unconditional surrender (something that has wide beneficial application to all alliances), but the fourth comes along only to take tech and money and hurt someone they didn't like.

Just like any short sighted opportunistic beast.

Like any vulture or hyena they survive by living off the backs of others and scurrying away when the hammer comes down. By blocking Gre, attacking TBB, and thus hindering IRON, it's almost as if they are trying to piss in the faces of three alliances at once. Simply for their own profit. Only in this case, the scavengers fell into a pit dug just for them.

What ever minor amount of tech and money \m/ receives from this will long be overshadowed by the fact that they are so easily played.
He foreshadowed what, exactly? His comment was in response to the numerous \m/ members who flocked to make fun of this clown. If you would look at all the comments before his post, you'll see why what you said, is wrong.

Also, who cares about Gre trying to recoup their losses. They owed us money from a tech deal that they never paid up on for months. I guess I could say we are recouping our losses from months without having that tech or money.

Also, I'll say it again; who is going to come defeat \m/, the unholy, unjust raiders? Hopefully a more formidable foe than the former Hegemony. I'll just pray.

Edited by Starfox101
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[quote name='Starfox101' date='10 May 2010 - 10:11 AM' timestamp='1273497083' post='2293501']
He foreshadowed what, exactly? His comment was in response to the numerous \m/ members who flocked to make fun of this clown. If you would look at all the comments before his post, you'll see why what you said, is wrong.

Also, who cares about Gre trying to recoup their losses. They owed us money from a tech deal that they never paid up on for months. I guess I could say we are recouping our losses from months without having that tech or money.

Also, I'll say it again; who is going to come defeat \m/, the unholy, unjust raiders? Hopefully a more formidable foe than the former Hegemony. I'll just pray.

I wasn't talking to you.

I don't want to waste my breath on those who prey on others simply for amusement and the scantest of riches. Enjoy your blood and copper, scavenger.

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' date='10 May 2010 - 02:20 PM' timestamp='1273497607' post='2293506']
I wasn't talking to you.

I don't want to waste my breath on those who prey on others simply for amusement and the scantest of riches. Enjoy your blood and copper, scavenger.
Well that was a terrible debate.

Next time don't even show up.

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' date='10 May 2010 - 02:25 PM' timestamp='1273497913' post='2293511']
Ha ha, debating with an animal, what a funny concept.
All you're really doing here is insulting yourself, considering you couldn't even refute a thing I said and merely resorted to insults.

You make it so easy.

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='10 May 2010 - 08:03 AM' timestamp='1273493015' post='2293476']
Yeah, you assigned this role to us. Despite being caught off guard, whining about secret plans and alliances, and just in general being annoyed by us. Yet, all along you expected it? Nobody believes you, Mr. Houdini. You didn't even have the political foresight to predict that this venture would be a massive failure.[/quote]

For what it's worth, I was caught off surprise. I figured that an alliance that raised such a big stink about being taken seriously regarding their desire to suspend raiding indefinitely and going in a different direction in terms of FA so recently would have more common sense than this.

[quote]Do you really think we are this dense?[/quote]

The smart move would have been to let TBB make his point and end his rampage in a war cycle or two, jeering him from the sidelines if you must. This move isn't that.

[quote]Also, if we're doomed, well my response is awesome. Polar tried...who's next? The entire former Hegemony who can't even defeat Gramlins and their beastly 2 million NS? Har har, we're doomed. Let's pack it in boys.

If you can't see that Gramlins is a special case not only because of the world situation but because they are so top heavy in NS, then you'll probably also not recognize that had NpO not been distracted from its task \m/ would have been in serious jeopardy. Regardless, you survived the onslaught because the war objectives didn't call for your destruction and there wasn't the political will to make it happen. You guys did fight well, but don't delude yourselves into think that you've evolved into some sort of killing machine.

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='10 May 2010 - 10:27 AM' timestamp='1273498013' post='2293515']
All you're really doing here is insulting yourself, considering you couldn't even refute a thing I said and merely resorted to insults.

You make it so easy.

There's nothing to debate.

What you are screams so loud your words are lost in the howl. Opportunistic beasts that attack only when they see gain. You saw a juice morsel and slobbering with anticipation and seeing no danger you attacked it. It's all you've ever done and it's all you'll ever do.

Run along now, little fox.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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