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Impressive alliances

Divi Filius

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[quote name='bigwoody' date='26 February 2010 - 04:56 PM' timestamp='1267221622' post='2205376']
I'd say strength loss when you have 15 alliances lined up against 36 nations is pretty inevitable (you can't take that much credit), but our guys have stuck to what works for dealing damage at an impressive rate all the way down.

I will say though that of our opponents, who are mixed in skill (not going to trash talk here), tR has been pound for pound the toughest.

Well I figured that in your righteousness, you would bring the power of admin upon all the alliances attacking you :P

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I would add a vote for Grämlins. It is the only alliance we (OG) fought, and we found them to be tough and able opponents. Their organization was superlative, and their warchests impressive. When we thought we had some of their members down, they fought right back.

Their civility and professionalism impressed me. It's been said before, but it's a pity we weren't on the same side. Speaking personally, I'd roll with those guys any day.

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[quote name='Yankeesfan924' date='26 February 2010 - 04:22 PM' timestamp='1267223171' post='2205398']
Well I figured that in your righteousness, you would bring the power of admin upon all the alliances attacking you :P
I can't really ask for more than what we've managed to do, given the circumstances. We've certainly learned things too that can only serve to improve us.

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[quote name='Lord Curzon' date='26 February 2010 - 09:02 PM' timestamp='1267218379' post='2205306']

For our side I've been impressed by Zenith, I thought they did a great job taking on Gre. BAPS also, the DoW in defense of invicta was great. Argent too, tied up a lot of upper tier and spit out some serious damage. Also, TOP of course.

Edit: I forgot DAWN, who I think have done a great job with the members they have. Good strong willed alliance.
Don't get me wrong here, I respect there stones for coming after us but after FARK hit them Zenith ceased to be an issue with us and ranked alongside DAWN as somewhere to send nations where there were no other targets in range. FARK did a hell of a job in keeping them off us in what was for the FARKERS a tertiary front

OG now these guys came close to causing us real issues, by deploying as they did they managed to pin alot of our first wave which comprised our most capable nations in nuke anarchy war mode, which had a serious knock on effect for our 3rd wave
However by the way they deployed they made it very easy to contain and where necessary counter there nations. had they been more ambitious in there first wave or had IRON used some of those big nations still in PM with large war chests to assist them then they could have caused us serious issues, however they didn't and throwing there second wave in a similar pattern to their first guaranteed its rough treatment. Individually however they were tenacious and honourable fighters who earned my respect,

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Obviously didn't partake in the the war, but I think objectively speaking, really there is no contest here and its clear even from the sidelines looking in that TOP stands up.

Nothing against some other obviously quality alliances in this war, but TOP is a product of years of careful nation growing and building up of military capabilities and you cant really compete with that--- most others combatants had crippling war loses previously you can not make up for that.

If on the political aspect of the war, things went more better for them, it would be extremely hard to put them down as they will be now and war would probably end already, due to implied odds, with a bitter white peace. Shame in a way that this awesome fighting power will be wasted this way.

Edited by Branimir
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I will give Fark a shoutout. After the first wave of attacks on Gremlins we really had no nations in the range of them except for their lower ranking ones, and Fark did an excellent job at organizing their attack against us. Individually, I was more impressed by my Fark opponents than Gremlins ones, they coordinated extremely well and had average warchests.

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I was impressed by The Zoo's resilience and by Valhalla, who, despite being overwhelmed still found the time to fight back. And from the alliances that I fought alongside, I really liked R&R. We coordinated ourselves really well.
This is only based on the nations that I got to meet in this war, because I didn't get to fight with all our opposed alliances.
Oh, and I really liked they way NV fought.

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From a personal perspective, I fought CSN in STA and found them to be a really competent and nice bunch of people. They had a really good blitz on us too and then were active the rest of the war. Amusingly, during the initial blitz they sometimes waited 10-15 minutes after they declared to launch any attacks >.>. But yeah, props to them. Also, hi Raptor Jesus.

From an outsider's perspective, TOP and MK are definitely up there. Impressive alliances indeed.

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On our side, I have definitely appreciated Sparta's contribution. They took some flak for their past performance and I've been impressed with them during this conflict.

From the other side, TOP is the only alliance I've faced that has bothered to coordinate. IRON have been horrible [though very cordial opponents], and TSO alright.

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During my second round of wars I deliberately chose targets from three different alliances (NADC, GDA and UBD) in an attempt to avoid having them co-ordinate: they cheated my hope and I was quite impressed with their performance, most particularly GrimCity of UBD.

We didn't fight them for long but I was pretty impressed with STA as well. I am glad we didn't have to fight that front to a final conclusion because I am honestly not sure who would have won it.

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After fighting 7 MKers I'm willing to admit that (most of them) they are pretty good.

tR was surprising in how well they did, and on our side TSO and TORN put up a crazy fight, pound for pound.

In my opinion TOP has been the most impressive alliance involved in this war.

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