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When Hackers Go Too Far

Necromancer V4L

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[quote name='Necromancer V4L' date='15 February 2010 - 07:59 PM' timestamp='1266281998' post='2183786']
Thank you CyberNations, for producing players so hateful that they would go to the extent of not only hacking an alliance boards, but then going on to make vulnerable individual players real lives. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't considering walking away from this game right now.

Funny, I remember when a small group of us were decrying this community as one of the most vitriol-filled we'd ever seen, and the rest of you freaked out on us for it.

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As far as I know, my account and information were not stolen... but we're working as hard as we can to identify exactly who the hacker was.

I thank everyone for their well-wishes in our endeavors to find who did this to us, and I thank those who're helping us do so.

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[quote name='Big Z' date='15 February 2010 - 08:24 PM' timestamp='1266283471' post='2183835']
Once it involves potential identity theft and access to bank accounts, it's something that you should involve the proper authorities (Police, university officials, etc) in right away. Good luck in finding out who did this and would stoop this low over a game.

He is in New Zealand

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Just an idea, are you using any scripts (for automating logins, parsing CN pages for data like greasemonkey scripts) or visiting any sites which might be less than legit? More often than not, passwords etc are stolen via your own browser, by means of keyloggers etc.

Maybe if you and your friend whose wonders were deleted sat down together and discussed if there is anything common in your surfing setup you would come up with an answer and get rid of it. I know of a scare i had last year with another game on a social networking site where a script to make auto clicking stole passwords to that site, it would make gathering email id's easier if that were to happen.

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[quote name='bros2' date='16 February 2010 - 12:41 PM' timestamp='1266288097' post='2184031']
He is in New Zealand
There's police in New Zealand too xD

Man this sucks. I can't believe someone would do something like this. Good luck getting it sorted.

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[quote name='R3nowned' date='15 February 2010 - 09:49 PM' timestamp='1266288549' post='2184057']
There's police in New Zealand too xD

Man this sucks. I can't believe someone would do something like this. Good luck getting it sorted.
The laws in New Zealand would make it difficult to prosecute I would imagine, especially from across the Pacific.

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Ok, first this shouldn't happen.

But the easiest way to protect yourself is by creating a gamer email to use for the online games that you play.

Why on earth would you use your real personal email where you have all your major real life contacts and other personal things?

Your nation password, Your alliance forum password, and all your passwords for each alliance forum you visit or other game forums you visit should be different. Its not hard to make a spreadsheet to use to remember all your passwords. Plus you can have your internet browser remember them for you for easy log ins.

Sorry, but stop being so naive.

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[quote name='helstrm' date='16 February 2010 - 01:37 AM' timestamp='1266284278' post='2183866']
The part that sucks about this is the authorities will not do anything unless the hackers actually use the information they gained and cause financial issues or obtain credit ect..

Unfortunately, this is the fact of the matter (a few other loose claims may be able to be brought in regards to the facebook thing, depending on what exactly was said, to whom, and what resulted, etc, but because of the sheer amount of these types of situations that crop up very few actually get litigated either criminally or in civil courts).

However, be sure to retain all relevant documents and data in paper form if possible and where not on some sort of secure drive. In the event that he uses your information to commit any sort of crime, the documented circumstance will at least free you from culpability.

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That's why it is important to use a different password for your email. Your email account is like a safe, if that gets hacked they have access to everything. It's like the equivalent of having your ATM card (used a lot in the Netherlands) code the same as your birthday. It is what hackers try the first.

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[quote name='Fernando12' date='16 February 2010 - 12:02 AM' timestamp='1266296556' post='2184623']
Ok, first this shouldn't happen.

But the easiest way to protect yourself is by creating a gamer email to use for the online games that you play.

I actually had done this.

As far as I can tell now, everything is back in my full control, but there are a few places I'm probably forgetting to check. If anyone is interested, you can find me in #darkstar and I will share with you the IP address that was used against my accounts - however, it is listed as a known spambot so most likely it is a cover, but better safe than sorry.

Also, time to get [url="http://www.lifelock.com"]LifeLock.[/url]

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People like this are absolutely pathetic. It's not funny, it's disgusting, and I really hope that there are real life consequences for whatever asshat was responsible. I don't care which alliance it is, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Good luck man.

On a related note: proxies leave traces. Find an expert and you may be able to find his real IP address. If he's using multiple proxies though, it could be more difficult. Also get Admin to check cookies and all sorts of other modly tricks.

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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='16 February 2010 - 04:41 PM' timestamp='1266295293' post='2184483']
The laws in New Zealand would make it difficult to prosecute I would imagine, especially from across the Pacific.

I'm no legal expert or anything but if the guy doing this is in NZ then [url="http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2003/0039/latest/DLM200200.html?search=ts_all%40act%40bill%40regulation_Crimes+Amendment+Act+2003_noresel&p=1#DLM200263"]this[/url] should apply.

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Isn't this the reason we got rid of /b/ in game? I wonder why they stick around, maybe they just like to ruin people's lives. Thankfully, I use a different password for my nation, my CN forums account, and our personal forums. I don't use an email for anything online for my real life, everything is paid by legal means other than the internet and phone.

I would suggest you get in contact with Admin to track the IP for the authorities, but most likely it is a proxy so you will probably be left no where.

Please let me know if you would like any help, I will do my best to help you.


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[quote name='Necromancer V4L' date='16 February 2010 - 02:30 AM' timestamp='1266305423' post='2185185']
I actually had done this.

As far as I can tell now, everything is back in my full control, but there are a few places I'm probably forgetting to check. If anyone is interested, you can find me in #darkstar and I will share with you the IP address that was used against my accounts - however, it is listed as a known spambot so most likely it is a cover, but better safe than sorry.

Also, time to get [url="http://www.lifelock.com"]LifeLock.[/url]

isn't there a class action suit against lifelock for basically stealing peoples money

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[quote name='Ezequiel' date='16 February 2010 - 03:42 AM' timestamp='1266309748' post='2185287']
Isn't this the reason we got rid of /b/ in game? I wonder why they stick around, maybe they just like to ruin people's lives. Thankfully, I use a different password for my nation, my CN forums account, and our personal forums. I don't use an email for anything online for my real life, everything is paid by legal means other than the internet and phone.

I would suggest you get in contact with Admin to track the IP for the authorities, but most likely it is a proxy so you will probably be left no where.

Please let me know if you would like any help, I will do my best to help you.


It isn't /b/

It's UME.

aka boy.

aka the guy who said not accept.

His is from New Zealand with proxies used based in Russia, US, Ukraine.

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