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\m/ announcement; Regarding Current Events

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1. FOK aren't our allies. They came in for PC. They have made it clear they don't like us. ;_;

2. PC were our only allies.

3. We were attacked.

4. PC came in on their own. They wanted to burn. As you've put it. PC just love war.

5. Anybody else came in for their other allies. I've said this before and I'll say it again. Nobody likes \m/. This war became as large as it is because FOK loves PC.

6. Once again - we recognized that we put ourselves into that position and ONLY PC could have made the choice to come in after us. If you don't believe me, ask PC government. They didn't HAVE to do anything.

again, reading... it's a good thing. try it. it wont hurt. i promise.

no one's said anything about people having treaties with you. all i said was that Fok were doing the honorable thing and honoring their treaty with PC. PC joined in because of their treaty with you. honorable people honor treaties, it's what they do.

dishonorable people destroy other alliances with no CB or DoW. They also spout off ignorant and racist statements. Then again, i don't need to tell you that. \m/ know all about being dishonorable, don't they?

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I was going to give the OP the time of day, but then I got to this;

This post is about a most interesting phenomena, the war between the Polar Order and their slaves and lackeys, and the rightful, just, and dashing coalition made up of the gentlemen from \m/, Poison Clan, FOK, and the assorted allies of both.

Listen son, if you want the idiots to eat your rhetoric, you can't warn them to leave before they get to it.

I assume the rest of the OP is just as full of crap anyways, and have dismissed it. Thanks for taking the time, though.

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An excellent post.

We will not allow an alliance to infringe on our sovereignty simply because they do not like us. Hell, We will never allow an alliance to infringe on our sovereignty.

They're not infringing on your sovereignty. You still have the ability to tech raid whoever like :)

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They're not infringing on your sovereignty. You still have the ability to tech raid whoever like :)

Yes we do have the ability to tech raid whoever we like because we didn't take Polar's terms. We will not allow another alliance to dictate to us what we can and cannot do.

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An excellent post.

We will not allow an alliance to infringe on our sovereignty simply because they do not like us. Hell, We will never allow an alliance to infringe on our sovereignty.

the fact that you think you have the sovereign right to try and destroy another alliance with no CB or DoW proves how little you understand. If NpO had called this war a "tech raid" would it have been acceptable to you? Of course not.

you made your bed, now burn in it.

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An excellent post.

We will not allow an alliance to infringe on our sovereignty simply because they do not like us. Hell, We will never allow an alliance to infringe on our sovereignty.

But it's okay for you to infringe on another alliances sovereignty.

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Yes we do have the ability to tech raid whoever we like because we didn't take Polar's terms. We will not allow another alliance to dictate to us what we can and cannot do.

That's fine but you violated your own rules in your own charter??? NpO is not trying to end tech raiding across the board ... :wacko:

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There is no way I would read a wall of text from an alliance that is barely literate.

Villains! I am forced to agree with Mussolanida!

Also, I like how using words like "surety", appositive statements, adding two extra sentences to each paragraph, and centering the text is supposed to magically change your image from a street gang of imbeciles into a veritable fellowship of scholars.

Stick with criticizing blitzes and shouting tired cliches.

Edited by WalkerNinja
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An excellent post.

We will not allow an alliance to infringe on our sovereignty simply because they do not like us. Hell, We will never allow an alliance to infringe on our sovereignty.

In other words: "We will NOT let an alliance infringe on our sovereignty to infringe upon the sovereignty of other alliances! NEVER!"

Did I get that right?

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I don't care about \m/ or what reasons the New Polar Order had for attacking \m/. I'm probably closer to evil than a moralist, but your collective actions are absolutely devoid of responsibility and empathy. It's shocking how many alliances completely fail to realise how this is dangerous to their self-interest.

So I'll be blunt: I recommend your next announcement to be a disbandment notice. There's no place in this world for you.

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I am now a little less intelligent for reading the first two paragraphs of this tripe.

I for one am glad someone took the lead and we were treatied, since as a defensive alliance we cant declare on an alliance just for being jerks, however much I would like. Good show NpO.........theives and scum are theives and scum no matter how literate and snobbish they may portray themselves. As for the author of the OP.........you sir are an arrogant lowlife hiding behind flowery speach. You reap what you sow. I hope you liked that tech you held for a few days.

thank you,


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Oh boo fricking hoo. Poor \m/. Just pretend you are getting tech raided on an alliance wide scale, you all love that. Face it you did something stupid and you then you made it worse. You can beg for good PR all you want but the fact is not even the people on your side support you they just say they have to honor treaties. If you think Polar hates you then you should see what everyone esle says about you. You took two crap alliances and took the name of a dead alliance. Did you think this was gonna end well?

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This post is about a most interesting phenomena, the war between the Polar Order and their slaves and lackeys, and the rightful, just, and dashing coalition made up of the gentlemen from \m/, Poison Clan, FOK, and the assorted allies of both. Truly, such an occasion as this ...

I read it, and all I got was this grammatical issue: both = 2. \m/, Poison Clan, and FOK = 3. Check my math, just to be sure.

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\m/ - Well, I didn't think ya had it in you.

AlmightGrub - I'm your huckleberry. Why, \m/, you look like somebody just walked over your grave.

\m/ - Fight's not with you, NpO.

AlmightyGrub - I'll beg to differ, sir. We started a game we never got to finish. Play for blood, remember?

\m/ - I was just foolin' about.

AlmightGrub - I wasn't . And this time...it's legal.

\m/ - All right, lunger. Let's do it.

AlmightGrub - Say when. Come on. Come on! Oh, \m/. Come on! You're no daisy. You're no daisy at all!

AlmightyGrub - Poor \m/. You were just too high-strung. I'm afraid the nukes was more than \m/ could bear.


Edited by Fernando12
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Oh boy, I think \m/ is quite delusional... You forget the fact that you never cared about the FoA, thus giving NpO the reason not to care either for your inabilities to care. So you have no right to claim NpO doesn't care.

That, my friends, is the real reason for this military conflict. The NpO hates \m/, and while i fully believe they do not wish to destroy us, they wish to prove that they can, in fact, do so and prove their superiority over an old foe

FAIL, you did not capitalize the I

Edited by SoADarthCyfe6
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So I read the OP... :mellow:

Thanks for the insult I guess? I dunno, I guess that victory delayed for some people is simply no victory at all. Whatever. :shrug:

Oh boo fricking hoo. Poor \m/. Just pretend you are getting tech raided on an alliance wide scale, you all love that. Face it you did something stupid and you then you made it worse. You can beg for good PR all you want but the fact is not even the people on your side support you they just say they have to honor treaties. If you think Polar hates you then you should see what everyone esle says about you. You took two crap alliances and took the name of a dead alliance. Did you think this was gonna end well?

I don't think they are looking for good PR, they are simply stating their case--if you don't agree that's your problem (and I stated above, I found cause not a agree with everything that was said).

However, I do see as much animosity from people still oddly angry after winning a war over two years ago as I do people who hated RAD and hate \m/ now as a result. Anger at NpO over the events of September 2007 makes a bit more sense, but I long ago stated publicly I'm over it.

This is a odd war, for a variety of IC and OOC reasons (forums being down and such) and as it grows, it is simply getting stranger. <_<

Edited by ChairmanHal
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What a bombastic announcement. Since nothing new was said, I can only assume that it was made to prove that your collective literacy is higher than the standards established by every other statement \m/ members have issued. Congratulations are in order, then- I was unaware you were able to use a thesaurus.

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