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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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Oh yes. When RIA's membership (who didn't make the threat) decided not to duel you. See that's a little different from your own government, those with the power to actually declare war (without the others' support) both threatening then running from that threat. Because if Delta could have dueled, he would have. It wasn't a matter of him being scared. But for NSO, for NSO it's different. Not to mention you guys have backed down many times, and RIA "backed down" once. But OK!

I'm fairly sure it was one GOONS member and one GOONS applicant. But if you have any proof you can link me to (people discussing it then etc.) I'll retract my statement.

Penkala You should listen to your friends in NpO who stated you prolly should stop posting.

But I will say that the nation ghosting Kronos when he attacked did change his AA much later to ghost GOONS and perhaps that is what penkala is getting him a little on the confused side. I guess that is what he gets for being late to the party and speed reading threads.

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So it's perfectly fine with you that, by your logic, Polar is doing the exact same thing it's condemning? That doesn't even bother you a little?

“If we are to abolish the alliance tech raid, let our friends the raiders make the first move.”

quote modified from: “If we are to abolish the death penalty, let our friends the murderers make the first move.” Alphonse Karr

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Apologizing means regret, and require corrective action to follow it up, to ensure that the same things won't happened again.

What is written there is basically says, it happen all the time, and it surely will happen again. Correct me if I were wrong.

Unless they go around to other people's IRC channels and talk crap, I don't see why anyone should care what goes on in their channel.

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So in your opinion they declared war over how they acted in public in regards to their tech raiding? I'm not saying it's a wrong thing, I'm just trying to get where you're coming from.

Started with a discussion over shady activities and developed on a conflict.

Im pretty sure thats very clear in the OP.

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Apologizing means regret, and require corrective action to follow it up, to ensure that the same things won't happened again.

What is written there is basically says, it happen all the time, and it surely will happen again. Correct me if I were wrong.

\m/ apologizes for the remarks said and the behavior of our members.

There is regret. Their reference to it happening all the time is in regards to the channel itself between themselves so nobody should be offended when they witness the language. If you'd read the thread further or talked to \m/ you'll have seen that they are making sure that doesn't happen again in regards to talking to foreign diplomats.

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No I said that polar had nothing to do with the FoA incident which was handled before they came in.
Then maybe \m/ should have treated them a little more diplomatically instead of giving Grub the one-fingered salute?
I never said grub=walford. I said there was a relation to it and you tried to argue what walford did was for fame, which I don't think is true at all.

No, I pointed out the two instances couldn't be compared. That you mistakenly think otherwise doesnt mean anything other than you are wrong. Moreover, there is no "relation". This is because \m/ has pissed off Grub, I don't think anyone's pretending otherwise.

Also, you defended the argument. Claiming that you never explicitly said it yourself doesn't change the fact you agreed with it.

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Unless they go around to other people's IRC channels and talk crap, I don't see why anyone should care what goes on in their channel.

You're always responsible for what you say no matter where you say it. Free speech doesn't mean free from consequences.

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So it's perfectly fine with you that, by your logic, Polar is doing the exact same thing it's condemning? That doesn't even bother you a little?

I point you to this:

Debate the merits of the attack and lets drop the "stat hugging" nonsense.

I dont really know what I think about the precedent set, but the point is, clearly there is something different about attacking \m/ because PC is expected to come to their aid. If they do not, \m/ is nothing other than a valid raid target and everyone with a stick up their $@! about this attack, should chill out.

Obviously, thats not what they are doing is my point. Obviously, they are declaring war on a sovereign alliance, and are accepting the outcomes which come with it ie a PC attack. So no, they are not raiding but more importantly they are very clearly not "stat hugging". Which was the point of the post.

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So, from what I've read, is that NpO is out for \m/ and PCs blood, but I guess every alliance that potentially honors their treaties (if it escalates there) ends up getting screwed because of the CB? I don't see how that makes things look good for NpO.

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“If we are to abolish the alliance tech raid, let our friends the raiders make the first move.”

quote modified from: “If we are to abolish the death penalty, let our friends the murderers make the first move.” Alphonse Karr

The death penalty is typically applied when passed by a legislative body, and the subject is convicted and sentenced by a judge and jury. Tell me, who appointed Polar the Legislator, Judge and Jury of Planet Bob? I sure as hell didn't vote for you.

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Then maybe \m/ should have treated them a little more diplomatically instead of giving Grub the one-fingered salute?

You know maybe that's why they apologized. Good of you to discount that though.

No, I pointed out the two instances couldn't be compared. That you mistakenly think otherwise doesnt mean anything other than you are wrong. Moreover, there is no "relation". This is because \m/ has pissed off Grub, I don't think anyone's pretending otherwise.

There is a relation, just because you're arguing otherwise and now trying to veer the relationship off doesn't mean there isn't.

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I'm fairly sure it was one GOONS member and one GOONS applicant. But if you have any proof you can link me to (people discussing it then etc.) I'll retract my statement.

Let's be clear. I was the nation from Kronos who raided the RLMMO alliance and started that whole mess for my alliance. Why do you think you know more about this situation than I do? YOU ARE WRONG. Get over it and stop making yourself and your alliance look bad. I love Nueva Vida. It pains me to see you posting. The nation who raided RLMMO who was ghosting Kronos Applicant was White Majik. This is not debatable and I do not care to show you proof. Just stop talking about this situation - it has nothing to do with Polar or \m/.

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You know maybe that's why they apologized. Good of you to discount that though.
Apologizing for something that isn't the cause of the war to begin with. As has been stated several times. Learn to keep up, man.
There is a relation, just because you're arguing otherwise and now trying to veer the relationship off doesn't mean there isn't.

You're saying there's a relation based on an entirely superficial similarity:

"CNARF was opposed to tech raids!"

"Polar declared on \m/, an alliance known for tech raiding!"

"Clearly the two are the same thing!"

I hope this puts into perspective just how incredibly stupid your argument is.

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What shady activities? Tech raiding?

Destruction of communities masqueraded as tech raiding.

Larger, well connected alliances ganging up on alliances that have just lost a treaty, or have had no opportunity to establish one.

I havent seen grub complaining about tech raiding in general but I have seen him being vocal on those situations.

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good luck polaris. A strong stand which is much needed in these days.

I agree Guff :) also hello :)

Don't you have a treaty you want to enforce... we are waiting for you, you said you were coming, so we baked a cake.
That's a fancy way for saying, "\m/ has the weakest position on the treaty web," isn't it, World Police?

Oh you two.. have fun.. I hope it's a RUM cake :) Always bring RUM cake to a Raider party :P

No, it took absolutely no guts. Just like it didn't take guts for \m/ to tech raid whatever no-name alliance they raided. This is the same exact situation, except Polaris is the alliance full of jackasses.

I'm sure the Alliance in question didn't feel like they were a no Name alliance. They are no less important than some "alliance" being bastardized out of a poorly viewed and long dead alliance. I personally have no ill will towards \m/ members personally. I just happen to agree that this community needs a little back and forth to revitalize it now and then. I also respect Polar and alot of their members.. oh.. and fun is as fun does ;) Enjoy everyone! :D

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