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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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Because they want an easy war and have no guts. PC has lots of nukes and could probably do more damage than Polar is willing to take over some banter. But hey, I'm all for one alliance leader controlling the entire cyberverse all over again... telling us what we can and can't say or do. Yeah, that's going to make this community great.

o/ Almighty Grub! Ruler of CN!

Oh wait, I guess I should contact him privately for approval to publicly post this message, shouldn't I?

War is the result when diplomacy fails. Diplomacy didn't fail with GOONS.

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Because they want an easy war and have no guts. PC has lots of nukes and could probably do more damage than Polar is willing to take over some banter. But hey, I'm all for one alliance leader controlling the entire cyberverse all over again... telling us what we can and can't say or do. Yeah, that's going to make this community great.

o/ Almighty Grub! Ruler of CN!

Oh wait, I guess I should contact him privately for approval to publicly post this message, shouldn't I?

What Polaris just did takes alot a guts... and with \m/ MDoAP'd to PC it's pretty much like taking them both on anyways, unless your implying they are as worthless as allies as they are as members of this community?

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When did grub and walford get together?

They didn't. It's a tragedy that for some folks are just all too happy to throw around labels when they are incapable of understanding why those labels don't apply.

But please, continue, if all you have to say here is an empty, idiotic comparison, I'm sure that you'll be able to sway the masses.

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iirc CNARF was supposed to be some global council that determined what was right and wrong for everyone.

This is Polaris exercising their right as a sovereign alliance to act as they see fit, in this case that happens to be stomping \m/ for being a bunch of misfits who somehow manage to shame the name of an alliance that was shameful to begin with.

CNARF was an anti-tech raiding force that attacked all tech raiders. You can see the relation now.

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I am sure PC will be along directly, however PC haven't been strutting all over the boards waving their e-peenies, PC haven't lowered themselves to throwing excreta from their cages at the smiling faced children watching. As for GOONS, well now, they took the offer made, smart ones those GOONS.

Seeing as you have no connection at all to FOA, there is no point to even talk to you about the situation.

You have now set the precedent. Will you be protecting all alliances? Is there a certain number of members an alliance needs to be protected? will you be extending this protection to unaligned nations?

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iirc CNARF was supposed to be some global council that determined what was right and wrong for everyone.

This is Polaris exercising their right as a sovereign alliance to act as they see fit, in this case that happens to be stomping \m/ for being a bunch of misfits who somehow manage to shame the name of an alliance that was shameful to begin with.

Haha, yes, right on all counts.

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Hi Pip

I see you trying to get it started, but honestly, you are going to have to do a whole lot better this time.

This time?

I'm not trying to start anything, just expressing my dislike for this particular set of actions. Walford would be proud of you, however.

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CNARF was an anti-tech raiding force that attacked all tech raiders. You can see the relation now.

I thought that was the NONE alliance he formed later? Or were they the same exact thing just different names during different time periods?

Either way Polaris isn't attacking all tech raiders, just \m/, so not quite at that level of asshattery anyway. And judging by the comments I've read, some offer was made that GOONS took up on, but \m/ failed to, which is what led to this escalation. So it's not as though no diplomacy was tried. \m/ assumed Polar was bluffing, and is now learning that Grub says exactly what he means.

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Oh, Grub.... this is not a good idea.. much as I despise \m/ and PC and that lot, you're isolating your C&G allies for the sake of your reputation. I understand that nobody wants people to believe that they don't have the spine to act upon what they say, but if Polar and STA fight C&G, both sides will be weakened and Citadel will curbstomp you in the next war (or Citadel 2.0 heh)

o/ Polaris, I hope this was the right move

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I am sure PC will be along directly, however PC haven't been strutting all over the boards waving their e-peenies, PC haven't lowered themselves to throwing excreta from their cages at the smiling faced children watching. As for GOONS, well now, they took the offer made, smart ones those GOONS.

That's a fancy way for saying, "\m/ has the weakest position on the treaty web," isn't it, World Police?

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What Polaris just did takes alot a guts... and with \m/ MDoAP'd to PC it's pretty much like taking them both on anyways, unless your implying they are as worthless as allies as they are as members of this community?

No, it took absolutely no guts. Just like it didn't take guts for \m/ to tech raid whatever no-name alliance they raided. This is the same exact situation, except Polaris is the alliance full of jackasses.

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