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Tabloid Tribune #153 | NPO ICA

Sir Paul

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You call that a firearm?

I prefer my Glock, but that provided a quick stand in. -_-

Though the way things are going, I'm starting to think it's S&W .44 Magnum revolver time during my next trip to the New Jerusalem Firearms Mall (you may have periodic "gun shows", that simply won't meet demand in the Haleenstar Republic).

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What a load of twaddle. Vox explicitly and consistently misrepresented the facts, and when it was pointed out you and everyone else responded with 'it's not meant to be taken seriously!' (while doing exactly that). It isn't the material you have a problem with, it's the perspective you're viewing it from.

Revisionism at its finest. 10/10 would read again. I dare you to provide me with a link to a single Vox post in which they state that their propaganda shouldn't be taken seriously. Or for that matter, link me to a single post in which NPO proved that Vox's screenshots were falsified.

Good read, Sir Paul. Could've been funnier.

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Revisionism at its finest. 10/10 would read again. I dare you to provide me with a link to a single Vox post in which they state that their propaganda shouldn't be taken seriously. Or for that matter, link me to a single post in which NPO proved that Vox's screenshots were falsified.

Good read, Sir Paul. Could've been funnier.

Falsified and presented out of context, while mutually exclusive concepts, are done with generally the same objective in mind.

NPO's forums and screenshots of the Tech Dealing area ring a bell?

This is not to say that Vox didn't have it right pretty regularly, just that when you make an absolute statement it can bite you on the rump.

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Revisionism at its finest. 10/10 would read again. I dare you to provide me with a link to a single Vox post in which they state that their propaganda shouldn't be taken seriously. Or for that matter, link me to a single post in which NPO proved that Vox's screenshots were falsified.

Good read, Sir Paul. Could've been funnier.

He didn't say Vox said it, he said the Vox cheerleaders that turned up for every TWiP issue said it.

Also hi, I had my suspicions it was you. Now I'm sure of it.

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NPO's forums and screenshots of the Tech Dealing area ring a bell?

Not really, care to remind me?

This is not to say that Vox didn't have it right pretty regularly

I knew you'd come round in the end.

He didn't say Vox said it, he said the Vox cheerleaders that turned up for every TWiP issue said it.

He said 'Vox explicitly and consistently misrepresented the facts.' Not ' the Vox cheerleaders that turned up for every TWiP issue misrepresented the facts.'

Also hi, I had my suspicions it was you. Now I'm sure of it.

The only people to whom I have disclosed my identity are Ivan and Doppelganger, and I'm completely confident that neither of them have seen fit to tell you or anyone else. You have no idea who I am, but feel free to state your suspicions, either here or via private message. God knows I need some entertainment.

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He said 'Vox explicitly and consistently misrepresented the facts.' Not ' the Vox cheerleaders that turned up for every TWiP issue misrepresented the facts.'

Yes, he did say that. And yes, Vox did that. I however was addressing this part of your post "I dare you to provide me with a link to a single Vox post in which they state that their propaganda shouldn't be taken seriously.", which in turn was addressing this part of Vladimir's post "Vox explicitly and consistently misrepresented the facts, and when it was pointed out you and everyone else responded with 'it's not meant to be taken seriously!' (while doing exactly that).". As this comment was directed to somebody from VE, I'd guess he wasn't talking about Vox members. See what I'm getting at here?

The only people to whom I have disclosed my identity are Ivan and Doppelganger, and I'm completely confident that neither of them have seen fit to tell you or anyone else. You have no idea who I am, but feel free to state your suspicions, either here or via private message. God knows I need some entertainment.

Congratulations. I did not implicitly or explicitly say that I had been told of your identity. I said I had my suspicions and your post confirmed them. If you wish to talk down at me, it may help to at least read what I post.

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A 9mm pistol with a couple of clips?

Fixed that for you. Anyway, you have to remember that the ZA can happen at any given moment, and you may be at the office, church, store, hiking half-dome, out-of-town, etc. While most of us carry a few magazines for our sidearm, I may not have enough to get back to my cashe. Hence, my preference for blades. Each issue, we'll be having a different author talk about their strategy for surviving the ZA, and I invite you, mpol777, to take a shot at enlightening the world on proper preparation for the ZA.

"To the Staff of the Tabloid Tribune,

We, assembled Zombies, take offense at some of the advices you gave to your readers, regarding a Zombie Apocalypse. First of all, the Zombie invasion is a reality and it has nothing to do with an Apocalypse. Second, possessing self-will, we know how to use stairs. Third, we firmly believe mankind has failed in bringing any kind of global peace. We will succeed where your species have failed.


An annoyed undead reader,"

The staff here is committed to providing a variety of viewpoints on several (but not all) pressing issues of our day. The Pacific News Network invites the annoyed undead reader to supply a guest article for our continuing coverage on Zombie issues.

Oh look, another character attack...

It's the same story all over again. An A+ for trying, F for the result.

Thank you. We work hard to bring you new stories, from our Zombie coverage, to interesting threads, to letting world leaders explain their point of view in their own words, to new theatrical experiences. I hope to keep putting in A+ effort to stay one step ahead of the truth.

I dunno, I think this one was definitely lacking the humor and wit of previous issues. I guess when you lie it makes for a more entertaining dispatch.

We at the Tabloid Tribune thank you for your continued readership, and hope that you will stick with us through this transitional period as we change Imperial Officers. We hope our next edition is up to your standards of humor and wit.

Don't worry, Hawk_11 was never good.

EDIT: I wonder if this is the propaganda piece we heard about in that Bilrow-Cortath log dump?

Nah, that was this one. You should know I have better turn-around time than that.

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4) Makes the Tabloid Tribune funnier: Back when NPO was on top, the Tabloid Tribune was considered offensive, arrogant, unwitty, and banal. Now, even my harshest critics will at least concede that points of it are entertaining and funny. Did I become a better writer after the fall of the hegemony? No! It's simply much funnier to poke those in power than those under your jackboots. A downtrodden NPO is PNN's ticket to success.

Okay, you got me. I just love the underdog. :wub:


What a load of twaddle. Vox explicitly and consistently misrepresented the facts, and when it was pointed out you and everyone else responded with 'it's not meant to be taken seriously!' (while doing exactly that). It isn't the material you have a problem with, it's the perspective you're viewing it from.

Well yes and no. We really did get quite a few facts correct, and that was what we tried to do. I won't say that all our publications were factual, but to say that we consistently misrepresented the facts when many of the facts we put forth were true, is reaching.

Besides, our other publication, The Tattler, was committed to only the facts :awesome:

Though I will agree, that the perspective is all part of how a work is being viewed, especially this one.

Edited by Earogema
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Yay, another issue that revolves around complaining about reparations and londo/Athens.

Originality is your sixth sense.

Yeah I think we its pretty clear to everyone by this point that Londo and Athens screw up on a regular basis and are winning the "alliance everyone wants to see rolled" award. Still since they keep doing stupid things they are fair game.

Overalll well done, we don't hear enough on Zombies and how to kill them.

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What a load of twaddle. Vox explicitly and consistently misrepresented the facts, and when it was pointed out you and everyone else responded with 'it's not meant to be taken seriously!' (while doing exactly that). It isn't the material you have a problem with, it's the perspective you're viewing it from.

Those legs are getting a bit stubbly, Vlad.

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