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Most Disappointing Player or Alliance


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Well I was in LUE in the old days and when MK came back I thought it would have more of that free LUE style...

Now I know obviously MK didn't want to be LUE 2.0 and went in a different direction and that's fine, but it was to me disappointing to see that they turned into a "srs bzns" alliance.

You must only be interacting with them on these forums. Outside of the OWF they are more... free.

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Most disappointing player: Kurushio

I wouldn't call you a disappointment, you provided some of the best entertainment of my entire CN life, though I admit you could have probably done much more with your potential.

For myself, as far as alliances go, I'd have to say both of the alliances I have served in. GPA for surrendering, and Ragnarok for losing everything that made it great.

As far as players, I'd have to say myself for not ordering GPA's nuclear strike. I still believe it would have been a pathetic display, but in retrospect I wish we'd have done it.

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  • Persons:
  • Doitzel and myself, same reasons. See Kingdom of Goon's quote below. Annoyed with both of us for not working our butts off.
  • Electron Sponge: How you gonna delete Vox's spy archives without giving someone the database?!
  • Some mod. I loved tables and you took them away.

I think we can honestly say that every major player/talking head/shaker from the run-up to the Karma War has been a disappointment. We all shot our wads, and now we've all disappeared into oblivion. We're all getting older (in real life) and we're all. . .done. Just at the point that we could be doing anything, we're all doing nothing whilst standing like frozen monoliths in the paths of newer players/rising personalities.

  • Alliances:
  • MHA. I really thought they had the balls to move in the Bastion direction, but instead they crapped their pants and went home to daddy. Well, I say MHA, but I guess I never really believed it in my heart, so I'm not technically disappointed. But still. I mean really.
  • GOONegligence and Sadism. After all the goon-goon bickering that jackknifed GOONeutral Shoving, I'm pretty disappointed at the crap-slinging from some Negligence members toward Neutral Shoving vets.
  • OBR. I always liked OBR so it's cool to see them growing, but it's also disappointing to see them growing by becoming a catch-all conglomeration now that AterAtra (the Black Rose) has quit playing CyberNations.
  • GPA. Get over the beatdown and retake number 1. God, who are you afraid of? Send recruitment letters or some crap.

Those that went on to do their own thing after Vox were quite dissapointing. Thought they would go on to form some interesting alliances or shake some stuff up elsewhere but instead they just went on to form retirement homes.


I can only protest that I think CoJ is interesting; I can't really do anything about it if most ex-Vox went to tLC with Sponge's star, or that the average 12-16-year-old newb is more interested in 3 MILLION DOLLARS! than prosperity, insight, and wisdom.

LordSwampy, for obvious reasons considering my alliance.

Go ahead and elaborate, we're not all 15-year vets of CyberNations.

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Well I was in LUE in the old days and when MK came back I thought it would have more of that free LUE style...

Now I know obviously MK didn't want to be LUE 2.0 and went in a different direction and that's fine, but it was to me disappointing to see that they turned into a "srs bzns" alliance.

I actually find parts of MK to be disappointing for the exact opposite reason, because they are too interested in "lulz." And their "lulz" really isn't funny.

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Much to learn you still have.

Saying it over and over makes it true!

Christ, he even let go of his NAAC grudge. Get over yourselves already; you didn't matter enough to occupy that special place in his cold, black heart.

Also I'm peeved that the only mention I get is from Fallen_Fail.

Explains why he spent the next several months obsessing over every single alliance that arose that appeared to have too many former \m/embers in it. <_<

Indeed, when I arrived at Ragnarok I was told that Sponge wanted Rok dead simply for the sin of being founded by ex-members of \m/. NpO and Ragnarok consequently didn't even have diplomatic relations until after the War of the Coalition.

Explains too why when Jason8 and some others went to Moo in November 2007 to try to in essence "get permission" to restart \m/, good old Spongey made sure he was there to take the meeting and voice his objections.

No, I don't repeat the story to make it true, I repeat the story because it is true and bears repeating because people like you want to remember Sponge as the "reformed" egomaniac he was in Vox. For my part it was fun to watch Slayer99 constantly poking a stick at Sponge and remind him of his failings. I also did my share of poking, it goes without saying. Wherever the player behind Sponge is now, I hope he's stressing/obsessing less, enjoying RL more.

Edited by ChairmanHal
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Electron Sponge. Prior to the FIST war I had the utmost confidence he'd be able to manipulate the arrangement of global politics in a manner so as to divide the Continuum and bring it down. Unfortunately, we ended up silently diverging on which side to take down first and, as his aggressiveness towards those I had to work with grew, I began to have misgivings. You can't take down a hyperbloc by driving away three-quarters of the people outside it... and both sides within it. When FIST got rolled, that was the end of it. Hope he's chilled the hell out since then. I know I have.

Gremlins. I'd hoped and thought they'd surge forth as a major player and influence in the post Karma War world. Instead they succumbed to internal drama and have quietly withdrawn from the world stage. I looked forward to them generating FA drama and it just didn't materialize, any chance of it consumed by their IA drama.

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Well I was in LUE in the old days and when MK came back I thought it would have more of that free LUE style...

Now I know obviously MK didn't want to be LUE 2.0 and went in a different direction and that's fine, but it was to me disappointing to see that they turned into a "srs bzns" alliance.

I actually find parts of MK to be disappointing for the exact opposite reason, because they are too interested in "lulz." And their "lulz" really isn't funny.

Wow, there's no pleasing you people.

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I actually find parts of MK to be disappointing for the exact opposite reason, because they are too interested in "lulz." And their "lulz" really isn't funny.

You know...if our humour is too sophisticated for you (as it is for many people), and you don't understand it, then we're always more than happy to have a go at explaining it for you.

Find us in #mushroom. :)

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Indeed, when I arrived at Ragnarok I was told that Sponge wanted Rok dead simply for the sin of being founded by ex-members of \m/. NpO and Ragnarok consequently didn't even have diplomatic relations until after the War of the Coalition.

You were told that. It wasn't true.

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Ivan sucks. I mean he's been back what, 10 months now? And all he's produced is the fastest growing alliance ever and the youngest alliance in the sanction race. Lame.

The only way you could say Ivan is disappointing is if you have completely unrealistic expectations of what one person can do in this game.

Ivan's awesome. In fact, the only way he could be more awesome is if he somehow became me, and I don't see that happening. Still, pretty awesome.

We try not to let facts interfere with the disappointment those that have not ever actually done anything hold for me.

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Hal, it really wasn't true. I was there for his original discussion with Jason8 and asked him about it then, as well as numerous times in the future, both pre- and post-Vox. Had \m/ continued to fight, he would have given them real terms.

You know...if our humour is too sophisticated for you (as it is for many people), and you don't understand it, then we're always more than happy to have a go at explaining it for you.

Find us in #mushroom. :)

It is most certainly not the sophistication that makes it not funny for me. I just don't fight memespam and other such nonsense to be anywhere near as funny as some of your members seem to. Could be the curse of getting older and maturing.

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Archon - had the potential to really change things, dropped the ball.

I think you strongly overestimate the abilities of Karma. The fact that it achieved what it did, given what it was plagued with internally (Hey, LiquidMercury/Ramirus/Roquentin, if you're reading this - SOVEREIGNTY!) is a miracle. I do regret, though, as AirMe touched upon, that in the later hours of Karma I was sidetracked by life and thus could not follow the war to its conclusion. Hence the rise of other figures and the directions that followed.

C'est la vie.

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GOONS \m/ and Umbrella collapsing also was a huge disappointment for me.

You mean Genmay, right?

I think you strongly overestimate the abilities of Karma. The fact that it achieved what it did, given what it was plagued with internally (Hey, LiquidMercury/Ramirus/Roquentin, if you're reading this - SOVEREIGNTY!) is a miracle. I do regret, though, as AirMe touched upon, that in the later hours of Karma I was sidetracked by life and thus could not follow the war to its conclusion. Hence the rise of other figures and the directions that followed.

C'est la vie.

Yeah, I'll vouch for this. We couldn't get any true centralized authority since people were upset about their sovereignty possibly being infringed upon and you do have to give up some to make an effective central leadership.

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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Terry Howard: Led Illuminati up in the ranks, then blew it. And he also threatened several of the splinter alliances in an attempt to keep his power.

TOOLL: What can I say? Trilateral Commission was a great alliance, but you just massacred what you created. It's not enough that you left it in the midst of it's first and only war, you also helped poach 1/5 of their members.


Illuminati: Terry Howard

Trilateral Commission: Was on track, until TOOLL left. Poor Grim Reaper never managed to fix that damage.

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I wouldn't call you a disappointment, you provided some of the best entertainment of my entire CN life, though I admit you could have probably done much more with your potential.

Yeah, probably

For myself, as far as alliances go, I'd have to say both of the alliances I have served in. GPA for surrendering, and Ragnarok for losing everything that made it great.

That greatness is back

As far as players, I'd have to say myself for not ordering GPA's nuclear strike. I still believe it would have been a pathetic display, but in retrospect I wish we'd have done it.

You should have done that

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Most disappointing player: Kurushio

This is funny because I was going to say "SpiderJerusalem for not destroying nearly as many things as he cares about that he could and general failing to reek havoc and self destruct" ;)

On a more serious note, me, for many, many reasons. But I've learned not to care to keep my sanity. Also cause it's a game and I like having a life.

Also Dilber and Syz for disappearing

LiquidMercury for leaving me

ElBruc for failing how to figure out how to come back without the Admin detecting him... maybe??? :D

Archon for picking HannaH

Tumin for being the stupidest CN players ever, god love him...

Azaghul for leaving so he can't nationsit me anymore :((


RoK's fighting in the last major war

Elysium for merging TPF into them and keeping the worse flag and name among other things that were bad about this

VE for defending their ally in the last war despite sethb being insanely retarded... honor and loyalty aren't the same things

GPA for not nuking the hell out of NPO

TORN for being too dense to realize NPO was going to screw them

NPO for not amassing any kind of evil revival yet

TOP and Citadel for not being more evil to make the game more interesting

Edited by apriland
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People complaining about TOP not starting enough wars don't seem that great of an idea, do they want Citadel to roll them just to prove we can?

Most disappointing player for me is probably Rich333, I trusted him full as I put him in his current gov postion and he fully turned against me.

What!? :gag: I missed something here, aren't you supposed to be neutral or something? :P

Edited by Tick1
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I'm going to have to go with my previous alliance USN for failing to support ANY of our allies in the karma war after telling our members we WERE going to declare war, then never telling our own members and the rest of planet bob our triumvir could not vote unanimously on who to support in the war and were going to be neutral. This of course created a massive divide in the alliance since the minority vote was blocking the majority vote for declaring war ensuing in a massive exodus. Not to mention the the mishandling of many post-karma war events...

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