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Countdown to Athens Rep Payment


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Goes to show you that KS is a stand up guy ... some should take notice of the "right" way to act in situations like this ;)

oo/ King Srqt *spelling is impotent :P*

Yeah they should be pledging or already sending money to Ni if they really care for them rather than using them for political gain.

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We are not limiting Bilrow's speech in any way, shape or form. We are merely deducting 3mil from the reps that Ni! will receive every time Bilrow posts in this thread. It's up to him whether he wants to limit his own free speech and do the right thing for the entirety of Bob.

Well isn't that sad? I had hoped Athens could've come up with a better showing, but this is just painful to read. Hell, you're failing so hard you're making Bilrow look good...

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That is Revanche who's never been in LUE. (ooc: stay ic?)

Regardless you don't counter his argument very well.

Considering king sqrt has pledged 6mil for every 3mil that athens "deducts," Ni will be doing quite well I think.

Good show by King Srqt. Just as I'd expect out of him these days. Hopefully, some people will learn from his actions.

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Your example fails, since we paid reps to every unaligned nation that we attacked to prove a point at what a farce CNARF was. While the method wasn't probably the best, I don't regret it and have no regrets since we made sure to pay for our action immediately and not 19 days later, and it helped remove Grand Global Alliance from some useless treaties at those who protested that action.

Ironically enough, many of those same people stood behind Athens in their ruthless action that dumped Grand Global Alliance (thankfully) at a drop of the hat. Hypocrisy at it's finest in many regards. I guess the difference is the wanton attacks on alliances are acceptable, while wanton attacks on unaligned nations is not.

First, no you did not send reparations to all nations that were attacked. Second, as Archon pointed out, sending out a small sum of money that does not even begin to cover the destruction wrought is not indicative of an adequate solution. Third, the response of the Grand Global Alliance was not immediate; rather, it took quite some time before the initial acknowledgement of wrondoing occurred (the censure of the Pacifican puppet usurpers - yourself and Kevin the Great). Fourth, while Athens' actions were inappropriate, those of the GGA were absolutely deplorable; intentionally causing harm and destruction to innocent nations, utilising them as mere pawns in a pathetic Machiavellian game. Fifth, had Athens maintained the same lack of regret and remorse that you still possess, and were the same low quality allies that GGA were (and still are), then it would have been more likely for Athens' allies to consider cancelling treaties. Instead, Athens are a high-quality, independent-thinking alliance, whose allies are happy to rally behind to assist.

Further, it is very telling of your character that you do not regret your actions whilst in command of the Grand Global Alliance. I am certain any ruler with dignity would be ashamed of transforming their alliance into an assembly of piss-weak sycophants whose only political talent is to follow the Pied Piper of Pacifica.

It's almost like we're all stuck in 2006 around here. Not that I'm saying Bilrow himself has changed, but who are all of you to assume YOU can change and no one else can? Or should we just pretend that you are still in LUEnited Nations, rather than in Vanguard?

Who said I had changed? I certainly made no such claim. I had no reason to change, no 'crimes' to be absolved from. My only transgression in a prior life was to lose the final battle against an opposition who proudly supported and employed the practice of PZI.

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First, no you did not send reparations to all nations that were attacked. Second, as Archon pointed out, sending out a small sum of money that does not even begin to cover the destruction wrought is not indicative of an adequate solution. Third, the response of the Grand Global Alliance was not immediate; rather, it took quite some time before the initial acknowledgement of wrondoing occurred (the censure of the Pacifican puppet usurpers - yourself and Kevin the Great). Fourth, while Athens' actions were inappropriate, those of the GGA were absolutely deplorable; intentionally causing harm and destruction to innocent nations, utilising them as mere pawns in a pathetic Machiavellian game. Fifth, had Athens maintained the same lack of regret and remorse that you still possess, and were the same low quality allies that GGA were (and still are), then it would have been more likely for Athens' allies to consider cancelling treaties. Instead, Athens are a high-quality, independent-thinking alliance, whose allies are happy to rally behind to assist.

Further, it is very telling of your character that you do not regret your actions whilst in command of the Grand Global Alliance. I am certain any ruler with dignity would be ashamed of transforming their alliance into an assembly of piss-weak sycophants whose only political talent is to follow the Pied Piper of Pacifica.

We were censured within hours of the actions and aid packets of three million dollars went out to the nations harmed in the attack at the same time. ALdbeign made sure that happen. Plus you have to remember 3 million back in 2006 for the size of the nations was more than adequate restitution.

War Games Announcement - Dated Dec 1 2006, 09:53 PM

Link to announcement of censure - Dated Dec 2 2006, 03:36 AM

Your revisionism fails flat on it's face. Unless you consider five and half hours to be "quite some time."

So for me to expect Athen's to live up to the same criteria on their actions is not far-fetched.

As to your fifth point, I believe you should check out Londo's remarks where he said they didn't "owe" reps for their action. Very "high-quality and independent-thinking alliance."

Edited by Bilrow
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We were censured within hours of the actions and aid packets of three million dollars went out to the nations harmed in the attack at the same time. ALdbeign made sure that happen. Plus you have to remember 3 million back in 2006 for the size of the nations was more than adequate restitution.

War Games Announcement - Dated Dec 1 2006, 09:53 PM

Link to announcement of censure - Dated Dec 2 2006, 03:36 AM

Your revisionism fails flat on it's face. Unless you consider five and half hours to be "quite some time."

So for me to expect Athen's to live up to the same criteria on their actions is not far-fetched.

Then judging by inflation we're ahead of schedule.

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This thread took a turn for the hilarious a few pages back. Poor Ni! So many people who could care less about them and only about their own PR relative to the PR of those who bested them.

Poor everyone in that case D:

P.S. (for content): Thank you Bilrow for guarding the light of justice at the cost of your own image. I feel safer now. Shame you didn't care as much about this since a while back, when alliances like VE were getting rolled for practically nothing and such. Ah well, such is the light of justice i guess.

Edited by uaciaut
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Your argument is ridiculous at best. This has almost nothing to do with Ni! and everything to do with Athens. My argument was Bilrow's shameless attention whoring and attempted PR war against Athens. Him caring about Ni! was never an essential or central part of my argument or why I called him out for this abomination of a topic.

You saying OWF has changed any over the past year or so?

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Every time Bilrow posts about Athens reps to Ni in this thread or any other thread, 3 million dollars will be subtracted from the final amount. This is to give Bilrow an opportunity to prove that he really cares about Ni's welfare.

Using threats to silence your opposition now?

It's so effective too, it has totally stopped Bilrow. :rolleyes:

EDIT- Also how is Bilrow's actions related to the knights of NI! ?

Punishing them for something outside of their control seems a little harsh.

Edited by Prime minister Johns
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Using threats to silence your opposition now?

It's so effective too, it has totally stopped Bilrow. :rolleyes:

EDIT- Also how is Bilrow's actions related to the knights of NI! ?

Punishing them for something outside of their control seems a little harsh.

You're a sneaky one; Trying to make me out to be the bad guy. It's not my fault most of the people on Planet Bob with opinions are about as sharp as a chunk of cottage cheese.

Besides, if I can't bully people into seeing that I'm right (as I am 99.45% of the time) how will the rest of you ever reach enlightenment?

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to take nap before I commence operation Raid Ni 2: Electric Boogaloo

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We were censured within hours of the actions and aid packets of three million dollars went out to the nations harmed in the attack at the same time. ALdbeign made sure that happen. Plus you have to remember 3 million back in 2006 for the size of the nations was more than adequate restitution.

Your recollection is incorrect if you believe that all nations were sufficiently compensated for the destruction your actions caused.

Your revisionism fails flat on it's face. Unless you consider five and half hours to be "quite some time."

Considering the heinous nature of the GGA's crimes, and the fact that beareroftruth was present and posting when the original declaration, publicising the coordinated attack on unaligned nations, was made, yes I do consider it to be quite some time. Further, the minimal compensation received by some nations took even longer to occur.

So for me to expect Athen's to live up to the same criteria on their actions is not far-fetched.

Athens cannot act unilaterally and begin sporadically firing off reparations packages to some of the Knights of Ni! nations affected, for numerous reasons, many of which have been elucidated within this discussion. The primary reason, however, is that peace negotiations began at a government level, and thus must continue in that same format. Should Athens begin dealing with individual nations, you'll have 'concerned' people such as yourself feigning moral outrage over the continued 'undermining of Ni! government' or the 'inefficiency of the payment plan' or 'inadequate reparations'. A solid, concrete resolution between the respective governments of Athens and Knights of Ni! is the best way forward. This cannot be achieved until the Knights of Ni! increase their activity.

As to your fifth point, I believe you should check out Londo's remarks where he said they didn't "owe" reps for their action. Very "high-quality and independent-thinking alliance."

Londo has also admitted wrong-doing, apologised, introduced alliance-wide reforms, and has worked assiduously towards a resolution between Athens and Knights of Ni! This is a distinct contrast from your own behaviour, which was comprised of a complete lack of regret, flagrant disregard for the well-being of tech raided nations, and laughable chest-beating. This behaviour was present both in this thread, as well as those specifically dealing with the CNARF situation.

Edited by Revanche
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This thread took a turn for the hilarious a few pages back. Poor Ni! So many people who could care less about them and only about their own PR relative to the PR of those who bested them.

Are you saying nobody cares about those oppressed by tech raids? Are you saying I do not now or have never cared or taken action to defend those being raided?

I'll accept that there may be those who are looking for a smear, but you must accept that there are many of us who think raiding is despicable, and raiding of a 40 member alliance, well, the words I use to describe that can not be mentioned here.

As long as an alliance raids they should know that there are those that will decry it.

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A "no u" would have suffice since that is all you said.

As we approach a turn of another day and no more than the original 6 million has been sent to any nations of the Knights of Ni! and we await the joint (?) announcement from the two alliances in regards to the final agreement I will share some of the messages received so far from those members of Knights of Ni!

To: Bilrow From: CyberNat1ons Date: 12/3/2009 4:18:02 PM

Subject: RE: Greetings/Survey

Message: Hi Bilrow,

No, neither of the alliance perps has contacted me.

I am at a loss as to what to do. They are far bigger than we are.

One of the admins of the alliances and Foreign Affairs Minister

To: Bilrow From: Capt. Aloha Date: 12/3/2009 7:40:03 PM

Subject: RE: Hey

Message: Kinda slow...

Frankly I don't expect anything to come of it.

Sorry for the brevity, but in a rush.

Please stay in touch, haven't heard from you guys in a long while.


To: Bilrow From: Cavot DeMinus Date: 12/3/2009 9:25:06 PM

Subject: RE: Greetings/Survey

Message: Hey thanks Brilow for your inquiry.

I don't know the details regarding the negotiations but Ramon666 has asked the members about damages.

Thanks for the information about the website. I'll go there.

To: Bilrow From: Pwnzor Date: 12/4/2009 10:41:41 AM

Subject: Greetings

Message: Hey Bilrow

I got your message about discussing reps for the raid that was done. Thanks for the offer, but I'l leave that one to the alliance seniors, it's not really my cup up tea.

Besides, I already nuked my aggressors a few times, that was more satisfaction than any reps could be, so I'm not really interested in the outcome of the discussion.

On a side note, How are you fairing in the NPO? I haven't heard much from you since you left the GGA, I left the GGA shortly after you, it just wasen't the same. I'l admit that every once in a while I'l check up on your nation to see how your doing :D, sort of creepy stalker ish I know, but hey, it's not everyday that an alliance has such an influential leader like yourself, so can ya really blame me?

In any case, I hope you have a happy holidays!

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Are you saying nobody cares about those oppressed by tech raids? Are you saying I do not now or have never cared or taken action to defend those being raided?

I'll accept that there may be those who are looking for a smear, but you must accept that there are many of us who think raiding is despicable, and raiding of a 40 member alliance, well, the words I use to describe that can not be mentioned here.

As long as an alliance raids they should know that there are those that will decry it.

This is not about the raid, it's about compensating Ni!. If you continue to run your mouth after an explanation has been given, it means you're either pushing an agenda or nuts. Or both, in Bilrow's case. I can't wrap my head around how we thought people would actually buy into this defender of the oppressed act after he took giant !@#$s on people and alliances for most of his existence.

As for condemning raiding, it's obvious that there are plenty of people who are doing it out of a sincere belief that it is wrong and I have no issues with that. Even though I can't really understand them.

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Are you saying nobody cares about those oppressed by tech raids? Are you saying I do not now or have never cared or taken action to defend those being raided?

I'll accept that there may be those who are looking for a smear, but you must accept that there are many of us who think raiding is despicable, and raiding of a 40 member alliance, well, the words I use to describe that can not be mentioned here.

As long as an alliance raids they should know that there are those that will decry it.

So many = everyone, now? When the sweet hell did I say that no one cares about Ni? When the hell did I say anything that you accused me of saying, actually? It certainly wasn't in the quote of mine you highlighted.

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Pretty lame Athens. Pretty lame. You're too slow to pay off the debts. But instead of just coming clean about it, you pretend this is all about Bilrow.

It's not about Bilrow. Pay your debts like you promised.

I... I have no words.

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