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It's all my fault, I'm sorry


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Oh trust me, they will be.

Every alliance has its time.

ODN may be changed and are firmly with a side now, but realize the side you've betrayed ODN, could care less what you're going to do next war. They're waiting.

I assume ODN's new allies will be as well.

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What about IRON?

Hey now, that would violate the OUT guideline of no Orange on Orange violence. :o

Aside from that, I don't believe anybody thought ODN would roll with Hegemony. The treaty may have existed only because it had been around for so long, nostalgia, if you will, but clearly that's not where ODN's allegiances were. I'm not going to open up the argument about ODN having ties to both sides, because, that's not what this topic is about.

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Oh trust me, they will be.

Every alliance has its time.

ODN may be changed and are firmly with a side now, but realize the side you've betrayed ODN, could care less what you're going to do next war. They're waiting.


Tin-Foil hat etc

What about IRON?

What about them in particular?

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Read the OP, not reading the rest of the backwash mainly cause I'm sure there's some ODN flaming on here.

Hi there IAA? Just a guess.

Anyway, nice treaty. Very expected.

2 great alliances cemented their friendship here.

Obligatory hail to the Orange Defense Network.

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Aside from that, I don't believe anybody thought ODN would roll with Hegemony. The treaty may have existed only because it had been around for so long, nostalgia, if you will, but clearly that's not where ODN's allegiances were.

Not really, anyway, its an old topic where we'd just agree to disagree and move on.

Gratz ODN, this was long expected and I'm glad to see ODN moving firmly in one direction.

Edited by shahenshah
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I look forward to the next major war if only so I can watch ODN shut all the haters and the doubters up. It'll be a sweet, sweet thing to watch.

It would take a TPF type fight from them to change peoples mind. A simple 7 or 10 day defense of an ally wont change peoples mind. Congrats on the treaty anyway.

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ODN may be changed and are firmly with a side now, but realize the side you've betrayed ODN, could care less what you're going to do next war. They're waiting.

We do know what AUT, i can live with your hate but please do not assume that we lack intelligence, we know full well that we have some waiting for an opportunity and have laboured under that premise for some time <_<

Whether this is a good treaty or not will only be determined when the hard rain starts to fall, until then congratulations ODN. You have managed to convince a very astute alliance of your worth. I am confident that ODN will make its choices well when the time comes and I know they will never dare develop spinal jaundice again.

*Cata bows deeply

Many sincere thanks Grub.

Congrats to ODN and MK on this treaty. :beers:

Terima kasih tukangsate ;)

What about IRON?

Your point? do we need to go over the pre-Karma events?? in a nutshell some of us who harboured an anti-1V agenda won the battle of consensus, is that simple enough for you? or should i draw a diagram for you?

Edited by Cataduanes
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It would take a TPF type fight from them to change peoples mind. A simple 7 or 10 day defense of an ally wont change peoples mind. Congrats on the treaty anyway.

Heh that is something we do know already, we have a long way to go to win over our most harshest critics and to fully restore our self-respect, no one is more aware of the difficulties that have faced and continue to face ODN than ourselves.

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Your point? do we need to go over the pre-Karma events?? in a nutshell some of us who harboured an anti-1V agenda won the battle of consensus, is that simple enough for you? or should i draw a diagram for you?

Would you draw me a diagram?


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Hey now, that would violate the OUT guideline of no Orange on Orange violence. :o

Aside from that, I don't believe anybody thought ODN would roll with Hegemony. The treaty may have existed only because it had been around for so long, nostalgia, if you will, but clearly that's not where ODN's allegiances were. I'm not going to open up the argument about ODN having ties to both sides, because, that's not what this topic is about.

I'd just like to point out ODN used an invisible optional clause in a treaty with us before I'm sure there is one in OUT as well.

Disclaimer: I do not represent the views of IRON membership or It's government.

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