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This thread has been highly humorous and just a moment ago, I felt the cool breeze of self satisfaction when I realized that the ratings for Athens based on me had finally reached the number 10, the maximum quotes I can have in one post. So I went through and I am now going to discern what entire alliances think of me based on my fact finding.

The NpO

Athens - 6 - I like jake diorno.

The NpO likes me, but doesn't elaborate on the issue. If I had to guess why polaris liked me I would have to say it's because of my awesome survival skills and incredible resistance to pain.


Athens (I won't hold Jack against you, so I'll keep it blank)

Invicta doesn't hold Jack Diorno against Athens. I would say they do not like me, and it make be due to making that "stumpy king of purple sphere" signature.

The NPO (capital P!)

Athens - 1 Sad when Jack may be the best thing there.
Athens - 6 Cause they have Jack

The old overlords of planet Bob love me, but dislike the rest of Athens sadly. I think this is due to everyone in Athens receiving reparations from NPO except for me. Or a certain secret term that mitigated their approval of certain people in the world including me.

It could also be because the NPO is going to take a shocking political direction once they are out of the Karma war terms, and try to gain membership to C&G based on our amazing friendship skills and tea parties.


Athens - 3 Sorry, Jack annoys the hell outta me

I annoy the hell outta them. I think this is due to valhalla being a terrible alliance that is jealous of me.

The Order of the Paradox

Athens 6- Other then diorno I love me some Athens. I find Jack's postings lacking anything particular insightful and nothing there but to stir the pot (which unfortunately people respond to). Love Londo and bandnerd.
Athens - 2 - You have Jack D who continues to whine about us poor stat collectors. I've heard good things about Londo but have never spoken to him personally.
Athens - 4 Thanks to Jack, but he does entertain.
Athens = as i only "know" jack diorno and londo from your alliance, those 2 are basicly forming my oppinion of you, jack -2, londo +0,5. so an 2.5 for you.
Athens - 6.5134 - Jack is here hence the lower score and my belief that nonsensical threads are nothing more than a bait and hook that unfortunately those from my alliance and others will respond to. I hate to see that type of animosity happen over threads as ridiculous as he puts out. That being said, Londo brings the score up as does rsoxbronco. Great people there and have always been a help with trades. I do worry that the new image goes to your head as I've always considered you all humble people and found that to be an admirable quality.

TOP is the most opinionated about Jack Diorno, I think this is due to collecting stats being boring. While 100% of paradoxians do not like me, 80% of Paradoxians do like Londo Mollari and/or Rsoxbronco1.

I believe the low opinion of Jack Diorno and high opinion of Rsox and Londo in TOP are due to Rsox and Londo not cleaning up any PR disasters I create properly, if Londo and Rsox do their job I will be more liked.

Edited by Jack Diorno
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TOP is the most opinionated about Jack Diorno, I think this is due to collecting stats being boring. While 100% of paradoxians do not like me, 80% of Paradoxians do like Londo Mollari and/or Rsoxbronco1.

I believe the low opinion of Jack Diorno and high opinion of Rsox and Londo in TOP are due to Rsox and Londo not cleaning up any PR disasters I create properly, if Londo and Rsox do their job I will be more liked.

I don't think I've been behind any PR disasters. Ever. You spawn them like it's biologically imperative for the survival of the species.

You're like the Exxon Valdez. No matter how much we try, you're still going to kill some cute seals and seabirds.

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That "convenient" :rolleyes: treaty was an ODP (which was quickly upgraded to a MDoAP after the war) with Athens. We asked M*A*S*H if we could count on their support should Athens be declared upon. This was during the time when it looked like only CnG and SF would be going in. They said of course and to keep them updated. So we did. We declared war on NPO. The Grand Global Alliance declared war on Athens a day or two later. During this time, we asked M*A*S*H for their assistance. They talked to Legion, and told them about the situation and M*A*S*H and Legion agreed to not activate their treaties. M*A*S*H declared war on GGA shortly after. And the rest is history. I remember all the hate they got from purple because of this. Was very amusing. :P

I am proud to call M*A*S*H a close and trusted friend and ally of Athens. I love them to death and know they will always have our backs, and we will always have theirs. To say they activated a treaty out of convenience is pure !@#$%^&*. They would of gone to hell and back with Legion or any of their other allies. We asked for assistance they gave it. No questions asked.

Aha! One of my ratings wasn't srs and you caught it, good job sir. I don't judge without having the facts (most of the time), and I was actually diplo to MASH during the short little time I was a diplomat. They're pretty cool honestly, weird forum layout though.

Oh, I just remembered, ODN bailed on Legion (twice didn't they?) also, and probably a few more I'm forgetting. You just reminded me of that by mentioning that Legion let MASH disregard (or whatever) their treaty. Legion it's ok to let your allies defend you! :P

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I have no idea what you mean, but as long as we are showing photos.


Look, its me, I am a ballerina, my name is Caroline Martial.


That's the sound of that joke going over Jack's head at breakneck speeds.

This one might be more your speed:

So this baby seal walks into a club...




Anyway, I don't like many alliances as I've said before, and it looks like most people don't. heh. Makes sense, most alliances are boring as Jack has rightly pointed out.

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I really don't mean to get back off-topic here, but seriously, IRON? SERIOUSLY? You asked for the STA member to have to peace out, and STA obliged. They asked for him to peace out, but the rogue wouldn't oblige. Really, other than convincing the rogue yourself to peace out there's not much you can do (I mean, I suppose there is since any alliance can technically do whatever it pleases, but reasonably, prudently there's not much). The STA member engaging a legit tech-raid target paying reps to IRON, or IRON declaring on said STA member, are unwarranted, inane solutions to what could and should be a much simpler, peaceful situation.

Back on-topic, I'm slightly tickled at Jack's perception of me affecting MK's score. Not because I feel it's unjustified, but because it could have affected our score even more. :awesome:

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I really don't mean to get back off-topic here, but seriously, IRON? SERIOUSLY? You asked for the STA member to have to peace out, and STA obliged. They asked for him to peace out, but the rogue wouldn't oblige. Really, other than convincing the rogue yourself to peace out there's not much you can do (I mean, I suppose there is since any alliance can technically do whatever it pleases, but reasonably, prudently there's not much). The STA member engaging a legit tech-raid target paying reps to IRON, or IRON declaring on said STA member, are unwarranted, inane solutions to what could and should be a much simpler, peaceful situation.

Back on-topic, I'm slightly tickled at Jack's perception of me affecting MK's score. Not because I feel it's unjustified, but because it could have affected our score even more. :awesome:

There's really nothing they're going to do about it. I mean, I suppose they could come take their "reps" by force, but that would start an alliance war, and that would be ridiculous on IRON's part. Regardless, when they requested "compensation", we declined.

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As always I show up to the cool parties late. :-/

TOP - 2, Not really anything personal, but from where I was sitting you guys tend to wait to see who's going to come out on top then pick their side, which leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Not only that but ya'll kind of left RIA holding the bag, not to mention other actions during the last conflict.

Sparta - 3, I mean besides being a disorganized mess when it comes to battle tactics and the terrible name, you're alright I guess

NpO - 9, Despite past issues with Polar, I still hold a lot of respect fo them, even if the feeling isn't mutual.

ODN -3, Optional Defense Network? I'm not going to elaborate more than that.

FARK - 7, Good group of folks, that make me laugh.

GPA - 6, Generally a good group of folks, but there are a few GPA members that kind of rub me the wrong way, however I do love pattjenn.

NPO - 2, You guys really just don't get it...you just don't...

FOK - 6, lots of respect here, for a variety of reasons.

MK - 9, lYou guys never cease to impress me.

VE - 1 Totally a bunch of terrible terrible people who eat babies, and are so egomanicial it's not funny, oh, and that one guy Lost is a total noob.

Legion - 4, Nothing really, but you associate with the wrong group of folk, amongst other issues...

RoK - 9, Stand up guys, always have our backs, truely good allies who are never afraid to pixels on the line.

GATO - 7, Wont lie, I can still remember when I used to call you guys WAE, and a lot of the historical animosity I've held toward you guys. However, recently I've seen a lot of merit, and potential here, and while I may have been reluctant about even the thought of any type of treat with you guys, I really hope we wind up upgrading to something more substantial eventually.

Athens - 3, eh, you guys talk a big game, but I think you're a bit out of your head.

Gremlins - 6, I do love BobJanova, and the rest of you seeem decent enough.

MCXA - 4, I've got a lot of reservations about you folks, but my opinion of you is slowly recovering, if this poll had been a month ago, this probably would have been a 2-3.

UPN - 5, Meh. I used to think you guys were cool.

RIA - 7, I like, for various reasons.

STA - 7, Lots of smart folks in STA, great leadership as well.

Invicta - 2, Yeah, I'm an ex-member...but there's a lot of stuff you guys do I just can't wrap my head around. Nothing against anyone personally.

NSO - 7, Ya'll get a lot of flack from a lot of folks, much of it not warranted. I don't really see why, you all seem like nice enough folk.

FAN - 7,

LoSS - uh...so, I didnt know you guys still existed until right now, I was like 110% sure you'd disbanded.

TSO 3 - Probably the only thing that me and Francesca will ever agree on.

Vanguard - 7, an honorable lot.

GOD - 10, VE's oldest, dearest, and most honorable friends. We couldn't ask for better allies, there is no number remotely high enough to express the amount of respect and gratitude that I have for you lot.

GGA - 2, There's a lot of bad blood here. Yet, I was probably one of the strongest voices from within VE for reconciliation with GGA after the dissolution of the Algae Accords, unfortunately it seems my faith was misplaced. Maybe you'll recover, but I dont think so.

TPF - 2, You've always come off as a bunch of..., yeah.

TDO, WTF , MHA,FoB, PC, Valhalla, GR, NATO, NEW, NADC, MASH, WAPA, Nordreich, and CSN I dont really have interaction with and thus dont have a real opinion, so I'm not going to arbitrarily pass judgment.

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I've uploaded about the first 70 ratings into my spreadsheet, up to the end of page 4 (at 25 posts per page)

The results so far: alliance and the average rating for them, excluding all self ratings

NpO 7.39

MK 7.23

STA 7.17

FAN 6.73

Gremlins 6.39

FARK 6.33

GR 6.23

Umbrella 6.14

FOK 6.12

Vanguard 6.11

NV 6.11

RoK 6.05

FoB 5.84

Athens 5.80

GATO 5.63

RnR 5.61

RIA 5.53

CSN 5.42

MHA 5.33

VE 5.27

IRON 5.16

TOP 5.14

NEW 5.10

MASH 5.03

GOD 5.03

ODN 5.03

NSO 5.02

PC 5.00

Sparta 4.91

TOOL 4.77

WAPA 4.74

MA 4.67

Valhalla 4.57

LoSS 4.52

UPN 4.30

MCXA 4.18

Invicta 4.15

NATO 4.11

TPF 4.07

GPA 4.05

NADC 4.02

Legion 3.98

NPO 3.97

Nordreich 3.94

WTF 3.82

TDO 3.66

GGA 2.88

TSO 2.73

The full spreadsheet here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tgG...amp;output=html Including other stats like median and how many are in the high, middle, and low ranges.

If anyone is interested in helping add ratings to the sheet, please let me know. At this rate I don't have the time to get all of them, though I know it becomes less dense in later pages.

Edit: missed some self rankings.

Edited by Azaghul
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Oh, I just remembered, ODN bailed on Legion (twice didn't they?) also, and probably a few more I'm forgetting. You just reminded me of that by mentioning that Legion let MASH disregard (or whatever) their treaty. Legion it's ok to let your allies defend you! :P

MASH were formed by former members of ONOS, an alliance that was destroyed by NPO. Their reasons for fighting NPO were some of the best in all of Karma, IMO, and we respected that.

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I don't see how your using sarcasm there. They kinda did go through waaaaay more then you, or anybody else on Planet Bob. They had almost 3 years of continuous war, with only a small break during UJW when everyone gave them peace so they could fight each other, and then stabbed them in the back and re-declared. If you seriously think the Legion has gone through anything close to what FAN has gone through, then I question your intelligence.

to clarify i'm not sure Sicko saw what happened to FAN, so you should probably ignore him

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Here are my ratings with commentary because I am uber cool, and people care about my opinions.

TOP 4 - Have disliked you for a long time. Whether that's justified or not anymore, I don't know.

MHA 3 - Yeah, you're number 2/3, but you never really do anything

Sparta 2 - Used to like you, and then you just had to become self-conscious.

NpO 10 - Fantastic alliance 10/10


ODN 6 - Some bitterness still there from the Second Patriotic War, but you're trying really hard to erase the memory of the Optional Defense Network. Stop working so hard at improving your rep with words, and prove it with your actions.

FARK 7 - I really do wish we could be better friends.




MK 9 - Good alliance, I just wish you would ban MT from gov.

WTF 3 - WTF, indeed.



VE 3

Legion 7

RoK 8 - Pretty cool dudes. Definitely better since ChairmanHal left.


CSN 5 - I honestly only know who you are because of WickedJ.

Athens 5 -

Gremlins 8 - Another alliance I wish we could be better friends with. Another time, perhaps.

MCXA 4 - No Sam is definitely an improvement.



STA 10000 - Some of the greatest most loyal allies we could ask for.

Invicta 5

RnR 4


NADC 2 - Not really relevant, but I had fun fighting you back in the day.


NV 9 - Hizzy is the man.

NSO 9 - Evil !@#$%^&*


MA 4

Umbrella 6

FAN 7 - They fought the law and won.

LoSS 2

TSO 0 - I'll be happy when you're dead.


Nordreich 5

GR 9 - One day I will return as the triumphant king of GR. That day will be beautiful.

Vanguard 7 - I've always liked your swagger.


FoB 6

PC 4

Valhalla 7 - The one true casualty whores. They do it better than anyone else.



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TOP- 7

MHA- 7

Sparta- 4

NpO- 6
























MASH-10 (<3 MASH)





















5's given to alliances I haven't had much contact with. I don't have to remind anyone that these opinions are mine, and in no way my alliance's.

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Invicta doesn't hold Jack Diorno against Athens. I would say they do not like me, and it make be due to making that "stumpy king of purple sphere" signature.

Heh, actually, I thought that Stumpy thing was kinda funny :P And it's not really Invicta's stance, it's just mine. I honestly have no clue what other Invictan's think of you ;)

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I really don't mean to get back off-topic here, but seriously, IRON? SERIOUSLY? You asked for the STA member to have to peace out, and STA obliged. They asked for him to peace out, but the rogue wouldn't oblige. Really, other than convincing the rogue yourself to peace out there's not much you can do (I mean, I suppose there is since any alliance can technically do whatever it pleases, but reasonably, prudently there's not much). The STA member engaging a legit tech-raid target paying reps to IRON, or IRON declaring on said STA member, are unwarranted, inane solutions to what could and should be a much simpler, peaceful situation.

Back on-topic, I'm slightly tickled at Jack's perception of me affecting MK's score. Not because I feel it's unjustified, but because it could have affected our score even more. :awesome:

Edit: forum rehabilitation.

There's really nothing they're going to do about it. I mean, I suppose they could come take their "reps" by force, but that would start an alliance war, and that would be ridiculous on IRON's part. Regardless, when they requested "compensation", we declined.

No you're right we wouldn't force the issue, ironically that probably would be unnecessarily hostile unlike my first communication with you which was to the utmost degree reasonable. The fact that you continue to bring this to the OWF after it was resolved via private channels says alot for your character. Given that you don't have a leg to stand on with your original point as was evident from your conversation with me earlier I don't see how furthering this argument in public is in anyway productive. I will say that STA can expect to receive the same curtosey IRON has in any future diplomacy.

Edited by MCRABT
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Heh, actually, I thought that Stumpy thing was kinda funny :P And it's not really Invicta's stance, it's just mine. I honestly have no clue what other Invictan's think of you ;)

Well, I'm only a former Invictan, but I think he's an insatiable sexual deviant. Not that that has anything to do with him as a CN player :P

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