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A Dispatch from the Mushroom Kingdom


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Could you possibly be anymore of a killjoy?

Getting to 7mil isn't nothing.

lol, people being proud about Sparta :v:
He could... By saying something like: "Lol LUE 2.0 can barely gain half of what Spart does. THIS IS..." or something along those lines. But I'd have to roll him for that... :blush:

While I appreciate the support, don't sweat it. Against an alliance like Sparta, we really don't need it. Besides, I was going off of the memory that we hadn't announced anything since the noCB war, so once Sparta has actually gone through something even close to that, maybe then they can talk. Either that or once the slope of their growth can outpace ours, otherwise we'll just keep chugging along and eventually pass them in spite of their roughly 3.5 to 1 member count advantage :v:

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While I appreciate the support, don't sweat it. Against an alliance like Sparta, we really don't need it. Besides, I was going off of the memory that we hadn't announced anything since the noCB war, so once Sparta has actually gone through something even close to that, maybe then they can talk. Either that or once the slope of their growth can outpace ours, otherwise we'll just keep chugging along and eventually pass them in spite of their roughly 3.5 to 1 member count advantage :v:

Well said, Archon :v:

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I guess I'll take the next moment to stroke the Kingdom's collective ego. It's quite huge and needy, so you'll have to bear with me. It's my pleasure to announce that we're only the fifth alliance in the history of Cybernations, and the fourth in the modern score era, to break into the top twelve alliances in the game without being "sanctionable!" Furthermore, we've also broken 6 million NS since last announcing stats! Furthermore, we've also broken 7 million NS since last announcing stats! We're actually awful close to 8 million. And 500k tech. Aw hell, just click on this and save me the effort: http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance...hroom%20Kingdom.

On the personnel front, we have a new Lord High Envoy (that our MoFA for those of you unfamiliar with our terminology). So please feel free to send your condolences to the rest of us as you congratulate MagicalTrevor on his promotion! This means that the potato has retired. We're also completely redoing our Foreign Affairs staff and approach (hurr cancellations hurr), so you might notice some changes to who your alliance is talking to. Hopefully everything will go smoothly. And Lord of Destruction wanted me to note his name is Lord of Destruction, not Lord_of_Destruction. He keeps complaining, so I figured I'd give him his moment.


Lastly, I'd like to end this on a brief note concerning a few recent rumors. Sadly, unlike most alliances and blocs out there, we're not proficient at leaking private logs, so I figure I should probably come out and just say this straight and plain. The Kingdom is full of people who are free to speak their mind, and I would never dream of casting aspersions upon them. I'll never demand that they follow a certain model or obey with perfect obedience that borders on sycophancy. They know this and do not typically abuse it. However, as a consequence, they do often speak their mind quite boldly, and are fairly vocal about who they like and who they don't. Especially that second part. But they do not decide the policy of the Kingdom. I do. So take it from me - we are *not* planning on rolling Purple. We are not planning on rolling BelAir. We sure as **** aren't planning on rolling TOP (as if we could). Yeah, there are those in the Kingdom who really wish we were and quite frankly I'm okay with that. And with respect to some of you, I don't even really like you. However, I'm not about to let my own personal feelings drive MK foreign policy. So uh...seriously? We're not planning on rolling you, mmkay? I mean, if it happens it happens, but we're not planning on it :P


King of the Mushroom Kingdom

P.S. - Questions?

First congrats on breaking the top 12 that a great accomplishment considering your size well done.

Second Do you really want MT to be responsible for Foreign affairs and with that move comes my third point which is bolded and saved for future reference if MT is MOFA I find that in direct conflict with the bolded part as hes constantly wanting to roll me i mean Valh i mean purple :P

Congrats to MT hes been interesting and fun to work with in the embassy and Im sure he will continue to take MK down the path its choosen.

Ahaha, that's a good way of putting it.

Good to see some life from you Xiph

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If we used what's happened here as a standard to decide which alliances have problems with other alliance, MK would have problems for pretty much half of the planet. ;)

Yea I don't believe the Sparta poster meant anything hostile by his posts, so this is kind of a silly argument.

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that's nothing, sparta's gained at least 13 mil NS since our last stats announcement. regardless, congrats on the achievements, and the update was good to see.

Reading this brought to mind a certain overused Kanye West meme...

In any event, I'm not bothered here since it didn't seem to be meant maliciously. Once we've pulled off victory at the last second in our tech race with ODN I think we've found our next competitors though. :P

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Seeds of CnG rolling Sparta ITT

Why would C&G need to roll Sparta? We all know that Londo controls Sparta unless...


The fabled MK-Athens divide? Clearly the epic battle between our dear lord babyjesus and Londo for control of Sparta is spilling over into the rest of Planet Bob.

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that's nothing, sparta's gained at least 13 mil NS since our last stats announcement. regardless, congrats on the achievements, and the update was good to see.

Heya MK, I'm happy for you, and Imma let you finish, but Sparta has the best NS growth of all time! OF ALL TIME!

In all seriousness congrats MK, I know you've seen your share of trials, and you guys deserve this. I would make some comment about MT (since it seems like the cool thing to do), but I've never really talked with him. Something I hope to continue to do, now that I know he likes High School Musical.

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Also, 9 pages? Really?

You got a problem? Out with it!

Heya MK, I'm happy for you, and Imma let you finish, but Sparta has the best NS growth of all time! OF ALL TIME!

18 minutes earlier:

Reading this brought to mind a certain overused Kanye West meme...

You just had to, didn't you? <_<

Edited by SirWilliam
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