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Avalon Lodges a Formal Complaint

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I can understand it. If everything, including your own words didn't say otherwise.

I know you're pissed because PEACE lost a senate seat, but please stop worrying, its bad for your heart. Just discuss this in pvt and you guys will solve it I'm sure.

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You guys are no longer a protectorate of FOK, you don't share their IRC channel and despite the fact that FOK made this announcement, iFOK is completely autonomous from FOK.

Come on guys, they wrote your charter, they announced your existence, you use their IRC channel, your name means "International FOK", you have a provision against admitting Dutch nations as that would impact their growth. I mean at least you use different forums, but really you're trying to sell the line that you guys are just allies?

You can try and spin the truth any way you'd like, but those are the facts plain and simple. I may be narrow minded, if that's what you call not just accepting someone's word over the facts.

FOK says their relationship is not like that. iFOK says their relationship is not like that. What do you know that both of these alliances don't about their own international relations? FOK and iFOK are different alliances, it's really that simple...

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I'd like it if all of you stopped discussing the iFOK-FOK relationship, since I believe it has nothing to do with the topic.

For questions about this relationship, send me or other (i)FOK gov members a PM.

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I can't speak for the rest of my fellow Stickmen but I don't think there is much wrong with the message we sent. If we are sending out messages next time, I don't think we will change our 'plan de campagne'.

Common human decency would dictate that having this knowledge of others whom would take it as impolite, should lead you to reconsider just such a change of plans. We hold out hope that the rest of Stickmen may have just such courtesy, as Avalon holds no ill will towards Stickmen and still holds FCO in the highest possible regard.

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So you're pissed at Stickmen for not 'learning the way of the purple'? I wasnt aware they needed your approval to be purple..

Well, we'd prefer that they don't try to destroy what we've done in the past years. It appears that that's what they're trying to do

They havent been protected by FOK for many months. So what if they share an IRC channel? Polaris and Pacifica do too and finally if you actually paid attention you would know iFOK does their own thing and FOK has no bearing on them at all

Polaris and Pacifica share an IRC channel? Since when?

Pacifica is #nsa, Polaris is #polaris. But nice try.

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They havent been protected by FOK for many months.

Why good sir, http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Template:FOK_treaties

So what if they share an IRC channel? Polaris and Pacifica do too

They haven't since early July, 2008, when the Ordinance of Orders was cancelled. At that point, Polaris started using #polaris, which previously had been a private channel for Polar allies, as their public channel.

Sorry to cloud the issue with facts.

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Well, we'd prefer that they don't try to destroy what we've done in the past years. It appears that that's what they're trying to do

Polaris and Pacifica share an IRC channel? Since when?

Pacifica is #nsa, Polaris is #polaris. But nice try.

Why good sir, http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Template:FOK_treaties

They haven't since early July, 2008, when the Ordinance of Orders was cancelled. At that point, Polaris started using #polaris, which previously had been a private channel for Polar allies, as their public channel.

Sorry to cloud the issue with facts.

Regardless of the timing of the change to separate channels, the fact remains that Polaris and Pacifica shared an IRC channel long after Polaris had grown into its own alliance and was no longer a protectorate of Pacifica. So, his point still stands.

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You sir are clueless about the FOK-iFOK relationship, but that doesn't surprise me one bit. FOK has as much to say about iFOK's affairs as NPO has to say about Invicta's affairs.

This isn't really making your case >_>


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Why good sir, http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Template:FOK_treaties

Sorry to cloud the issue with facts.

Yes, the old "I read it on the internet so it must be true" arguement. i assure you my good sir i was with Farkistan when iFOK's protectorate was upgraded and Fark signed an MDoaP with iFOK. but yes here i go clouding the issue with facts againI've been corrected, iFOK is still a protectorate apparantly. Hey even the greatest are wrong once inawhile

Also, Janax: icwutudidthar :P

Edited by wickedj
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Just popped in to say Hi to the non-issue.

Nothing wrong with what Stickmen did. They're not breaking trade circles or trying to split up PEACE by this action. They just want to be part of purple and have a role in purple politics. I'm sure the famous purple diplomacy that made the most war torn sphere of 2007 into one of the most united can come to an accommodation that suits everyone.

Please return to your regularly scheduled non-issue.

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Next time somebody asks me to leave my trade circle and join their own I should pull a topic like this. It's a blatant act of war against my nation and my allies.

This would be one of the better CBs we have seen in the last couple of years.

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Will FOK/iFOK be the new NPO/NpO?

Im glad Im not the only person wondering this. Now excuse me while I rudely, and tactlessly, inform both iFOK and FOK about what relationship they share. Also how is a thread about messaging nations to vote for the senate reaching 40 pages?

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Im glad Im not the only person wondering this. Now excuse me while I rudely, and tactlessly, inform both iFOK and FOK about what relationship they share. Also how is a thread about messaging nations to vote for the senate reaching 40 pages?

Can we just chalk it up to boredom and call it a thread?


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Also how is a thread about messaging nations to vote for the senate reaching 40 pages?

Masterpieces of eloquence such as this one:

not accept

who not

There are several thoughts that come to mind when looking at such a post. But I'll reserve expressing them in this part of the OWRP. :rolleyes:

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You need to develop a sense of humour. ;)

Everyone knows the internet is serious business. Especially when one fails to indicate when they are serious or not.

I also believe that would also be a perfect note to end this thread on.

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