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Avalon Lodges a Formal Complaint

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how were we supposed to have gone back in time to unsend the messages that had already gone out which prompted this thread?

the only way we can be said to have not honoured their request is if we spam them next senate reset.

this is not rocket science.

This should be the final word in this thread (and I agree), but I know better. <_<

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You ARE purple. If you didn't want to join us, why did you come? It's not like we exactly recruited you.

Well I'm not purple but I'm in a purple alliance so that would explain why this thread has been dragged out exaggerated and repreated 10-15 times wouldn't it?

Edited by spearo
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Here I will point out I am not a Government official of SLCB and as such I speak only my opinion and not on behalf of SLCB or other Stickmen albeit I believe what I said to be the truth ;)

Then your government should have no problem refuting or validating this, should they wish to.

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stickmen have had their say and chairman hal is right in one respect at least in that this thread has gone on far too long.

i'd like to ask all stickmen members to refrain from further posting in this thread as there's not been anything new to say for hours and hours and hours now.

thank you and goodnight

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Previous members of SLCB have posted here and questions were raised on policy. Being gov (triumvirate, essentially) I suppose I'm forced into play.

Yes, if PEACE were to message all of our members for their senate campaign, this would be smiled upon. We'd hope our members would vote for our candidate, but hey, their choice. We in Stickmen believe heavily in Freedom of Speech, and saying we have such freedom but no one else does because we are a super secret ultra cool club of free-speechers... well, you get the idea.

More importantly, I'd like to thank Louisa for her support. <3

Most importantly, I request other stickmen peeps not to post here any longer. Thread should have been over the second Louisa made her statement. Any questions concerning SLCB/FCO/iFOK/Stickmen policy should be directed to the appropriate governments on IRC or forums. The lights of publicity are starting to hurt my eyes.

EDIT: We have no treaties with FCC. Sorry, was typing too quickly and not paying attention. My sincerest apologies. Much love to FCO.

Edited by E Schrodinger
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Maybe Stickmen could have this added onto their message:

If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, click here.

Adding this would allow for those who wish to not receive information in the future from the Stickmen from getting such messages. It can't be that difficult; you could even make an official Purple No-PM List if you really want :P

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...PEACE is not allowed to be annoyed at purple nations who they want to vote for their candidates voting for ours only that we have done nothing wrong in running our campaign.

Yes alliances are treaty bound for nations who are members of the alliance to vote for candidates chosen by the government of that alliance but in the end the senate is a free race and who a ruler votes for is up to the ruler to decide.

Thanks for bringing it back to the point that this was not a PEACE issue when it originally began as Avalon is not a member of PEACE. This only became something of a PU issue when we were accussed of supressing purple's free speech.

Also, I fixed the second paragraph quoted to show what the issue is to the many people who think your tactics are less than kosher. Although it's the nation's decision, by their membership in an alliance with treaty obligations, they take on the same obligation.

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Canik, I can only say my theory on this is that the senate and senators is a color issue not an alliance one. I think any member of any alliance should be voting for whomever they think is the best candidate in the color, not for who their alliance tells them. I did it on pink during the post GW3 times and won 4 senate seats in a row by saying we were working for the color. I think this was far better than just "Vote for X because your alliance says so" and a better way for senate races to be conducted overall. Sure, Avalon asked for them not to do this, but the issue is why and why on this stage?

Well, I still wub you Kroknia, but I fundamentally disagree with you. I think if the people's representation decides to sign a treaty with someone else rallying their votes, or anything of the sort, that it's extremely disrespectful for other alliances to just ignore that and mass message them anyway, trying to convince them to vote for someone else.

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If the PEACE alliances instructed their nations correctly about who to vote on, the Stickmen message would have been ignored by its sovereign nations. People voting for the Stickmen senator, who aren't members of a Stickmen alliance have been wrongly instructed by their alliances. This shows how disorganized peace actually is.

Avalon isn't a PEACE signatory. Traditionally, they stay out of Purple politics.

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SLCB has been childish and disrespectful through this whole debacle. You would've been better off responding to this privately. Instead you chose to come off as arrogant, hostile, and immature.

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Who thinks higher the trade integration, Less valuable a senate seat is.

Actually, the higher trade integration goes, the more dangerous sanctions become. Never know when you're going to shoot yourself in the foot...

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SLCB has been childish and disrespectful through this whole debacle. You would've been better off responding to this privately. Instead you chose to come off as arrogant, hostile, and immature.

Yeah, pretty much this. They're as bad/worse than BelAir.

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I don't know why people say "private channels" are better for resolving unique incidences like these; letting the public know will hold whomever transgressed against who to account. Or expose the aggrieved as sooks. Either way, it's rather effective. I hope Avalon will find due restitution.

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I don't know why people say "private channels" are better for resolving unique incidences like these; letting the public know will hold whomever transgressed against who to account. Or expose the aggrieved as sooks. Either way, it's rather effective. I hope Avalon will find due restitution.

Agreed. There are times and places for Private Channels, but those are much more rare than some around here try to make us all believe.

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