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Under-rated/Over-rated alliances


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I know you probably don't mean to use your gender in the way I mentioned, I'm just well aware of CN's notorious white-knighting, underground culture, so to be honest.. It's not really up to you. :P Although I have actually heard you bring up your gender a few times on IRC, but I'll just take your word for it. I do respect your abilities, from what I've heard of them.

And I said hello, glad we've sorted that out.

Something else to add to our consistently growing CB.

P.S. No you're not, we will destroy you.

Please, we are so on to you. As if TOP and IRON added an aggression clause to their treaty simply because they are friends.

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I know you probably don't mean to use your gender in the way I mentioned, I'm just well aware of CN's notorious white-knighting, underground culture, so to be honest.. It's not really up to you. :P Although I have actually heard you bring up your gender a few times on IRC, but I'll just take your word for it. I do respect your abilities, from what I've heard of them.

Mentioning I am female does not mean I am using it to gain power or anything. I meant using it by sexually influencing or flirting back. That is not something I do.

Abilities? I think you're listening to wrong people.

Anyways, people can think TOOL is overrated, it just amuses me to read the reasons why. Especially since being overrated, you have to be rated in the first place.. and since we're a relatively quiet alliance.. that is rather ironic.

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Well, this kinda just makes me think even less of Sparta tbh. I can just imagine the negotiations...

'Hi, I'm Salmia! :wub:'

'We'll do anything you want...'

I went into those negotiations with the intent to force them to disband. Then Mia spoke, and my knees got all weak, and I'm really not sure what happened, but I think I signed a peace treaty.

True story.

No, but really, Mia wasn't around for a majority of those negotiations, and had nothing much to do with it. I've no intentions of derailing this thread further, so shoot me a PM or find me on IRC to query me if you want to discuss our motivations as regards that treaty. Obviously I speak only for BRIG, and not for Sparta or the other alliances TOOL was engaged with.

Edited by Adrian LaCroix
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There are some really petty posts and grudges coming to light here. I don't like half the alliances around today, but some of you people really need to get over it, whatever "it" is.

Also, I enjoy that people still think NSO is a big forum presence and a huge bright blip on the radar, even after we've really been pretty quiet for a few weeks. Our posts are just that much more effective and exciting, I suppose.

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I know you probably don't mean to use your gender in the way I mentioned, I'm just well aware of CN's notorious white-knighting, underground culture, so to be honest.. It's not really up to you. :P Although I have actually heard you bring up your gender a few times on IRC, but I'll just take your word for it. I do respect your abilities, from what I've heard of them.

And I said hello, glad we've sorted that out.

Something else to add to our consistently growing CB.

P.S. No you're not, we will destroy you.

Whose reroll are you?
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your starting to make less and less sense

not standing with allies?

guilt tripped into war?

Useless hoards of NS?

wow, im starting to see the world class thinking of the IAA's MoD! :P

Legion has been "rolled" more times than I can count. If you notice the commonality in your military defeats, it's generally several alliances versus you at the same time. So either your military is failing, or your politics leave much to be desired. Neither of which is anything worth clinging to with pride.

The thing you're under-rated for is your perseverance. I think you're the only alliance that had been slapped down as many times while still maintaining the strange and often irritating will to survive is GATO.

As far as your comments on having more NS than the IAA, Legion has four times as many members. You may take this as a compliment for the second area in which you are not flailing.

P.s. "Viceroy."

Edited by Thierra
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The original Hearts of Iron treaty had an aggression clause in it.

It also had a clause referencing the senate, the omission of which I found interesting. Actually that entire article is pretty interesting.

Article III

Both parties recognize that Planet Bob is an ever-changing and chaotic place. Therefore, in addition to the provisions of Article II, the following conditions will require reciprocal defense when one signatory has been the victim of:

1. Espionage

2. A bid to unseat a team senator

3. Significant and credible threats to alliance security

4. Separatist movements

I can't decide if that's the best or worst treaty language I've ever signed off on.

Isn't IRON's treaty library great? http://www.iron-command.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1192

But yes it does seem to at least imply optional aggression, though it is worded in a way that is much different from most of todays standard treaties.

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...[G]etting to #2 in the game through reliance on your theme that is nothing but a facade.

Yes, you make a new nation, start messing around with the options and suddently you have 20 PMs offering you money to join an alliance, mostly trash and a couple semi personalized that seem to be more organized and more serious than the others, Sparta was the first of those alliances to send you the message, so you open it first (that's what happened to me). You remember the movie, your history lessons and those techno remixes on YouTube, then go and read again the message... it's not that bad, huh? Let's give it a try.

What? You have to create an account in a forum? Come on, this is just a stupid browser game.

Well... let's do it.

45 days after that you're here, in the CN forums, reading all the nights about past and current events, trying to learn about everything that you have missed all these years when you don't even knew that this game existed. Then you go an refresh your nation's page, double check when your tech deals are expiring and send a couple of pms.

Sparta got me involved in this game. When I first joined I did it because you don't need that much time (take Ogame as a comparison) and seems to be pretty slow. Perfect for someone with a full daily schedule. Now I'm looking for time to log in whenever I can to see what's going on, reply on the forums and in game.

Believe me, a mainstream movie would never make me get involved like this. You may join an alliance because you like it's name, it's logo or because it has Britney Spears as its queen, but nobody stays in a !@#$ty alliance just because of a name/theme/logo.

It's not really anything to do with you guys being under/overrated, I just find it funny that Sparta would take shots at NSO when Sparta is such a terrible alliance.

Also, the purpose of this thread is to say which alliance(s) you think are over/underrated.

Even if Sparta was a terrible alliance as you said, there's no problem if a Spartan gives his opinion on the matter.

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It also had a clause referencing the senate, the omission of which I found interesting. Actually that entire article is pretty interesting.

I was wondering how long it would take someone to notice. :P

I can't decide if that's the best or worst treaty language I've ever signed off on.

Isn't IRON's treaty library great? http://www.iron-command.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1192

But yes it does seem to at least imply optional aggression, though it is worded in a way that is much different from most of todays standard treaties.

The treaty was written before the vast majority of Planet Bob started sticking Optional Aggression clauses in their treaties which is why it's not in today's language. One of the reasons we "upgraded" the treaty was to clarify and change how some of the Articles were written.

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Bama is a consistently terrible poster on the forums (I admit '-Bama' is a big part of that, but I'm also generally opposed to most of his political persuasions), and as well as him they have a reasonable forum presence and the only things I ever hear them say leave me scratching my head in amazement at their ignorance. They were let out of the Karma War extremely early for their size, when they were only fighting Sparta (that should have been a front someone could really have helped the Hegemony's side on), and I personally think of them as just another MHA or Sparta. Incapable of pulling the weight they should be able to at their size. I've never seen them do anything much of any particular value either. They are pretty much just a slightly larger than normal meat-shield that people would be happy to have on their side in a war but not really bothered by not having them on their side. I don't foresee TOOL ever being a kingmaker in a war. Salmia seems to be the one redeeming feature about TOOL and that seems to be because she's an at least semi-intelligent female (never spoken to her so that's just an outsiders impression, and based on CN's notorious white knight attitude).

Basically, I think the opposite of what you just said and I can't believe this post ended up with as much content as it did.

Bama isn't as bad as a lot of people. I disagree with him a lot but he's one of the better posters for what was "Hegemony".

The "-Bama" thing is kinda funny. It's more making gentle fun than anything.

- Bama

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I was wondering how long it would take someone to notice. :P

The treaty was written before the vast majority of Planet Bob started sticking Optional Aggression clauses in their treaties which is why it's not in today's language. One of the reasons we "upgraded" the treaty was to clarify and change how some of the Articles were written.

I was also expecting someone to have already pointed it out. Honestly, I think the "Separatist Movement" one is more interesting. I guess that was shortly after TOP had that one incident and that's why it made it in there, and that certainly didn't help it age well.

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I was also expecting someone to have already pointed it out. Honestly, I think the "Separatist Movement" one is more interesting. I guess that was shortly after TOP had that one incident and that's why it made it in there, and that certainly didn't help it age well.

Yeah, I found that a bit surprising as well.

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The only memorable thing that comes to mind about Sparta is spouting the meme "This is madness" "This is (fill the blank in caps)". You are a cookie cutter alliance with a 300 movie poster pasted over it.

I invite you to read our Constitution of Sparta for a more memorable, and accurate, view of my alliance. :-)

Edited by Sethly
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