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Dispatch from ODN and GR

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Person A: Dude, I'm bored.

Person B: Me too, CyberNations is getting boring.

A: Hey I got an idea, let's all throw mud at each other in a thread about ODN and GR.

B: GOOD IDEA! I see no logical fallacy in that idea whatsoever.

A: BOO ODN bailed on us last year!

B: Well Sparta bailed on NPO more recently.

A: Ya, but you surrendered too early.

Should we skip right to "yo' mama" insults?

"logical fallacy"? C'mon dude.

Obligatory: Yo' mama so uneducated she proofread your post and didn't see any problems with it!

Edited by Zombie Glaucon
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Whatever do you mean, 'now'? I /always/ ridicule you cata :lol1:

Not that it's an excuse for our past actions by any means, but one should note that as a general rule all of the allies which ODN is currently obligated to defend fall on the same side of any predictable conflict. Achieving a coherent foreign policy was one of the major goals of our Secretary General coming into office, and I believe that so long as we continue to elect individuals with spines to government then we should be alright. Previous issues with our honour can be partially chalked up to this lack of a coherent policy, and to being too wimp to just declare neutrality when being pulled both ways by our obligations.. or better yet, attack on both fronts! :awesome:

Still waiting on someone to take ES up on his suggestion of the next CB being "I hate you guys so eat hot lead you jerks!" It seems as though there is certainly enough hate for us that we would warrant such a CB.

edit: spelling.

Edited by Proximus
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We were in the same coalition and the main point is, we started a war together and they left us fighting alone. You think that is ok, I think this is cowardice, let's move on.

If we stretch such things so thin then I could make the case, using the same logic, that you, along with the whole membership of CDS are cowards. You surrendered to NPO and WUT in GW2 before the thought crossed LUE's mind.

But of course, I do not lead a campaign of butt hurt fueled hate and therefor I do not make such a nonsensical assumption.

my apologies, i didnt mean to take cheap shots, i just was pointing out that the legion exiting the war before NPO was not cowardice, merely that we could not sustain a state of constant warfare with ragnablock

Exactly. To start it off, two alliances that "go in it together" means squat if they do it in the same topic or if they do it in a separate ones. Now, no two alliances are equals. secondly, the enemy does not view the two the same, rather they declared "together" or not, the circumstances are different. It was already mentioned here, and well known at the time, that GOONS pretty much hated CDS.

The predicament had been made. ODN could get peace while CDS could not. It was no longer advantageous to the ODN to continue in a state of war. And for CDS to expect ODN to suffer by virtue of the past actions of the Coalition of Dark States is equally as ridiculous as calling them cowards. Once again, LUE let CDS and the rest of the league get peace cause they fully knew they would not.

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MHA, NATO, and Atlantis in the UJW.

Looks like that you didn't understand what I asked.

Sigh, i think the whole world and its mothers knows what your attitude is D34th, so i ask you sincerely what can i do to try alleviate that bitterness in your heart? can we not do anything at all seeing as dialogue has $%&@ all effect on you? or are you content to remained visibly embittered till the end of Planet Bob?. Which would be a shame, bitterness can be very unhealthy you know :P

It matters little to D34th that you and others fought alongside Polaris, it matters little to D34th that many of us have a history of honouring obligations no matter the odds, all that matters to D34th is ensuring the world understands how much he hates ODN (AS if nobody had worked that out already).


If you look at my first post in this thread I was just a wishing a better luck for GR. All my other posters were replies for someone who replied my first post trying:

1-Saying that I'm a hater without reason and denying ODN past


2-Pointing "Look who is talking, NpO do not honor their treaties too".

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I just can't help myself!
You read my mind. I was going to post it myself but decided I'd better make sure no one else had first. D:
Christ! now i am the object of ridicule :o

This is madness!

EDIT: I somehow get the feeling that the re-ignition of the Polar/ODN grudge has to do more with GR-NpO than it does with ODN-NpO.

Edited by WalkerNinja
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As someone that used to loath ODN for the very same reason Grub said that, I'm fully comfortable being allies with the Network. People and therfore alliances do change. ODN has shown nothing but great friendship toward Vanguard, I can't speak for the rest of thier allies, but I'm sure they can agree. What AlmightyGrub shows with his comment is just how he can't even let go of a childish grudge. The past is always behind us and one should focus on what lies before us. And what lies before us is a great new ally for my friends at Greenland Republic.

I can understand the skepticism of some of the old timers here, but use the doubt you have to alienate yourself more so from a great alliance please. And not to try to show your wits on a public forum. You're the ones missing out.

I love people quoting me with such authority... perhaps you could direct me to this childish comment (somewhere in this thread I guess would be relevant to the matters at hand but anytime in the recent past would do). Failing to find such a comment, I am sure you would be willing in all good grace to tender your heartfelt apology for putting words into my mouth?

ODN and Polaris have no issue. ODN did what it did under the leadership of another (Hi WN) who has explained his actions at great length and to my satisfaction, whilst we under my leadership have made decisions that suit us. We will not be treating ODN at this time for reasons that are our own, despite Dajobo's desire to do so. That does not mean we hate ODN, rather that we are not suited to them at this time. This thread is also nothing to do with Polaris, or our FA policies.

I resolved a while ago to accept the apologies offered and let ODN get on with their lives without continual sniping, I would strongly suggest to all of Polaris they do likewise. Proof is always in the pudding and there is little chance for such bakery to be finalized at this time. JUst as we were given a chance to prove ourselves, so must now ODN be given theirs.

GR are good friends and we have been allied to them since their inception. Their roots in NAAC, and likewise mine, have nothing to do with the matters at hand.

o/ GR

o/ ODN

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Hello Grub. How are you? I am fine.

What the hell are you trying to assert now WN :P.

I'm just saying that it seems like Polar didn't get much (at all?) forewarning about the signing of this treaty from their ally. It's not unlike the reaction that TOP had when NPO signed a treaty with NpO after WotC without notifying their allies. The TOP troll-pack came out against NpO, but that's not who they were upset with.

So, yes, I'm speculating and could be way off base. It just seems likely to me.

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I love people quoting me with such authority... perhaps you could direct me to this childish comment (somewhere in this thread I guess would be relevant to the matters at hand but anytime in the recent past would do). Failing to find such a comment, I am sure you would be willing in all good grace to tender your heartfelt apology for putting words into my mouth?

ODN and Polaris have no issue. ODN did what it did under the leadership of another (Hi WN) who has explained his actions at great length and to my satisfaction, whilst we under my leadership have made decisions that suit us. We will not be treating ODN at this time for reasons that are our own, despite Dajobo's desire to do so. That does not mean we hate ODN, rather that we are not suited to them at this time. This thread is also nothing to do with Polaris, or our FA policies.

I resolved a while ago to accept the apologies offered and let ODN get on with their lives without continual sniping, I would strongly suggest to all of Polaris they do likewise. Proof is always in the pudding and there is little chance for such bakery to be finalized at this time. JUst as we were given a chance to prove ourselves, so must now ODN be given theirs.

GR are good friends and we have been allied to them since their inception. Their roots in NAAC, and likewise mine, have nothing to do with the matters at hand.

o/ GR

o/ ODN

Re-reading AUT's post, I do agree I put my own spin on it, seeing as we've both experienced the actions of the ODN of past. I in GW1, both of us in GW2, and you and polaris in the noCB, I mistook AUT's quote of you as something we shared in common at one point. I'm glad you clarified AUT's quote. I only took what he said as a given, as I never did read the post he referenced to.

Glad to see you're still a class act Grub, and I'll take this as a small reminder that a few vocal members do not represent the way the actual alliance functions.

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I'll keep my opinion(It was my opinion since the beggining not NpO's one) about ODN's FA policies and about ODN as a whole but I'll obey my emperor and stay away from futures ODN's threads and I'll not bring back this subject again.

Edited by D34th
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Sigh, i think the whole world and its mothers knows what your attitude is D34th, so i ask you sincerely what can i do to try alleviate that bitterness in your heart? can we not do anything at all seeing as dialogue has $%&@ all effect on you? or are you content to remained visibly embittered till the end of Planet Bob?. Which would be a shame, bitterness can be very unhealthy you know :P

It matters little to D34th that you and others fought alongside Polaris, it matters little to D34th that many of us have a history of honouring obligations no matter the odds, all that matters to D34th is ensuring the world understands how much he hates ODN (AS if nobody had worked that out already).

Pretty much spot on. I've only been back in Polar for a week or so, but as far as I can tell most folks have moved on from the ODN hate. As to why a few members feel the need to, as you said, show the world how much they dislike you. Well, I can only speculate. It's certainly only being done here in public and not on the home forum. So it must be for the benefit of some third party. Who is this third party and why do they matter? I don't know and it's a pretty crappy way to behave in public.

This is madness!

EDIT: I somehow get the feeling that the re-ignition of the Polar/ODN grudge has to do more with GR-NpO than it does with ODN-NpO.

Somehow I think you have no idea what you are talking about. Somehow this doesn't surprise me at all.

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Somehow I think you have no idea what you are talking about. Somehow this doesn't surprise me at all.

Somehow, I think WN is seeing a 're-ignition of the Polar/ODN grudge' that is actually not there. As an ordinary ODN member, I appreciate greatly the remarks from Emperor Grub above, and the best wishes he and others here have extended to the two parties to this new treaty. Let's drink to a new level of commitment in the Network's friendship with the Republic.

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Re-reading AUT's post, I do agree I put my own spin on it, seeing as we've both experienced the actions of the ODN of past. I in GW1, both of us in GW2, and you and polaris in the noCB, I mistook AUT's quote of you as something we shared in common at one point. I'm glad you clarified AUT's quote.

AG always says what I want to say but he's better at overcoming the filter that goes from your brain to the computer. <_<

The quote I referred to was when AG said he wouldn't sign a peice of toilet paper with the ODN. But again it may have just meant that he felt a treaty with the ODN wouldn't benefit them or something more. I'll just leave it up to him.

Just know Polaris isn't the only alliance ODN has betrayed, they're just the only ones they feel sorry for betraying. I recall talking with Joracy, btw Jor check your pm ffs, saying that Polaris lied to them so they joined their friends in GGA. Heck maybe ironchef will make a guest apperance here. For me, seeing the ODN signatures just mocking TPF and acting very facetious makes me feel angry I won't lie. However, who cares what I think? Exactly, no one.

So what can I say other than a sarcastic good luck? -_-

Edited by The AUT
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