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What in the world is wrong with Planet Bob?


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Personally, I think it's fairly pathetic if you need to be dominated by some "evil power" to find the motivation to do anything in this game. There's plenty of things going on - if you're incapable of reading the subtle motions then go find some work to do in your alliance. Strengthen your borders, build your nations, and improve your allies. If there's one truth that remains constant, it's that there's always killing to be done. So you might as well be ready for when the time comes.

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The short answer to your question is that there is nothing wrong with Planet Bob, it's working just like it's supposed to. If this is so boring my advice would be to try wrecking it.

Fact is war will come, but (as implied by the logs post of me) not for a good long time. What we are in now is a period of inflation and of political maneuvering, everyone will test the waters and try to get in a good position before war strikes. And in this era of peace rampant tech dealing and quick rebuilding will see large NS gains across the board as everyone builds up their pixels in preparation to lose them all again. The maneuver/inflation period is vital for allowing the sides to properly develop and allow a large magnitude war to occur.

My advice, do your homework, listen to music, get some RL friends. In CN just build up your nation and your alliance, because we all know war is inevitable, even if we don't know when it will be or who will be fighting it (though we do have decent speculation on that:p).

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You were in Vox, you saw how it worked. Be the revolutionary force. Power your group to the top and those that become jealous of your might, afraid of your reach, even if you are the benevolent hand, THAT will cause the conflict you so desire.

Build yourself the next religion.

Cake's Comfort Eagle is particularly apt.


We are building a religion

We are building it bigger

We are widening the corridors

And adding more lanes

We are building a religion

A limited edition

We are now accepting callers

For these pendant key chains

To resist it is useless

It is useless to resist it

His cigarette is burning

But he never seems to ash

He is grooming his poodle

He is living comfort eagle

You can meet at his location

But you'd better come with cash

Now his hat is on backwards

He can show you his tatoos

He is in the music business

He is calling you "DUDE!"

Now today is tomorrow

And tomorrow today

And yesterday is weaving in and out

And the fluffy white lines

That the airplane leaves behind

Are drifting right in front

Of the waning of the moon

He is handling the money

He's serving the food

He knows about your party

He is calling you "DUDE!"

Now do you believe

In the one big sign

The doublewide shine

On the bootheels of your prime

Doesn't matter if you're skinny

Doesn't matter if you're fat

You can dress up like a sultan

In your onion head hat

We are building a religion

We are making a brand

We're the only ones to turn to

When your castles turn to sand

Take a bite of this apple

Mr. corporate events

Take a walk through the jungle

Of cardboard shanties and tents

Some people drink Pepsi

Some people drink Coke

The wacky morning DJ

Says democracy's a joke

He says now do you believe

In the one big song

He's now accepting callers

Who would like to sing along

He says, do you believe

In the one true edge

By fastening your safety belts

And stepping towards the ledge

He is handling the money

He is serving the food

He is now accepting callers

He is calling me "DUDE!"

Do you believe

In the one big sign

The doublewide shine

On the bootheels of your prime

There's no need to ask directions

If you ever lose your mind

We're behind you

We're behind you

And let us please remind you

We can send a car to find you

If you ever lose your way

We are building a religion

We are building it bigger

We are building

A religion

A limited


We are now accepting callers...

For these beautiful...

Pendant keychains"


Edited by Kzoppistan
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Personally, I think it's fairly pathetic if you need to be dominated by some "evil power" to find the motivation to do anything in this game. There's plenty of things going on - if you're incapable of reading the subtle motions then go find some work to do in your alliance. Strengthen your borders, build your nations, and improve your allies. If there's one truth that remains constant, it's that there's always killing to be done. So you might as well be ready for when the time comes.

I am going to quote this man, because he has spoken what I feel.

I like evil hegemons and the fun they bring, but if that's the only reason you play a game, why not play a "Viva la Resistance" game based on the French resistance in WW2, in a way that never actually ends?

I hate to be harsh, but, I have suffered through something similar many times on Bob. After I left Browncoats, I got bored with the game, it felt like there was nothing. I sat there for 2 months doing basically nothing, and then I thought, "Hey, why not do something FUN for once?" So I joined NAAC again (even though it was dead and still technically at war) and had a lot of fun doing propaganda, wars, and other things. When I could no longer do that, I decided to make my IC persona become insane (while still helping out my friends). That made that time most enjoyable. Now that the time for that is done, I am having fun building alliances, allies, friends, and spamming on some good ol' forums.

You may not find those things fun or interesting, but I do (I don't spend very much time on this game, so I can pretty much find anything that's "Fun" for me on it).

The point is, find something you enjoy doing, or a goal you want to accomplish (maybe becoming the next evil overlord? I hear there's a spot open.. :ehm: ) and work towards it.

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The only thing that keeps me playing is the drive to get my nation above 100k NS :v:

God help us....

Maybe...ummm you know try to improve the alliance that you lead? Seems pretty straightforward to me.

I've been the MoFA of a 700 man sanctioned alliance before. Been there, done that.

Personally, I think it's fairly pathetic if you need to be dominated by some "evil power" to find the motivation to do anything in this game. There's plenty of things going on - if you're incapable of reading the subtle motions then go find some work to do in your alliance. Strengthen your borders, build your nations, and improve your allies. If there's one truth that remains constant, it's that there's always killing to be done. So you might as well be ready for when the time comes.

But fighting the evil hegemony is so much fun! And yes, I'll kill things, I just want a good reason to do so.

Perhaps we could become the new hegemon!!! :D

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The problem with Planet Bob is the dream of rainbows, puppies and everyone getting along singing while sitting in a drum circle.

I've always thought the problem with Planet Bob is all the people who have absolutist views about how the game should be played, and cannot seem to comprehend the fact that other people may not think the way they do, and might have other ideas about what is fun and what isn't.

In the real world, that sort of mentality would be diagnosed as sociopathy.

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I've always thought the problem with Planet Bob is all the people who have absolutist views about how the game should be played, and cannot seem to comprehend the fact that other people may not think the way they do, and might have other ideas about what is fun and what isn't.

In the real world, that sort of mentality would be diagnosed as sociopathy.

Exactly. You would be right. The way someone else wants to play should not dictate how everyone plays.

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I was having a conversation with my good friend President Kent this evening. We are both former Voxians and we both struggled against the Hegemony, which in President Kent's case was a nine-month long struggle, and mine three or four months. We both danced around an issue for about an hour before coming to a shocking conclusion.... we are both affected by the following:

Post-Voxitus: Apathy and a complete lack of motivation caused by overexertion towards a particular goal which, when fulfilled, leaves a sufferer feeling empty, lethargic and worthless.

Strange though it may seem, the New Pacific Order in all its stagnation provided many with a reason to play Cyber Nations. I never knew a world which Pacifica did not rule, I'm not quite sure how to play in this strange new political situation. I'm now looking for a different reason to play this game, a new goal for which I might strive. Nothing of interest has happened in the past month, I'm sick of waiting for Karma civil war, TOP aren't very good at being evil overlords, and frankly I can't be stuffed bringing them down. So, with a complete lack of stimulation, I'm really getting rather bored.

What are your thoughts?

(oh, and props to Kent for the Post-Voxitus definition.)

Although I haven't been in the game long enough to have to happen to myself, I can easily see that happening.

Frankly, it will probably be kinda the same for another month. But I wouldn't give it much longer than that. CN has existed for about 3 years. Yet has had 6 Great Wars and tons of reasonably sized alliance wars. This peace won't last for long.

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