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Address from Commanding General


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Ask both parties. My guess? And this is probably a very good guess, but PC signed it under duress, and TPF never had any intention of honouring it, but rather it was meant to keep PC in check.

I'm not saying I wouldn't have done the same thing if I were in TPF's shoes, but I mean.. come on. Why was THIS treaty the one NAP broken that everyone seemed to care about? What about all the other one's that were broken without so much as a peep out of most people?

Come on now, it's an NAP.

Why bother with it if we had no intention of honoring it?

We had both the military and political backing to remove PC's pixels and chose not to at the time it was signed. It wasn't part of some grand conspiracy to roll PC at a later date. We could have done so at the time and not bothered with signing anything if that had been mhawk's plan. He truly wanted to make peace with PC, moreso than just about every other member of TPF.

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You go ahead and try to fool the world into thinking you have anything close to honour. I wish you luck in trying to tell a lie that big.

Acta non Verba. I'd say mhawk's actions speak for him in a way words never could. You can call him dishonorable all day long, but when I look, I see him upholding their word. No matter how far I look back, that is what I see.

Now I see him leading an alliance, that is also keeping it's word. I am pretty damn impressed. No one would think the less of them if they left now, but they gave their *word*, so they are keeping it. How in the hell do you get 'dishonorable' from that?

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Acta non Verba. I'd say mhawk's actions speak for him in a way words never could. You can call him dishonorable all day long, but when I look, I see him upholding their word. No matter how far I look back, that is what I see.

Now I see him leading an alliance, that is also keeping it's word. I am pretty damn impressed. No one would think the less of them if they left now, but they gave their *word*, so they are keeping it. How in the hell do you get 'dishonorable' from that?

I think you're looking at bizarro mhawk.

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Alliances have a culture, TPF's culture is summed up in" no one left behind". TPF is following its own culture and cannot be faulted. Another instance where the anti-hegemony word about not interfering in any alliances sovereignty, is broken; i.e. change this attitude or pay reps at the end that will guarantee your demise. Not said with any specificity, but disguised with advice and portents.

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STA. Polar just surrendered faster than Pacifica.

I believe STA probably would have, but until you've actually done it it's just talk, know what I mean? So while that's very respectable, they didn't actually have to go in for the long haul.

TPF isn't just talking the talk they're walking the walk. And for that they deserve some respect, even from their enemies.

Edited by Canik
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Alliances have a culture, TPF's culture is summed up in" no one left behind". TPF is following its own culture and cannot be faulted. Another instance where the anti-hegemony word about not interfering in any alliances sovereignty, is broken; i.e. change this attitude or pay reps at the end that will guarantee your demise. Not said with any specificity, but disguised with advice and portents.


we have people talking about bizarro mhawk, and now people talking about bizarro TPF.. wow.

let's get some young jeezy, who is the new premier of the will smith empire, to say a few words. Maybe he'll have something important to add, maybe about his new camaro.

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we have people talking about bizarro mhawk, and now people talking about bizarro TPF.. wow.

let's get some young jeezy, who is the new premier of the will smith empire, to say a few words. Maybe he'll have something important to add, maybe about his new camaro.

The grapes are sour with this one.

Admirable sentiment mhawk. I wish you guys luck in your terms. Something tells me PC are going to be stupid about it.

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You go ahead and try to fool the world into thinking you have anything close to honour. I wish you luck in trying to tell a lie that big.

Yo dawg, please enlighted us to this other, unseen, dark side of MHawk. I was one of TPF's biggest haters back in the day when Slayer99 and The Big Bad were spewing crap around here yet as I follow TPF under MHawks leadership my view has softened considerably. If there is something we should know get on with it and throw it down.

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The grapes are sour with this one.

Admirable sentiment mhawk. I wish you guys luck in your terms. Something tells me PC are going to be stupid about it.

Young jeezy.. YOU'RE UP!

See this the part.. where I go in.. y'all listen up!

They want it, I got it! Damn right I'mma flaunt it, do anything you want, just don't get up on it.

Them OGs raised me, you know them streets made me, equipped with the game to drive these young !@#$%*es crazy!


That's enough. Now don't make me give the mic back to jeezy.

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Alliances have a culture, TPF's culture is summed up in" no one left behind". TPF is following its own culture and cannot be faulted. Another instance where the anti-hegemony word about not interfering in any alliances sovereignty, is broken; i.e. change this attitude or pay reps at the end that will guarantee your demise. Not said with any specificity, but disguised with advice and portents.

MHawk hasn't led TPF long enough for a true culture to evolve, I know you not talking about the historic culture of TPF if you were you would never use a phrase like "no one left behind" because thats exactly what they did to their allies in UJP, Left Them Behind.

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MHawk hasn't led TPF long enough for a true culture to evolve, I know you not talking about the historic culture of TPF if you were you would never use a phrase like "no one left behind" because thats exactly what they did to their allies in UJP, Left Them Behind.

You're making jeezy want to grab the mic again, mr. looney tunes. You need to get bugs bunny on the mic, we need a RAP BATTLE in the TPF thread.

The only culture TPF has ever "evolved" is a culture of convenience. Never changed. You guys need to put ASTRONAUT JONES in charge, turn that ship AROUND!

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MHawk hasn't led TPF long enough for a true culture to evolve, I know you not talking about the historic culture of TPF if you were you would never use a phrase like "no one left behind" because thats exactly what they did to their allies in UJP, Left Them Behind.

I've led TPF for 10months, most of it on building cultural and militaristic aspects. How long do you feel it should take?

I'd have to check, but it might be longer than Slayer was leader continuously.

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I've led TPF for 10months, most of it on building cultural and militaristic aspects. How long do you feel it should take?

I don't care how long you take, a man is not a culture. The question is, how long will TPF's members take? I respect what you are doing but I dont see much from TPF besides a small hand full of members posting. When I see the rank and file out behaving as you then I will give you a "Mission Accomplished"

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You are projecting your own beliefs on myself. I would not have offered such a treaty had I wanted to destroy PC. If I had wanted to "beat to the punch" why wouldn't I just have gone in with a coalition against PC when they were COMPLETELY politically isolated a month before the NAP?

For the same reason it took TPF a year to war NoV, you were looking for a proper CB as to not get negative PR. Could you of warred us? Yeh, but in the position you were in, not only would it of been a political downslide, but you very well knew that no other alliance woulda been with you. Now here we are and the table has turned. Only this time, you refuse to accept peace from the same alliance that seeks it. Now your saying your the one that wanted peace all along. Get off your high horse mhawk, it doesnt suit you. You either want peace, or you want war. You cant have both.

Perhaps slayer chosed poorly when appointing you the new overlord? After all, you came from a merger from a defaulting alliance, now here you are bringing down a once sanctioned alliance to nothing. You have indeed impressed me with your skills Mhawk.

edit : ugh, nov =/= nor

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For the same reason it took TPF a year to war NoR, you were looking for a proper CB as to not get negative PR. Could you of warred us? Yeh, but in the position you were in, not only would it of been a political downslide, but you very well knew that no other alliance woulda been with you. Now here we are and the table has turned. Only this time, you refuse to accept peace from the same alliance that seeks it. Now your saying your the one that wanted peace all along. Get off your high horse mhawk, it doesnt suit you. You either want peace, or you want war. You cant have both.

Perhaps slayer chosed poorly when appointing you the new overlord? After all, you came from a merger from a defaulting alliance, now here you are bringing down a once sanctioned alliance to nothing. You have indeed impressed me with your skills Mhawk.

I think you way over estimate PC's political capital.

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For the same reason it took TPF a year to war NoR, you were looking for a proper CB as to not get negative PR. Could you of warred us? Yeh, but in the position you were in, not only would it of been a political downslide, but you very well knew that no other alliance woulda been with you. Now here we are and the table has turned. Only this time, you refuse to accept peace from the same alliance that seeks it. Now your saying your the one that wanted peace all along. Get off your high horse mhawk, it doesnt suit you. You either want peace, or you want war. You cant have both.

Perhaps slayer chosed poorly when appointing you the new overlord? After all, you came from a merger from a defaulting alliance, now here you are bringing down a once sanctioned alliance to nothing. You have indeed impressed me with your skills Mhawk.

Your arrogance is impressive. You cite an alliance NoR that we never attacked and died before TPF formed as us going after them? Perhaps you were referring to NoV, in which case the architects of that war are no longer even in TPF. How does that give insight to my actions at all? We had many allies give us high support when we mentioned there were severe issues with PC and TPF in Nov, I choose peace and an attempt to salvage the relations our members had.

I don't want peace while our allies are at war. I believe there is a rather long explanation of this in the OP. I don't want war either, but we have duties and we will tend to them.

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TPF has had their dark past, and they're paying their price in blood. Hell, at least they're paying for their own sins, instead of the sins of a completely difference alliance like MK had to, right?

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Mhawk, your and TPF's continued commitment to your ally is respectable. Regardless of the reason for making this announcement, it has served the purpose of showing once again the embarrassing lack of class of your average (ex)PC member.

o/ TPF


I'll continue to not give a damn about the opinions of you or anyone else in your alliance now.

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I believe STA probably would have, but until you've actually done it it's just talk, know what I mean? So while that's very respectable, they didn't actually have to go in for the long haul.

I don't think there's a probably about it. I had the dubious honor of facing STA in that conflict and there's no doubt in my mind they wouldn't have stuck it out for a very very long haul.

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God Karma think of the children.

o/ TPF for being great allies and friends to the NPO.

You guys got the steel plated balls.

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