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Who Should NPO's Viceroy Be?

Joe Stupid

Who Should NPO's Viceroy Be?  

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If NpO didn't get curbstomped Sponge wouldn't be "cool" and on that list anymore :P

just my opinion tho idrk how Sponge went from the bad guy to the good guy in the average karma dude

Easy, he was never the bad guy and NpO didn't deserve that curbstomp.

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If NpO didn't get curbstomped Sponge wouldn't be "cool" and on that list anymore :P

just my opinion tho idrk how Sponge went from the bad guy to the good guy in the average karma dude

If the same thing happens to Dilber that already happened to Ivan and Sponge, this will become a really weird world.

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A viceroy must be able to understand sarcasm too ;)

Also just puttin this out there, but there were multiple other alliances that had them before us, if I remember....I know you're all anti-us and stuff but yea :P

Oh, I would so dare you to use sarcasm with me if I was your Viceroy. :ph34r:

Prodigal_Chieftain and Walford would be fabulous

But I do like the sound of a triumvirate of Revanche-Archon-Doitzel. Add Schattenmann overseeing the work of Sir Paul's office.

However, the really cruel choice would be Trotsky's Revenge.

Oh, good play. Voting for the Pot Roast to continue forth is truly something worthy of me calling it heinous.

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There are lots of other silly possibilities not in the poll.


Lord Swampy




New Reverie


Gen Lee

I mean, if you're going to do it, at least try and think of a FEW names. :)

Grinch banned, sorry no.

Lord Swampy...only if you want the restart the war in a month.


Brookbank...only if you want the war to continue.

Pingu...just might work.

New Reverie...would do too good a job, therefore, no.

Hoo....same as New Reverie.

Gen_Lee...I thought the idea was to let NPO live. :awesome:

I would like to present for your consideration...

No not me, I'd take the job seriously, create Neo-Francoism, do too good a job, then actually hand the reigns of power back over in a timely fashion.

No, my pick is Kryievla. Well liked. Has government experience. Would take the job seriously. Wouldn't create Neo-Francoism.

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I'm surprised the lighting didn't strike you for saying that, but then I remembered that God takes care of the mentally challenged. <_<

Insults aside, Sponge and NpO didn't deserve to be attacked for things that happened a year before hand. However, I will not debate this here, as it's been debated over and over on these forums before and I actually like this thread.

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