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WarriorConcept Q&A


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I never understood why you would join NPO regardless of your promise to Dilber. You were backstabbed by them in the UJW for one and then later dropped on your head with the protectorate agreement. Did you hate NPO in the months you spent in their alliance?

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Do you think CN needs \m/ ?

CN has lived a few years without \m/, so to say it needs it would be factually wrong. However in terms of whether members of the community wanting it, well they spoke up already didn't they?

- If you had to leave NSO, where would you go?

- When is \m/ being recreated? Will you join them?

- Did you join NPO because it was that or P/EZI?

- Have you seen Gourcuff playing? Would you say he's the new Zidane?

- How are you doing?

- Right now I'd probably go to MK because I'm on aqua already

- I never wanted \m/ to be recreated, and if they did it'd really depend on who'd be in it

- No, I made a promise to Dilber in WUT that I would join them and I did.

- He's pretty damn good so far, but let's wait till he starts doing stuff on the big stages

- Fine sir and you?

What do you think of my sig?

I'm wondering how that's something he bothered to even do, check his CN nation.

How do you feel about /b/ /b/eing /b/ack?

/b/ is back?

I have 2 questions if i may..

1) If you had to pick one thing you have done in CN that makes you feel proud, what would it be?

2) Is there anything you have done in CN that you are ashamed of, if so what?


1. Fighting with my alliance till our death with our allies.

2. Not realized that some allies would've betrayed me when they got the chance.

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I love how when he answers your question, you go ahead and report it to the mods. Very classy Sileath. <_<

WC, what was your initial thoughts of when WAPA members had to join \m/ during the surrenders terms due to GW3 ?.

I was actually surprised at the terms, it was something unheard of at the time and has yet to be repeated. Not to say it was a bad idea, quite the opposite actually we helped them rebuild a lot faster through free aid and set them off on their way as a really close group of allies and friends.

OOC: He's done it more than once, actually...in the same thread, within 15 minutes. I will not characterize his actions, that is for others to do.

IC: WC, you mentioned that part of the rationale for forming the UJP was concerns about what Ivan Moldavi might do regarding the WUT, yet you joined Ivan's alliance not too long after it was formed. Does this reflect a change in your thinking regarding Ivan, or was your concerns for the WUT in the moment and not a reflection of your attitude toward Ivan in general?

Additional remark regarding \m/: If there were a refounding of the alliance, my sense is that there would be former \m/embers screaming that whoever did it was "doing it wrong" no matter who did it, including if a couple of currently banned people talked their way back in the door. My sense is that while we all agreed at one time what \m/ was, time and evolution of opinions and beliefs have made such agreement no longer possible. Look at what's going on with GOONS as a reference.

I joined Ivan's alliance out of curiosity and sheer boredom, plus the possibility of working with some amazing individuals that I've grown to know over the years. I've always respected Ivan's ability as a leader and my rationalizing for UJP was just to keep us safe since we knew the path Ivan was heading down at the time.

I believe the problem with GOONS to be that they have no former leadership back nor their real name as an alliance. If \m/ did come back with its former leadership then I'd imagine that would be as legitimate as a reformation could be, although whether it'll act the same way as before would most certainly be a different matter. Not that its policies in the past were some terrible deed, just I suppose the general demeanor displayed on the forums.

at least this Q&A is more interesting than the other one

Why'd you leave /b/? We had so much potential left.

How do you pronounce \m/?

Why aren't you in RAD?

/b/ was neutral and I loved conflict and fighting, I knew if I remained and stayed in government I'd eventually drag /b/ into one and that wouldn't be fair to the people there at the time and I felt I'd already done my duty by helping them set up a form of government, charter, and well frankly not getting rolled.


They're cool dudes, but I like being involved in alliances more delved into the political aspect of the game.

When are you getting me that steak dinner?

Post 2001 :awesome:

This summer if you decide to finally come to NYC :P

Why did you steal my idea?

I've done these before, that you just happened to make one a short time ago does not mean the idea was originally yours.

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Will your Q&A be more or less cool than Mogars?

His was cool?

in before mods!

WC, Have there been any attempts to coup you in NSO? (not sure if your position can be legally couped or not)

While I wouldn't say it was an attempt at a coup, at one point in time we had 3 Master Marauders for my council and after lots of requests we all agreed to truncate it to just one. There was a vote and campaigning between the 3 and I won. Other than that can't say there has been as I have retired from my government duties in NSO. Also yes the heads of any council can be legally couped.

What is your favorite part of NSO?

The challenge system, it really forces people to not become deadweight because there's always someone out there ready to jump and prove themselves. Plus our experienced leadership.

Why was Ejayrazz the only ONOS members \m/ stated they liked?

Also, I !@#$@#$ love you dude.

I believe we like Obsidian Skies as well and maybe someone else, though the name eludes me at the moment. But ejay is a pretty damn cool dude.

Why dont you hurry up and reform \m/?

Don't feel like it right now.

I never understood why you would join NPO regardless of your promise to Dilber. You were backstabbed by them in the UJW for one and then later dropped on your head with the protectorate agreement. Did you hate NPO in the months you spent in their alliance?

I'm the kind of person who keeps their promises, really. I didn't really hate NPO in the months I spent there, though I did have several issues with NpO being dropped just like that and made that known. The last part that did tick me off though was when I got put on probation in the alliance for attacking a person who was attacking a nation in NPO despite that nation crying for help in the NPO private channel and no one else doing anything for him. But each alliance runs different I guess.

Hey, WC. How do you feel about Sileath reporting you for answering his question?

He's Sileath.

Do you love me?


Our mutual friend Hels once claimed that you are among two gentlemen he considers fahomos. What was his problem? How many phonecalls did you receive?

Hels was a pretty cynical guy, but we worked together a lot to try and re-unite WUT, especially with NPO, following GGA's and NpO's departure.

A few.

Do you feel like I do?

I feel like I do.

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Insulting Mogar is the epicest of epic fails.

So what's with all the anime avatars?

I like watching anime now and then, and for some reason they produce some cool avatars.

Why do you like this guy in your signature? And why you don't like cartoonish pictures?


He was a cool character in an anime, Black Cat. I don't know about cartoonish pictures, I can appreciate work done to them but when I want something I normally prefer it to be an original.

If you could bring back someone into CN, who would it be?

Daemon banned member, he rocked.

You do know you are suppose to ANSWER these questions, right?


Yeah, sorry I busy out today with a BBQ with friends and stuff :P

Will you eat the maple cookies?

Provided they're not followed by a bag of milk.

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Kinda bored so here we go...

1. Which sides do you see in next war?

2. When do you think the war will start?

1. I see at least 3 sides at least for next war. Citadel rolling with some ex hegemony. Frostbite or SF with CnG, then the other with some random alliances.

2. I give it 4-6 months tops, even the war hungry people want to rebuild and regain some sleep.

oh i got one!

Do you think NPO deserves peace?

Yes, everyone deserves peace after a time.

Do you have prejudice against "bag" milk

I consider it more natural and nutritional.

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