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The funniest people in CN


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No love for King_Srqt? He can be funny when he wants to be, that's for sure :P

Electron Sponge, Stumpy, Hakai, Delta, wickedj, and also (gotta show some TOOL love here) Mia is pretty damn funny when she wants to be. Nintenderek can be pretty funny too.

As for unintentionally funny, there's no way in hell you could ever beat DRDavid Banner in that regard. :P

@ kingzog: That joke still cracks me up to this day. :lol1:

Edited by Uralica
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Well, choosing one I would say Schat gives me the most laughs these days.

For all time, I Have to go with Josef Thorne. I laughed quite a bit at his posts. Absolutely loved it and I wish he was still around.

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I hate to admit it, but I thought Josef Thorne was funny as hell. He's like that nasty hockey player who you love to hate, kinda a cyber-Kenny Linesman.

OOC: Linseman coached my hockey team for 2 years. Funny guy.

also add mpol for CN relation

Operation Overlord is my favorite DoW ever

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I could go all day naming funny CN people, both intentional and unintentional. However, if I have to get it down to just one.

Intentional: I'd probably have to say Hizzy. There aren't many other CNers who have gotten me to literally laugh out loud with more then 5 or 6 posts. Hizzy has done so.

Unintentional: I couldn't think of anyone specific for this, but if I did, I'm sure it would be someone from GGA.

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