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The funniest people in CN


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o/ midget pron

Anyways, I am going to create a poll. Funniest mother $%&@ers who are in the game. No biased hatred, I mean full fledge people who just make you spit on your computer sometimes (Pamela Anderson reference) even if you don't like them.

I am totally stealing Hyperion's thunder, I love you man, but I don't care. Most important people are like..important and !@#$. So. $%&@ you all. So this is the funny thread.

Hell. Self-nominations are allowed to. This isn't spam either, I am dead serious about the nominations cause sometimes its hard to find humor in this God damn game with everyone taking offense to everything.

Good luck and consume lots of alcohol.

Yes, this was needed.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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I am inclined to agree with the ones saying Hizzy; he's been at the top of his game lately. Delta1212 has had some good stuff. Also, it might not be the same thing, but back in the day The Big Bad used to make me spit up at least once a week, though he hasn't been up to his own standards for a long time.

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Chief Savage Man


His Royal Thickness

There just ain't too many funny posters or alliances around these days. I think people don't want to get warned or attacked or something.

Edit: UberSpion. YEAH BABY

Edited by Good master Hakai
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Starfox, Doitzel, Schatt...

Also, Liberal Extinction and Ninja R could be very funny.

Bros2, of course...actually, Joseph Thorne made me laugh with his trollin', it was great stuff.


Edited by Margrave
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