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I still hold that the Independence Council was the most evil bloc that the Order was ever party to. Q and Initiative was patty-cake compared to what went on behind those closed doors.

And I personally agree.

I believe that it is the Order's exposure to the evil within those halls that began it's slow fall into darkness.

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Two points.

First, my main problem lies with the fact that most of the alliances on "Karma's" side who committed said crimes and their defenders here are the forums do not, in my experience, willingly own up to them. Instead they are more then happy to do the politically expedient thing, and just lay the blame all at NPO, et al's feet. This disingenuous and hypocritical, and calling them on it amuses me. Hence my posts.

Second, the word change is tossed around as a buzzword to gather political support because it's easy to say, easy to commit to, and easy to ignore once you've won. I'll put money "Karma's" change falling through within a few months, at which time those who are grounded in political reality will probably take over, while those who continue to live in the land of unicorns and rainbows will probably find themselves delegated to irrelevancy.

This is not the first time a situation like this has happened.

In the Unjust War, GGA, Polaris, MCXA, and NPO all laid every controversial actions the WUT and tried to hang them all around GOONS and \m/'s necks.

It is only natural to push the blame for past actions onto those who are currently being demonized.

With that being said, the NPO and Hegemony created the atmosphere in which such dispicable behavior fostered, and was rewarded by huge sums of tech and the near complete decimation of all opponents.

Alliances can change over time, if they want to change. Others, instead of changing, seek to change the world around them to suit their own vision.

The alliances on the Karma side who did the same actions we are currently demonizing NPO and Hegemony for didn't "invent" them, they were merely existing and making the best out of a political and military scenario that is known as Pax Pacifica, the era of the Continuum in which NPO dominance was prevelant.

Those who merely exist in a bad situation aren't guilty of creating such a situation in the first place. The NPO actively worked to create a situation in which anyone they perceived as an enemy could be Zi'ed or kept in eternal warfare as long as they desired it. Others merely were working the system.

That is why I hold NPO and IRON more responsible than others alliances who were there doing the same things. Both NPO and IRON actively worked to create and maintain such a situation.

And for everyone saying Polaris was unjustly treated ...that is sort of correct, however they did deserve that war many times over for their own treatment of others, just as the NPO and IRON and others are deserving this war, for their treatment of others.

Edit: What really did the NPO, and to an extent the NpO in, is that without controversial alliances like FAN, GOONS, and \m/, and in Pacifica's case Polaris for a time, to keep the heat off of them, the NPO's actions would have to come back to bite them. With FAN, GOONS, and \m/ not around to take the heat and hatred for the actions all of NPO's allies did, Polaris began taking more and more heat for Pacifica, and now without Polaris or any other NPO ally to take the heat from the NPO, they were next.

Am I saying FAN, GOONS, and \m/ never did anything wrong? Of course not, however I am saying that when it became convinient for the NPO, GGA, and Polaris to distance themselves from former allies they imbelished certain aspects of events that all of us participated in, and tried to make their own parts in those events seem minimal.

Nobody allied with Pacifica currently can take the heat from them. They were going to let TORN take the heat for this one, but everyone has wised up, finally, to such behavior.

What did the Continuum in is that NPO became the "bad guy" on the bloc, without prominent alliances that the public, and NPO, could blame for "horrible" actions.

Edited by Caliph
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Wow another stunning reversal.

So Q wasn't really all that bad eh? Even though all we've heard for the several months that it's the most evil presence to scourge the face of Bob.

I'm sure this sudden coming to the light that Q wasn't really all that bad has nothing to do with the fact that quite a few nations currently cheering the demise of Q were driving the Q bus for over a year when many of the things that had people so mad at Q were happening.

The way I see it 12 alliances supposedly did the things that brought this war to bear over the past 18 months. Only 7 of the 12 got punched in the face.

We were never at the forefront cheering for the demise of Q. We didnt agree with some of its actions, thats right. But we are in this war because we wanted to support our buddies in Fark.

Ask IRON how much hate there is between us in this fight.

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We were never at the forefront cheering for the demise of Q. We didnt agree with some of its actions, thats right. But we are in this war because we wanted to support our buddies in Fark.

Ask IRON how much hate there is between us in this fight.

Aye, all the comms I've seen have been honorable. In fact, all my opponents are rather agreeable. I've even made a few friends within teh "enemy" ranks! OH NOEZ!

I'm not big enough to have fought Grämlins, but all the MHA guys (save one, but I think he came around too :P) have been great.

I'm even enjoying getting my teeth kicked in by Fark, atm, I'm throwing some good hits back, and we're laughing about it. Not too much DIE EVIL SCUM! going on. :\

Haven't really talked to the Ragnarok guys, they just seem to turtle. I'm sure they're great folks too.

In short, this warmonger is having a ball!

Thanks guys, for the awesome experience!

As for Q, well, what can I say? Things go up and things come down, then new things come up, and they go down as well. "Karma" (lol) will fall much faster than Q did, if it hasn't already.

o/ My Honorable Adversaries!

o/ IRON!

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I met a traveller from an antique land

Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,

Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown

And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,

The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.

And on the pedestal these words appear:

"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,

The lone and level sands stretch far away


Very appropriate poem.

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//snap// Harry Potter met Baghdad bob //snap//

Ya ya, we're just as deserving and significant as the effective and real portion of Karma's military strength minus couple alliances. Also, IRON was going to take the heat for this one, so we decided and talked with TORN, they said ok, but NPO said they're the ebil overlords so they stole the cookie from TORN and now we're all in a big mess. You Sir, create the most accurate picture.

Just out of curiosity, what all alliances have you been in in the past? I think I may have noticed you somewhere else in past, might be a neuron malfunction.

Edited by shahenshah
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Ya ya, we're just as deserving and significant as the effective and real portion of Karma's military strength minus couple alliances. Also, IRON was going to take the heat for this one, so we decided and talked with TORN, they said ok, but NPO said they're the ebil overlords so they stole the cookie from TORN and now we're all in a big mess. You Sir, create the most accurate picture.

Just out of curiosity, what all alliances have you been in in the past? I think I may have noticed you somewhere else in past, might be a neuron malfunction.

In this incarnation, I have been in NPO and RAD.

In my previous life, where I was called something else, I was in Legion, \m/, GPA, and the Gremlins.

Regarding my post ...what I said is true.

During the WUT era, FAN, GOONS, and \m/ were all too happy with embracing the hatred over the WUT's actions.

FAN got the boot for pushing everyones buttons one time too many.

GOONS never had a chance when Bilrow and the ~ coalition manipulated everyone during the UJW in regards to a specific incident that never should have had an affect on this world.

\m/ got the boot, along with Gen[m]ay, when we honored our treaties and didn't sell out to save our infra.

We were hated, and performed atrocities. I know this. However the NPO was there, right with us, either by our side performing the same actions or supporting our actions and even helping us.

My point is this: the NPO has a history of performing atrocious acts. So did many of NPO's former allies. All those former allies are defeated, or have been made into non threats. The only one consistantly performing atrocities has been NPO and their allies in recent times.

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In this incarnation, I have been in NPO and RAD.

In my previous life, where I was called something else, I was in Legion, \m/, GPA, and the Gremlins.

Regarding my post ...what I said is true.

During the WUT era, FAN, GOONS, and \m/ were all too happy with embracing the hatred over the WUT's actions.

FAN got the boot for pushing everyones buttons one time too many.

GOONS never had a chance when Bilrow and the ~ coalition manipulated everyone during the UJW in regards to a specific incident that never should have had an affect on this world.

\m/ got the boot, along with Gen[m]ay, when we honored our treaties and didn't sell out to save our infra.

We were hated, and performed atrocities. I know this. However the NPO was there, right with us, either by our side performing the same actions or supporting our actions and even helping us.

My point is this: the NPO has a history of performing atrocious acts. So did many of NPO's former allies. All those former allies are defeated, or have been made into non threats. The only one consistantly performing atrocities has been NPO and their allies in recent times.

How would you define non-threats and recent times?

Yes, thanks, someone did say you were former-NPO. Btw, anytime you wish to have a good chat, /join #iron,

Also, apologies, I think I was bit rude earlier, thats what 2 hour sleep in 36 hours do :/

Edited by shahenshah
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"Karma" (lol) will fall much faster than Q did, if it hasn't already

Of course, no-one has even denied that. Karma is a wartime coalition, it is not supposed to last beyond the war. It has already started to 'fall' with the peace agreements, as some alliances are no longer engaged in the war and can therefore not really be considered part of Karma.

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Of course, no-one has even denied that. Karma is a wartime coalition, it is not supposed to last beyond the war. It has already started to 'fall' with the peace agreements, as some alliances are no longer engaged in the war and can therefore not really be considered part of Karma.

AH-HA! So he was RIGHT!

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No, I was wrong!

Eh, I was trying to be funny, but it didn't work. Funny how that happens when you add alcohol to fatigue to the lack of sarcasm tags on the internet.

A lot of nations at war can't be considered to be a part of Karma either. :P

Just read the hard-liners scream that their bidding is not being done.

I suppose I should thank you for making the world interesting, if for nothing else.

Edited by PrideAssassin
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We were never at the forefront cheering for the demise of Q. We didnt agree with some of its actions, thats right. But we are in this war because we wanted to support our buddies in Fark.

Ask IRON how much hate there is between us in this fight.

There may not be hate towards IRON from you.

However, if I were in IRON I'd probably have a hard time having fuzzy feelings for Gram after you cancelled your treaty, waived the cancellation waiting period and DOW'd them through oA all in the same post.

That, imo, is one of the lowest DOWs of the entire war and that's saying something with some of the ones that have rolled out.

Lest we forget, article II of the Gramlins Stole My 9 IRON pact.


No member nation of either alliance is to commit aggressive acts against the other signatory. This includes providing military, financial, or technological assistance, or information of any kind to any outside party hostile to the other signatory.

Article V, which you ignored as well in your rush to get a blitz out.


Should either signatory feel that this treaty is no longer an accurate demonstration of the good will between the two signatory alliances for any reason they may cancel this agreement by contacting the other signatory through proper diplomatic channels and notifying them forty eight hours prior to the public cancellation, during which time the non-aggression clause must be adhered to.

Then after all that you were still going on about how IRON were still your good friends and you hoped they had no hard feelings towards you.

We'll if they don't after that they must be saints among Bobians.

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There may not be hate towards IRON from you.

However, if I were in IRON I'd probably have a hard time having fuzzy feelings for Gram after you cancelled your treaty, waived the cancellation waiting period and DOW'd them through oA all in the same post.

That, imo, is one of the lowest DOWs of the entire war and that's saying something with some of the ones that have rolled out.

Lest we forget, article II of the Gramlins Stole My 9 IRON pact.


No member nation of either alliance is to commit aggressive acts against the other signatory. This includes providing military, financial, or technological assistance, or information of any kind to any outside party hostile to the other signatory.

Article V, which you ignored as well in your rush to get a blitz out.


Should either signatory feel that this treaty is no longer an accurate demonstration of the good will between the two signatory alliances for any reason they may cancel this agreement by contacting the other signatory through proper diplomatic channels and notifying them forty eight hours prior to the public cancellation, during which time the non-aggression clause must be adhered to.

Then after all that you were still going on about how IRON were still your good friends and you hoped they had no hard feelings towards you.

We'll if they don't after that they must be saints among Bobians.

IRON agreed to waive the cancellation period.

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Quit letting facts get in the way of self-righteous indignation.

Let Vol Navy rant over something that's been explained, confirmed and allowed to lie peacefully for weeks now. If we start letting facts get in the way of bawwing, the world will never be the same )):

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