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Grand Global Alliance Terms of Surrender

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However, they don't have to take up any aid slots sending out tech/cash and can focus on rebuilding themselves solely. Those terms mattered more before wonders and huge warchests made rebuilding a breeze.

I think it has more of an impact than you believe. But I'm not really trying to convince you, hence the "IMO" after my earlier statement.

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Complaints & Grievances plus Stickmen: Getting things done properly since forever.

I, for one, look forward to doing this all over again in twelve months. The Cyberverse would be rather boring without conflict. I did notice another post of yours where you claimed that Karma may not be the victorious coalition next time around. Ignoring the fact that Karma will cease to exist shortly after the Karma War concludes, what you claim may be correct; some of those now imposing surrender terms may be on the receiving end sometime down the road. The onus is upon the victorious alliances to remain vigilant - do not become complacent, do not allow yourself to be outmaneuvered, and do not weaken your position through senseless wars while the real opponent is carefully observing and waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

Taking into consideration the level of destruction rightfully inflicted upon GGA, these surrender terms are reasonable. As far as I see it, the GGA front has been the most sensible so far; annihilate your enemy on the battlefield, and follow it up with terms that reconcile fairness with justice.

So we are the eternal enemies and we have to stick up to you or we get rolled?

Sounds familiar.

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Unnecessary. And wrong, at least for us in Athens. Karma is, above all things, about a better way.


Meh. I felt they should know my feelings on the subject. Losing this war does not make up for what they have done to me and my allies over the past few years. What will come after this war will decide if I can get past my old feelings for them, not getting the ever living hell pummeled out of them.

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So we are the eternal enemies and we have to stick up to you or we get rolled?

Sounds familiar.

Not what he said at all. He said he welcomes you to come and get him if you decide to do so and that it is up to us to watch out for your attempts to gain revenge if they come. More or less he said if you want revenge, come get it and if he can't stop it then it's his own damn fault. (I think)

To bigwoody: I misunderstood your post, apologies.

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Meh. I felt they should know my feelings on the subject. Losing this war does not make up for what they have done to me and my allies over the past few years. What will come after this war will decide if I can get past my old feelings for them, not getting the ever living hell pummeled out of them.

Feeling the need for retribution is healthy and normal. Do not let those patting you on the back convince you otherwise, and remember your right to fully realize that hunger through force.

Vanguard and TDSM8 are and were too fine of alliances to allow themselves to grow complacent and satisfied. You were wronged, and I hope you never, ever forget it.

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So we are the eternal enemies and we have to stick up to you or we get rolled?

Sounds familiar.

I'm not sure what you mean by the phrase "stick up to you" but I am not one of those imprudent and downright ignorant individuals that believes that a sizeable portion of the Hegemony will not choose to seek revenge in the future. Further, do not put words into my mouth. I am quite capable of expressing my thoughts without outside assistance. Nowhere did I mention anyone getting "rolled". I stated that the victors should remain vigilant and conduct their affairs in the most prudent and pragmatic manner possible.

It is rather amusing that you jump straight to the inaccurate conclusion that you expressed, though. Likely because your own alliance has participated in and condoned such actions for quite some time now. No wonder it sounds familiar to you.

Edited by Revanche
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Meh, I have a long standing seething hatred for the GGA like a lot of people, but with their pre-war self-mutilation followed by their near total annihilation at the hands of Karma, my bloodlust has been satisfied. Crippling surrender terms would be like desecrating a corpse.

Congratulations to all parties.

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....with their pre-war self-mutilation followed by their near total annihilation at the hands of Karma, my bloodlust has been satisfied. Crippling surrender terms would be like desecrating a corpse.

I hadn't thought of it that way.

Well put.

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Feeling the need for retribution is healthy and normal. Do not let those patting you on the back convince you otherwise, and remember your right to fully realize that hunger through force.

Vanguard and TDSM8 are and were too fine of alliances to allow themselves to grow complacent and satisfied. You were wronged, and I hope you never, ever forget it.

Oh trust me, until the day that the (hopefully) former Hegemony alliances have well and truly proven they have moved on from their past I am keeping an eye on them. If any of you take offense to that, look at what you have done to me and mine, imagine I had done it to you, and then think about how you would feel and what you would do. Odds are you can't get a good picture of that because you haven't experienced it (some of you have though I will admit).

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Vanguard and TDSM8 are and were too fine of alliances to allow themselves to grow complacent and satisfied. You were wronged, and I hope you never, ever forget it.

Letting the past go is not the same as forgetting it. I will never forget what happened to Athens in the noCB war. None of us will. But it is the past.

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Letting the past go is not the same as forgetting it. I will never forget what happened to Athens in the noCB war. None of us will. But it is the past.

Read it like it's an irrelevant page in a textbook if you wish. I'd just be disappointed to see Athens as one of the first to go when complacency takes hold.

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Wow, a lot of e-peens waving. Then allow me to blot out the sun so you can argue(troll each other) in the shade.

First, bigwoody: Current war aside, show me a single alliance that fought tC/1V that got away without having to pay enormous(and rediculous) reps or worse. Every alliance honors treaties(well almost all, I'll refrain from making NATO jokes) when they enter a conflict of similar magnitude. If you do then, I'll concede that point.

Second, I don't really care for old grudges. I never really had one against GGA other than their going to bat for NPO. Even then, they've got some long days ahead of them and there's no need for the disrespect. You don't like 'em, that's fine. We get it. Everyone gets it. Good for you. There's no need to try to pick a fight that you know they're not going to enter, talking !@#$ to a beaten alliance is cowardly, and wrong.

Third, I know old hatreds die hard. I'm willing to give them the chance to back away from an ally that has basically used them as a meat shield so more and more of their nations can slip into peace mode(like they've criticized so many others for doing.). A move which I wouldn't even bring up if NPO hadn't have tried to call people cowards for doing it first. The GGA today has to prove that they've moved beyond subservience and into an era where they can stand taller than they ever have under NPO's rotten, blackened wing. I hope they will. Who knows? Nobody, but them. That's who.

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Anyone is welcome to try. NPO did and look what happened to them. ;)

Just remember, a seedling of spite will have you saying the same thing in six months. I hope to see you still around then.

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Congrats to my allies in GGA. I look forward to your proving the prophets of doom wrong.

The Prophets of Doom are the psingers of psongs that the people of The Wastes pay homage to when we visit temples(stadiums and clubs) to worship Osbourne, The All Father and our 13 Metal Gods. We know of none other nor would we want to as ours work just fine.

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Wow, a lot of e-peens waving. Then allow me to blot out the sun so you can argue(troll each other) in the shade.

First, bigwoody: Current war aside, show me a single alliance that fought tC/1V that got away without having to pay enormous(and rediculous) reps or worse. Every alliance honors treaties(well almost all, I'll refrain from making NATO jokes) when they enter a conflict of similar magnitude. If you do then, I'll concede that point.

To be fair, point out any case of TORN giving out harsh terms ;)

I think you'll find my point of view remains consistent.

EDIT: And I'm not even all that critical here. I'll live with the reps if Athens lives up to the talk and is breaking the cycle of bitter vengeance over and over. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Edited by bigwoody
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To be fair, point out any case of TORN giving out harsh terms ;)

I think you'll find my point of view remains consistent.

EDIT: And I'm not even all that critical here. I'll live with the reps if Athens lives up to the talk and is breaking the cycle of bitter vengeance over and over. I'm cautiously optimistic.

You'll be "cautiously optimistic" until it is prudent for you to go for a throat. I love this let's-all-come-in-second-and-ride-unicorns-together attitude that so many are trying to exude nowadays.

Nobody plays for second place, nobody relevant anyways.

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