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  1. Thank you for clearing that up. He seemed wilfully dense. He can be safely ignored, I think.
  2. First he is getting ZI'd. Not PZI or EZI or whatever; ZI then it's over. He left during a war, that is considered treason by most alliances, worse he was in Gov when he did it. He then hid in other alliances, refusing to fight for them as well, ignoring orders to fight in several wars. Wash, rinse, repeat. Yes it was a long time ago, he's been managing to obtain shelter for a long time.
  3. [quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1297841298' post='2635448'] Or what? [/quote] Should I now go on for multiple paragraphs about how I never made a threat and you know nothing of my/our plans and you just pulled that out of thin air and no one anywhere under any circumstances can ever trust anything you've ever said? Nahh. That would make me a silly, silly person.
  4. [quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1297830549' post='2635188'] I'm just not even really going to quote that. [/quote] You know, you had some kernel of a point where Fyfe did not quite respond to what you exactly said. And then you went full-on stupid. At great length. Please stop. This is now the 5th Athens reply to you in a row. Perhaps there is some great conspiracy in that upon which you could expound. It may be more interesting.
  5. [quote name='Banksy' date='01 May 2010 - 05:07 PM' timestamp='1272748033' post='2282979'] So when's the merge? [/quote] Don't be ridiculous. ...we sign MDAPs before mergers happen.
  6. I'm thinking of starting an alliance, should I call it "THE Viridian Entente"? Because that's totally different from "Viridian Entente." Could I suggest a name change for Revolution to Failvolution? Hi Skippy and Tyler. -Former member of The Revolution
  7. If I wanted to bury the hatchet with someone, I wouldn't dig up a 4 day old comment in a thread that had been quiet for 3 days in order to say how rotten I think they'd been in the past. I have had zero to do with any GRAN situations, and I really don't know you from Bob*, so I have no feeling about you either way. But it's my opinion that if this is how you go about wanting to forgive and forget, you're actually being obstructive to your own cause. I do hope you and Londo and whomever else get past this. *there are loads of leaders and influential alliances I wouldn't know
  8. Who said anything about righteousness? I'm claiming lack of evil. We both agree on the tone of Jgoods' (the lame) post, but I've known him from our days in tR, and have serious doubts that he's now an arrogant oppressor rather than this being a continuation of his cruddy jokes. I'm glad there are people who are looking out for the emergence of the next superpower bloc who will try to oppress Bob. But I think you're barking up the wrong tree here. From my experience with them, I do think such charges against Jgoods, Londo etc. are kinda funny. It's good to be sceptical, but I'll wait until I see Athens doing something I find morally objectionable before I get worried though. I also don't think it'll happen.
  9. Drat! Foiled by the Planet Bob Protector of Small Alliances and Puppies. I shall go plot our next round of sneaky moves away from your prying eyes to be unleashed on the poor souls of Planet Bob when your vigilance wanes. /me twirls his moustache
  10. Among the many attributes that make Jgoods lame, is that since Athens is apparently part of Hegemony 2.0, he thinks it's funny to go along with it. Also until Borimir named the recruiter, I had forgotten he showed up on our forums making a topic titled "Can't wait to ZI me guys???????????????" which included a few "f's" directed at Yuri. Yeah, I think he was a problem ruler.
  11. This is a very relevant fact certain people are ignoring. It was a very reasonable line to not cross. It was crossed, but still didn't end up in war. I'm having real trouble finding the evil here. But of course I could just be brainwashed.
  12. ITT: People gripe at TOOL for TOOL not following their dichotomous view of the world, and non-Athenians talk about Athenians feelings regarding the DE merger. For the first part, shame on you TOOL for giving second chances. You are nearly as guilty of this as Londo (the monster). For the second I am deeply disappointed in all of Athens for not telling me about all these sour grapes over the people who didn't want to come from DE. I read our boards EVERY day, and have not seen one bit of this bitterness at people who didn't follow the rest of DE into Athens. I am quite a bitter jerk, and I publicly demand my share of the sour grapes! I have so much bitterness to give, and did not know that apparently I'm supposed to be bitter at Menotah. How is it that these people without access to our private board sections and private IRC channel are so much better informed about this bitterness than I? It can't be that they're making assumptions. This is clearly more evidence of the Evil Hegemony 2.0 at work.
  13. At least this gave me a good laugh. It's almost worth you causing this trouble. Almost. Who was it saying Londo is a tough negotiator?
  14. For your next trick, can you get yourself banned from the forums again? It would be a true tour de fail.
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