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TWiP and Tattler Present: Reyne Mordigan's Greatest Hits

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I think that point right there is why we think you were going to offensively attack Grämlins. It's funny how defensive and offensive can be defined.

As to the OP, well it's old news for me, but even so I do not think it reflects very badly on many people. The feelings Reyne exresses for Vanguard, at least, seem mutual.

Agreed. This isn't really groundbreaking stuff. This isn't Reyne being two-faced or anything, just Reyne being Reyne. As far as disagreements in Citadel, those only become newsworthy if and when they become so heated, or paths so divergent that the differences just can not be reconciled. At this point in time, nothing I've seen has lead me to believe the latter is true, and thus, while slightly amusing, I don't see much change in though process or enlightenment coming from this week's TWiP.

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I have much respect for you Cit folks, and I can emphasize with having your private communications leaked by Vox. But you guys are trying to redirect the issue; the heart of the matter is that if Vox didn't data-mine Reyne's posts, she seems to be strongly anti-democratic and rudely recalcitrant. If MK gets board-scanned by Vox, perhaps we'll try a similar diversion strategy.

A diversion, you say?

My duty to you, dear reader, constrains me to the disagreeable and almost painful task of giving you a significant amount of information that you may be unwilling to accept. I want to share this with you because Vox Populi attributes the most distorted, bizarre, and ludicrous "meanings" to ordinary personality characteristics. For example, if you're shy, it calls you "fearful and withdrawn". If, instead, you're the outgoing and active type, Vox Populi says you're "acting out due to trauma". Why does it say such things? No, don't guess; this isn't audience participation day. I'll just tell you. But before I do, you should note that whenever it announces that all it takes to start a rabbit farm is a magician's magic hat, its secret police applaud on cue and the accolades are long and ostentatious. What's funny is that they don't provide similar feedback whenever I tell them that if Vox Populi feels ridiculed by all the attention my letters are bringing it, then that's just too darn bad. Its arrogance has brought this upon itself.

From secret-handshake societies meeting at "the usual place" to back-door admissions committees, Vox Populi's lieutenants have always found a way to feature simplistic answers to complex problems. I don't care what others say about Vox Populi. It's still blockish, scummy, and it intends to force us to experience the full spectrum of the Vox Populi Rainbow of Jingoism. If we reach out for things with permanence, things beyond wealth and comfort and pleasure, things that have real meaning then the sea of revanchism, on which Vox Populi so heavily relies, will begin to dry up. Vox Populi's attempts to mute the voice of anyone who dares to speak out against it are much worse than mere absenteeism. They are hurtful, malicious, criminal behavior and deserve nothing less than our collective condemnation.

We have a choice. Either we let ourselves be led like lambs to the slaughter by Vox Populi and its patsies or we evaluate the tactics Vox Populi has used against me. While I don't expect you to have much trouble making up your mind you should nevertheless consider that Vox Populi once said that its endeavors enhance performance standards, productivity, and competitiveness. Oh, please. I'm just glad I hadn't eaten dinner right before I heard it say that. Otherwise, I'd probably still be vomiting too hard to tell you that if Vox Populi wants to parlay personal and political conspiracy theories into a multimillion-dollar financial empire, let it wear the opprobrium of that decision. In conclusion, let me just say that rigid adherence to dogmatic purity will lead only to disunity while we clearly need unity to exemplify the principles of honor, duty, loyalty, and courage.

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After catching up with this thread, it seems pretty clear that internal arguments within the Citadel are encouraged and they really do not dislike one another as much as a few exposed and out of context posts might suggest. Kudos Citadel, you guys truly do have a level of camaraderie that is only reinforced by heavy debate. In fact, this leak seems only to have strengthened your support for one another as you watch your comrades leap to defend the bloc as a whole. One wonders if that was not the original poster's intent all along.

I don't feel that internal arguments are encouraged. They're just a byproduct of the characteristics of our alliances. You'll note that we pride ourselves on being active and independent (I'm sure some of you'll disagree, that's not really the point), but we're also a stubborn lot. We'll stick by our beliefs in free speech even if it leads to some harsh disagreements between members. So I wouldn't say that it is encouraged (preferably we'd all get along on every single issue), but it's an accepted part of the Citadel atmosphere. Something we're always working on is seeing the rationality and wisdom in the other members points of view, and not speaking in an overly rash manner.

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Thank you Schattenmann, now you have successfully shown the world how harsh, cruel and brutal Citadel are to each other internally. You have done nothing but to expose our rigorous training schedule and sanity containment, without these measures in place, we would be forced to let our aggression out on the general population of CN, and I can assure you, the general population of CN does not have the training nor fortitude to handle that.

I am disappointed, though not surprised, that you fail to appreciate the service Citadel is providing to digiterra by keeping you safe, from us.

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Dr. Dan, grandiloquent obsfucation. But I'm not here to irritate Cit or NPO, so I'm just going to drop this matter.

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I don't feel that internal arguments are encouraged. They're just a byproduct of the characteristics of our alliances. You'll note that we pride ourselves on being active and independent (I'm sure some of you'll disagree, that's not really the point), but we're also a stubborn lot. We'll stick by our beliefs in free speech even if it leads to some harsh disagreements between members. So I wouldn't say that it is encouraged (preferably we'd all get along on every single issue), but it's an accepted part of the Citadel atmosphere. Something we're always working on is seeing the rationality and wisdom in the other members points of view, and not speaking in an overly rash manner.

I suppose a better word would have been acceptable rather than encouraged. Thanks for the clarification.

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She blatantly insulted an ally. You really don't get to just ignore that.

Bob Janova insulted my alliance in private and public for months while allied. Jerdge is allied currently and he personally attacked me in this thread before editing it out like a scared little baby. Apparently its only cool when they do it? :rolleyes:

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C'mon, Schatt, us NPOers expect better from you than this. I mean, it's not fun being all evil and whatnot if you're not airing our dirty laundry.

Is there a thread on the Pacifica forums telling all of you to come post this kind of thing? It's only the 5th page and I've already seen a bunch of you saying pretty much exactly this.

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Meh, nothing interesting. Too much of an attack on a single person for my taste. Next time post something I can't read with normal access.

All you people complaining about this - where are you on IRC every night, and where are you when PZIs are being handed out?

Or is it simply that it's OK to pick on a person, just not in public and on the record?

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@Vanguard - my issues with you began a long time ago before most of you were probably even in

I was there pretty close to its founding. I would like to know what exactly this issue is, since I am not fully aware of it and apparently you seriously disdain us for it. Also, this would have been over 1.5 years ago. How serious is this grudge?

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I was there pretty close to its founding. I would like to know what exactly this issue is, since I am not fully aware of it and apparently you seriously disdain us for it. Also, this would have been over 1.5 years ago. How serious is this grudge?

She's referring to some of our members former identities, and well, some of their current identities, who used to belong to LUE a few years ago. Also, for some in CN, this is a very serious grudge.

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When your ally wants somebody to defy the overwhelming desire of their membership in order to better cater to their designs, I think you really need to consider if you want that ally or not. I'd rather have TPF as an ally than this one, and that's saying something.

I feel the :wub:, Chief. I truly do. :P

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Slayer, if you aren't going to give concrete reasoning instead of flinging insults around, could you stop defending Sponge? It's very tiring and I've really had enough of it.

Now, see how utterly nonsensical and stupid that sounded?

Made perfect logical sense...which was obviously over your head.

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I do find it funny that Slayer is using ad hominems against me but decries their use against him... and all the while calling me a hypocrite. Delicious.

ooc: I wish people would stop quoting Slayer99, my forum experience has much improved since I put him on ignore a few weeks ago. I recommend everyone else do the same. You'll see a difference too.

Sorry that the truth hurts so much you felt the need to put me on ignore.

Typical of Sponge...unable to take responsibility and man up to a critic. Coward.

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