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TWiP and Tattler Present: Reyne Mordigan's Greatest Hits

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This from the same man who admitted he wanted to take out Genmay, \m/ and GOONS as far back as May of 07...planned and plotted it. You were the guy that ran out and signed over 30 treaties and then later complained about the treaty web being cluttered. You're the guy that sentenced 3 alliances from one war to disbandment yet you whine now about e-zi/p-zi, harsh terms, etc. You have no moral high ground to stand on. You've backstabbed far more friends and allies in far more vicious ways than I could ever dream. There was a time I defended you...until I saw you for the snake you really are. My eyes are open when it comes to you. Unfortunate for those that call you friend now that their eyes are not. I'm sure they'll learn eventually.

Your only loyalty has ever been to yourself. You've created the very environment you rail against. You sir, are by far the biggest hypocrite on PB. The ONLY reason you're in Vox is to upset the same power structure you're no longer a member of so you can achieve some measure of power again. It's really your only hope at being relevant again. Your goals are as transparent as your hypocrisy.

You've never admitted that you've been wrong about anything....nor would I ever expect you to have the courage to do so. So in terms of you manning up and taking responsibility for any of your past actions...I won't hold my breath.

EDIT: Grammar

I'd disagree. ES worked to destoy the Initiative, which was the unassailable force of power at the time and the NpO never signed up for Q. I don't really know what was going on behind closed doors but from what I can gather Bilrow (GGA) and NpO seemed to be pushing TOP and Gre to get a reaction after the UjW. The goal of the current power structure is to exist forever and prevent any real conflict by tying up many potentially opposing alliances in treaties so as to make a challenge impossible. The treaties signed by the NpO were done so with the more admirable objective of getting into a position to start a huge war.

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Then I suppose you agree with Sponge that it's not character assassination?

It's all either taken out of context and meant to demonize Reyne, or it's proof that Citadel has an open and secure relationship. You can't really use both defenses.

I think it's both actually at the same time. It's taken out of context and meant to demonize Reyne to those who only know her from a far and inevitably it also was proof that Citedal has an open and secure relationship. I'm not sure if the latter affect was the desired one, though.

Edited by Bilrow
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How can they be in context when you can only see her posts?

They're saying that you're basically not getting the whole story here.

Well, I saw the posts that she quoted so we knew exactly what she was talking about when she made her posts. Did you not see those or did you just conveniently try to overlook them?

This publication is attempting to make one of The Citadel's most public and vocal leaders look bad.

How can that not be taken as an attack on the institution?

So much for individuals thinking for themselves within the institution? I havn't seen any Citidel members making this defense so I am just going to have to say this seems to be an attempt to make yet another negative portrayal of the OP. Is it an attack on her or on the institution?

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I do not believe that TWiP primary goal is to be of a reporting value.

Of course it's not, it's designed to be propaganda to further their cause. Just as the Vladimir's essays and other NPO publications are propaganda. That doesn't mean any of it is necessarily bad, it just means it should all be taken with a grain of salt and that you shouldn't blindly trust what anyone says in such publications but analyze them critically.

Also @ Hizzy. I think the point is that they are accurate, but they are presented as unnecessarily abrasive and harsh, designed to shock people who aren't used to it while within Citadel expressing sentiments that way is accepted practice.

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I think it's both actually at the same time. It's taken out of context and meant to demonize Reyne to those who only know her from a far and inevitably it also was proof that Citedal has an open and secure relationship. I'm not sure if the latter affect was the desired one, though.

I can swallow that, but I wouldn't be so liberal in the use of the word "proof". Not to knock Citadel, I think they're one of the more (if not the most) stable blocs on PB at the moment, but if, hypothetically, there are social issues within Citadel, these screenshots wouldn't prove or disprove them.

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I was in TPF at the time, and although I wasn't government (atleast I don't think I was.. I could have been, I dunno, probably not though) I was there for all the internal stuff. I can't say whether or not the first night surrender thing is true, again, I don't think I was government, and even if I were I was never high up in TPF government when I actually WAS government, but I can say that we were woefully unprepared for war.

I had come back from \m/ about a month or so (give or take a week) prior to the UJW, because, let's face it, \m/ went nuts and they turned on each other internally, and even though I may speak out against TPF now, and even then, and .. really, all the time I guess, I kept going back to it because I did like it. I still like it, just as much as I like to criticize it.


From what I remember we were woefully unprepared for war. We simply ran out of money after about the 3rd or 4th day, and I sent out, being one of the top guys (in terms of NS) more aid than their banks did, just to keep people in the fight. I'm not sure about a first day surrender, but TPF wouldn't have lasted too much longer than the week it was in the fight, just because of the lack of funds. And I'm not even trying to spin that, there simply wasn't money in the fight, since this was at a time when warchests weren't the norm (no one had really learned from FAN yet.) EVEN THOUGH I TOLD YOU GUYS TO SAVE MONEY :).

again, anyway.

Are you a reroll, cos I don't remember you and you don't seem to have ever been registered on our boards? Neither were you in any tpf IRC channel under this name at the time of UJW.

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Don't be so quick to doubt him.

[OOC]I know who it is now, and he REALLY shouldn't be using previous characters knowledge in an IC forum.

edit: I mean anyone generally, not this person in particular - it kinda destroys the argument against e-zi if someone comes into an IC forum and posts as though they were their old character.

Edited by auto98
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[OOC]I know who it is now, and he REALLY shouldn't be using previous characters knowledge in an IC forum.

edit: I mean anyone generally, not this person in particular - it kinda destroys the argument against e-zi if someone comes into an IC forum and posts as though they were their old character.

... How?

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... How?

[ooc]I have to agree with auto98. If you say that your old character is dead, and you have a reroll, you should not be using information gained with the old character. Because if you do, imho you are just the same character again, and if you are on anyones PZI list, they imho have the right to attack you.[/ooc]

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[ooc]I have to agree with auto98. If you say that your old character is dead, and you have a reroll, you should not be using information gained with the old character. Because if you do, imho you are just the same character again, and if you are on anyones PZI list, they imho have the right to attack you.[/ooc]

PZI is an archaic form of punishment, not suited for these enlightened times.

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To all the people complaining about "Context."

Here, I'll fix this.

Obviously, we Vox members have screens of all other posts besides Ryene's in that thread. Ryene was simply the larger focus, and as you can see, we already posted quite a few screens.

But we're not going to release the proof because we can. :awesome:

Sound familiar? You've all been using "out of context" evidence, and then not presenting the rest of the "proof" to the community at large to justify your terrible actions. The CB against Polar? Where was the evidence there? Screenshots? I'll simply say they were out of context.

Besides, in context or not, the main defense of Citadel is that one can bad mouth other members without anybody getting offended. However, Ryene badmouthed members OUTSIDE Citadel, such as Vanguard for instance. The context, implications, are all here. To say that you are unsure of what's being said is playing dumb.

I hope this made you realize how hypocritical you all are. I have been vocal in my request for proof for CBs since before I was ever a Vox member. Time and time again, even within my own alliance, I have been refused. However, now that the evidence here is presented by Vox, it is not telling the full story. How odd.

Regardless, Electron Sponge will soon clear up any misunderstanding :lol: .

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Besides, in context or not, the main defense of Citadel is that one can bad mouth other members without anybody getting offended. However, Ryene badmouthed members OUTSIDE Citadel, such as Vanguard for instance.

My last post here.

Thats just ridicilous. She 'offended' Vanguard in closed forums, when she was talking with her friends. It was not meant to offend anyone, nor it was meant that Vanguard would hear that. If someone does not like me, or my alliance, and he tells it in his alliance forums, why should i care? If he says something like "we will destroy them eventually" or "when they are isolated we will get them" things of course change, but saying something like "terveis, he has the ugliest avatar ever, and he cant spell english even if his live depends on it" does not bother me one bit.

Imho its refreshing that i have a ally, who tells me how things are in her perspective. If something, i would hope there would be more rulers like Reyne(or Sponge) here in our planet.

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Besides, in context or not, the main defense of Citadel is that one can bad mouth other members without anybody getting offended. However, Ryene badmouthed members OUTSIDE Citadel, such as Vanguard for instance. The context, implications, are all here. To say that you are unsure of what's being said is playing dumb.

you do realize that every single alliance out there does the same exact thing on their private forums. hence why they are considered private forums and not public.

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To all the people complaining about "Context."

Here, I'll fix this.

Obviously, we Vox members have screens of all other posts besides Ryene's in that thread. Ryene was simply the larger focus, and as you can see, we already posted quite a few screens.

But we're not going to release the proof because we can. :awesome:

Sound familiar? You've all been using "out of context" evidence, and then not presenting the rest of the "proof" to the community at large to justify your terrible actions. The CB against Polar? Where was the evidence there? Screenshots? I'll simply say they were out of context.

Besides, in context or not, the main defense of Citadel is that one can bad mouth other members without anybody getting offended. However, Ryene badmouthed members OUTSIDE Citadel, such as Vanguard for instance. The context, implications, are all here. To say that you are unsure of what's being said is playing dumb.

I hope this made you realize how hypocritical you all are. I have been vocal in my request for proof for CBs since before I was ever a Vox member. Time and time again, even within my own alliance, I have been refused. However, now that the evidence here is presented by Vox, it is not telling the full story. How odd.

Regardless, Electron Sponge will soon clear up any misunderstanding :lol: .

What exactly is this evidence to? Reyne speaking her mind about other alliances? The Inter Citadel stuff has been beaten to death already, but why can't someone speak their mind about another alliance, let alone one they aren't even allied to? How is talking bad about someone you aren't even allied to a CB?

Sorry if I missed something in the last 20 pages, I haven't had time to keep up on this thread.

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next time infiltrate the TOP Boards please and leak discussions between Saber and me, or, if you cant do that, some stuff from the Citadel Senior Areas, preferrable Saber/Crymson vs me/BobJanova. THATS fun to read.

What you posted so far is *nothing*, thats lowest security level base membership daily talk. :P

threads like this really make me want to go active again, if only to make some 'powerful' people bite their fingernails what I will 'do' this time ^^

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you do realize that every single alliance out there does the same exact thing on their private forums. hence why they are considered private forums and not public.

I remember the old TDSM8 boards, we had several threads just labeled "I hate ________" in which we just ragged on the alliance for a good 3 pages. Im gonna go ahead and agree with Doch... just this once though, I dont intend to me a habit out of it. :ph34r:

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Are you a reroll, cos I don't remember you and you don't seem to have ever been registered on our boards? Neither were you in any tpf IRC channel under this name at the time of UJW.

Yeah, I've never hidden the fact that I used to be greenacres. And I wasn't saying anything bad, just the facts. We ran out of money, I don't know whether the first night surrender is true or not, but we ran out of money. You can even pinpoint when we ran out of money, because we held our own against sparta for the first two nights or so, and then we just imploded because we just didn't have cash.

Edited by astronaut jones
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next time infiltrate the TOP Boards please and leak discussions between Saber and me, or, if you cant do that, some stuff from the Citadel Senior Areas, preferrable Saber/Crymson vs me/BobJanova. THATS fun to read.

What you posted so far is *nothing*, thats lowest security level base membership daily talk. :P

threads like this really make me want to go active again, if only to make some 'powerful' people bite their fingernails what I will 'do' this time ^^

This is *nothing*? Thank God, 'cause I was gonna stop reading these topics if this is the kinda "news" they're going to broadcast.

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