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My take on Jarheads v New Pacific Order


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Point 1 is completely understandable. However, there is no way point 3 will happen. Even if jarheads had an average nation strength of 30,000, NPO has so many wonders at this point that rebuilding wouldn't be a problem. Especially with all their allies.

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Point 1 is completely understandable. However, there is no way point 3 will happen. Even if jarheads had an average nation strength of 30,000, NPO has so many wonders at this point that rebuilding wouldn't be a problem. Especially with all their allies.

Not to mention that I am sure there are some members with unreal amounts of cash

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There is no denying that new nations are a welcome addition to Planet Bob. But this is true only insofar as these additions conduct themselves in a responsible and honorable manner.

The Jarheads have failed on both counts. The New Pacific Order, Invicta, and their allies, have taken upon themselves the responsibility of removing this cancer from the body politic. May the operation be successful.

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Ok, for people who are saying stuff like

"If you attack a single country in lets say the purple team, you can expect retaliation from that nation and his or her alliance."

but what i am saying is

"If you attack any RED naton, you can expected to be attacked by any other RED nation, regardless of what alliance they are in"

Edited by JimmyChang
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Ok, for people who are saying stuff like

"If you attack a single country in lets say the purple team, you can expect retaliation from that nation and his or her alliance."

but what i am saying is

"If you attack any RED naton, you can expected to be attacked by any other RED nation, regardless of what alliance they are in"

Actually you are still incorrect:

"If you attack any Red unaligned nation, you can expect to be contacted diplomatically by NPO and if you fail to stand down, attacked for violation of the Revenge Doctrine."

Edited by Bilrow
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They grew at an extreme rate because (as I have heard) they ripped of IRON for aid to attack NPO.

I, personally, have decided to support the Jarheads cause.

Well, there's your first mistake right there.

NPO was given a valid reason to declare (new alliance engaging in conspiracy to do them harm), so they and allies did.

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Maybe I'm thick headed or something but I really can't understand why anyone would have any gripe about the Revenge Doctrine unless one just wanted to go about running amok. It seems to me that the Revenge Doctrine is one of the best things that've come from the NPO. Very few alliances are willing to stick their neck out to assist non-aligned nations, I think it's quite laudable that the NPO is willing to do so.

It seems to me that their ought to be consequences for people who want to take aggressive action without good reason. Indeed, back when BLEU existed I tried to persuade the leadership of the MCXA at the time to argue in favor of BLEU adopting a policy protecting all nations in the blue sphere. Now, in the end I was unable to effectively present a cogent argument and nothing came from my exhortations but I, for one, would like to see more sanctioned alliances considering policies similar to the Revenge Doctrine.

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Well, there's your first mistake right there.

NPO was given a valid reason to declare (new alliance engaging in conspiracy to do them harm), so they and allies did.

please go read NPO dow. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=50179

here's a small quote.

Now normally with an alliance this size we probably wouldn't do anything other than require the expulsion of those who did the planning and ZI them. However, since this is essentially the Devil Dogs reincarnated, they have earned the right to feel our wrath yet a second time.

they had attacked Jarheads due to who some of them once was not due to the conspiracy to attack them.

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I agree on both sentiments. However, my point is that, with the number of Jarheads seeming to be going rogue, it is understandable how DM could come to such a conclusion.

I don't find it understandable. I'm going to use a word that is going to probably get me a warn here but I'll say it anyway because I think this is finally an instance where it is appropriate to use: Due to his lack of reasoning or explanation behind the post, I don't think he thought it through at all. I think he just wanted to post something and troll (yeah, I said it =_=) a topic that could be construde as "anti-NPO" or just anti-ThePowersThatBe.

There aren't that many rogues within Jarheads and there's only one, yes ONE, war against Galactic Republic. NPO itself has rogues under it's AA (http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=301350&Extended=1). -_-

Meh, I just really don't like the fact that his post was one sentence that contradicts the OP completely without any reasoning whatsoever. He's marching the party line and I don't like that.

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Agree to disagree then. :P

From a proportional standpoint, you're very much right, there aren't that many. Still, even if you have a 400-nation alliance, a dozen or so unchecked rogues can be trouble for one's PR. It would seem, however, as I'm posting this, one of said rogues is actually being handled.


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I believe they attacked first, not the NPO or the rest of the alliances at war with them.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but IRON cancelled their protectorate and then NPO declared war on them. Jarheads committed no acts of aggression.

Edited by Starcraftmazter
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It seems to me that the Revenge Doctrine is one of the best things that've come from the NPO. Very few alliances are willing to stick their neck out to assist non-aligned nations, I think it's quite laudable that the NPO is willing to do so.

I couldn't agree more. For all their detractors, the NPO has expended a considerable amount of blood and treasure in defending nations who have done nothing but to choose to reside on the Red sphere. While many decry the NPO's claim of authority over the red team, the NPO has accepted the responsibility that comes with that authority and defended the defenseless against pirates and bullies. For all the empty-headed shrieking of imperialism against the NPO, I doubt that many can claim to have done more for the benefit of the common player than Pacifica.

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Jarheads arent gonna do any harm or make any kind of dent. There are 400+ members with barely over 100K NS and 250ANS. No one will suffer from this but them. But i think its stupid/bullyish that NPO is calling in backup for an alliance with 250ANS. Some alliances were attacked by Jarheads so its understandable, others were asked to join. Likes its really needed...

Edited by Newhotness
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Jarheads arent gonna do any harm or make any kind of dent. There are 400+ members with barely over 100K NS and 250ANS. No one will suffer from this but them. But i think its stupid/bullyish that NPO is calling in backup for an alliance with 250ANS. Some alliances were attacked by Jarheads so its understandable, others were asked to join. Likes its really needed...

Hehe, Jarheads is a rapidly exploding alliance (exploding with new members >_>) all around the same NS. It just so happens that around that NS, the nations they're fighting are only shown NPO warguides. I've seen NPO warguides. They suck beyond measure. Jarheads are getting messages from Vox, BSC, and other rebels as well as people who realize how unjust this CB is, of several different allince's warguides. Jarheads have more nations at their particular NS than all of NPO and several allies. The more that Jarheads pushes for the more NPO and allies are going to be overwhelmed.

As to NPO-

Jarheads was never a threat, they were never going to hurt. It's sad when YOUR allies on YOUR side of YOUR war disagree as to what the CB is. IRON seems to say that they're attacking Jarheads because their allies are there and because Jarheads was plotting against them. NPO's CB leans far more towards Jarheads being DevilDog rerolls. Nice coordination.

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You are incorrect.

Even though I hate the NPO. Strudeldorf is right, An alliance such as NPO serves the protection of the people. Once a nation within NPO is attacked you should EXPECT the entire squad of hound dogs to be unleashed as they are defending a fellow member and fellow friend.

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Even though I hate the NPO. Strudeldorf is right, An alliance such as NPO serves the protection of the people. Once a nation within NPO is attacked you should EXPECT the entire squad of hound dogs to be unleashed as they are defending a fellow member and fellow friend.

I think the whole point of this discussion is that no NPO nation was attacked, offensively.

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I think the whole point of this discussion is that no NPO nation was attacked, offensively.

I am just remarking on the original post by Jimmy chang which he stated that,

This is just silly. A nation should be able to attack any nation within any alliance without having to worry about the entire NPO squad hounding over them
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Hehe, Jarheads is a rapidly exploding alliance (exploding with new members >_>) all around the same NS. It just so happens that around that NS, the nations they're fighting are only shown NPO warguides. I've seen NPO warguides. They suck beyond measure. Jarheads are getting messages from Vox, BSC, and other rebels as well as people who realize how unjust this CB is, of several different allince's warguides. Jarheads have more nations at their particular NS than all of NPO and several allies. The more that Jarheads pushes for the more NPO and allies are going to be overwhelmed.

The smaller nations of the NPO and it's allies could take on three Jarheads. All they need is some proper funding. I don't know why people are championing their cause. The guy I'm fighting is a major tool who was one of the original Jarheads, and still doesn't know how to fight. I'm not sure how you can expect the YouTubenoobs to be able to fare any better thanks to some messages from Vox.

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Hehe, Jarheads is a rapidly exploding alliance (exploding with new members >_>) all around the same NS. It just so happens that around that NS, the nations they're fighting are only shown NPO warguides. I've seen NPO warguides. They suck beyond measure. Jarheads are getting messages from Vox, BSC, and other rebels as well as people who realize how unjust this CB is, of several different allince's warguides. Jarheads have more nations at their particular NS than all of NPO and several allies. The more that Jarheads pushes for the more NPO and allies are going to be overwhelmed.

As to NPO-

Jarheads was never a threat, they were never going to hurt. It's sad when YOUR allies on YOUR side of YOUR war disagree as to what the CB is. IRON seems to say that they're attacking Jarheads because their allies are there and because Jarheads was plotting against them. NPO's CB leans far more towards Jarheads being DevilDog rerolls. Nice coordination.

I like your unreal optimism.

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Saying you know an alliance done a lot of bad things but you still side with them along with the fact he is talking directly to NPO only shows it is an anti NPO issue.

all you are saying is that if someone disagrees with NPO decision their anti-NPO. thats not logical. now i can see IRON attacking because they where riped off but why is NPO, because they think jarheads is evil and wants them dead. but instead of telling us why jarheads is evil all your saying is that because we disagree with you we are anti-NPO.

when you can start telling me why that jarheads should be attacked by NPO maybe it will be worth my time to respond again(back it up with evidence)

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