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Your Regularly Scheduled Vox Thread

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Reports of my irrelevance have been greatly exaggerated, evidently. How can one be irrelevant and yet be blamed for all the ills of the world? How can one be blamed for the ills of the world when he hasn't now nor has ever had the power to mandate anything to the world at large? You all are worthless, spineless toadies who don't deserve to even speak my name let alone criticize me. Just who the $%&@ do you people think you are? I made things interesting, kept things stirred up, and certainly kept things fresh. Since my marginalization, what has happened? NOT A DAMN THING. I see all you people !@#$%*ing about how boring the game is now. It's pretty sad that someone who hasn't really done anything in like 7 months is a hot topic of conversation. Don't you guys all play CN too or is this SpongeNations? Why am I the only one with the guts to make stuff happen? You all can have fun holding each other's hands and practicing your kissing, I'm going to continue working toward your downfall.

Go $%&@ yourselves.

It's either amusing or sad depending on one's perspective, but you've become the very thing you hated when you were a respected and relevant leader.

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It's either amusing or sad depending on one's perspective, but you've become the very thing you hated when you were a respected and relevant leader.

You're making no sense, Slayer. Explain to me what exactly it is I hated so much that I've now become. Failing that, stop using soap opera cliches. Also we've already established my relevancy vis-a-vis the crap pile that CN has become being 'all my fault' according to several noted geniuses in this thread. Do try to keep up.

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It's either amusing or sad depending on one's perspective, but you've become the very thing you hated when you were a respected and relevant leader.

The only thing you've accomplished was to shoot a torpedo into the side of the Unjust Path's war effort and then turn your once-interesting alliance into another cookie-cutter sycophantic alliance. I find it amusing and sad, Slayer, that you can't be respectful of what influence Sponge has had and continues to have. I also find it amusing and sad that you're calling someone irrelevant.

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It's either amusing or sad depending on one's perspective, but you've become the very thing you hated when you were a respected and relevant leader.

Heh. Sponge never changed. If he really did challenge the NPO, then he was exactly what he is now. As least, that's the story you all go with.

Edited by MegaAros
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Reports of my irrelevance have been greatly exaggerated, evidently. How can one be irrelevant and yet be blamed for all the ills of the world? How can one be blamed for the ills of the world when he hasn't now nor has ever had the power to mandate anything to the world at large? You all are worthless, spineless toadies who don't deserve to even speak my name let alone criticize me. Just who the $%&@ do you people think you are? I made things interesting, kept things stirred up, and certainly kept things fresh. Since my marginalization, what has happened? NOT A DAMN THING. I see all you people !@#$%*ing about how boring the game is now. It's pretty sad that someone who hasn't really done anything in like 7 months is a hot topic of conversation. Don't you guys all play CN too or is this SpongeNations? Why am I the only one with the guts to make stuff happen? You all can have fun holding each other's hands and practicing your kissing, I'm going to continue working toward your downfall.

Go $%&@ yourselves.

Put people like me and Sponge in power, and the world will be entertaining.

I miss the days when people actually picked fights, rather than organizing backroom political isolations and large scale gangbangs.

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I miss the days when people actually picked fights, rather than organizing backroom political isolations and large scale gangbangs.

On a partially unrelated note, those people that picked fights were isolated and destroyed by the ones that were instead building their power in "backrooms". Planet Avril isn't a world of war, but of politics.

You already knew it, anyway.

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Alliance Politics is an In Character forum. Now you either shape this thread up or warns will be handed out a plenty.

There is no "game". To discuss "the game", go to the OWF. In here it's accepted to refer to it as "Planet Bob", "Digiterra" or something else that you feel is suiting.

A reminder

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Alliance Politics is an In Character forum. Now you either shape this thread up or warns will be handed out a plenty.

There is no "game". To discuss "the game", go to the OWF. In here it's accepted to refer to it as "Planet Bob", "Digiterra" or something else that you feel is suiting.

A reminder

Normally it's bad form to argue with a mod, but you're technically not correct here Atlas unless there has been an unannounced change in policy.


Loose RP (Global Politics, Alliance Politics):

A form of RP, though not as strictly enforced. Mention of IRC, forums and game mechanics are allowed, as are real world references. Do keep personal RL stuff out of this. You are still the ruler of a nation in this loose form of RP, not the player behind it.

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Normally it's bad form to argue with a mod, but you're technically not correct here Atlas unless there has been an unannounced change in policy.


The pinned thread linked in my above post, "A reminder", was posted by Justitia on Aug 15 2008.

This is an IC forum. You are all leaders of your nations. Any mention of a so-called game, players etc are not permitted. Those talking about these type of things will be treated by our finest psychologists (OOC: recieve a warn).

Hope that answers your concern and further arguing in the thread will be rewarded with a warning.

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As a longtime periphery nation Procinctia has very little vested interest in alliance policies and conduct, excluding technology raiding and the occasional peripheral commentary.

Without Electron Sponge and his rugged collection of banditos and refugees these international forums would not hold our extended interest.

Edited by Generalissimo
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I, Hizzy, the first ruler of the nation of Sooners, hereby declare unto thee, oh Planet Bob;

I concur with my fellow leaders' assessments on Mr. Electron Sponge's effects on Planet Bob's political climate, and shall joyously partake in the international events which proliferate in abundance surrounding said Sponge's presence until such a time in the unforeseeable future that I no longer concur with this announcement of concurring.

Signed on this day of our Admin,

February 3, 2009


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For everyone’s assistance, I have had the famous playwrights of Ghostlin compose an one act play of this thread. It will be performed tonight at the Opera House. Everyone in this thread is invited, friends, foes and indifferent folks:

Schattenmann: Yeah. Starfox is no longer Vox Dei due to running off with a girl, Doitzel is Vox Dei, and in expression of how NPO sucks, our Vox Dei can lie except on the third Wednesday on the month, especially since NPO used crap logic to get us to this point in the first place.

Various Nations of the World: Is it he can lie on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, or he can’t lie except then?

Various Vox Members: o/

Schattenman: He can lie on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Various Nations of the World: How will you know?

Schattenman: He’ll tell us so. Sorta like the Bible and the whole Jesus loves me song.

Various Nations of the World: But wait…

Schattenman: It’s a joke, folks. It’s a backhanded complement to the NPO. It’s called irony. Choose one.

Random Person: Did someone say IRON?

Everyone else: No.

Chairman Hal and others: Well, at least someone on Bob is getting laid.

Schattenman: Fair enough.

Chief Savage Man: He’ll be back once that stops.

Starfox101: Can I nuke him now?

CSM: Bring it.

Various Nations: insert jokes about licking wounds, rebound males and females and everything else

Doitzel: Told you so, I did. Now Vox Dei, I am. Yoda, I must speak like.

Starfox101: You just all hate me because I’m getting laid.

Various nations of CN: Yeah, that’s true.

Slayer99: Yeah, maybe I’ll help encourage most of Vox to find chicks.

Various Members: much discussion about finding chicks, and a really weird one about sexual preference

Slayer99: BTW, ES will never be relevant again.

ES/Vox groupies: He is too revelant.

Slayer: No he isn’t, plus he betrayed everyone.

ES groupies: Is too!

Slayer: Isn’t. Plus, weren’t we over this?

Doitzel: NPO will eventually fall. Nothing lasts forever.

ES: Are you kidding me? This is what I did to keep Planet Bob relevant, the opposite of what everyone’s doing. You all suck.

Slayer/Chairman Hal: You big hypocrite.

Merrie Melodies: Hah. Didn’t you create a fake war?

Ghostlin: Would you like to tell us how you came to that conclusion?

MM: Oops, wrong person.

ES: I am not a hypocrite. Go @#$% yourselves.

Pro Sponge: Go Sponge!

Anti-Sponge: Wow. That was classy. Go @#$% yourselves is the height of political discourse. Are we bitter?

ES: Prove that I’m not a hypocrite!

Mods: Remember, you’re being kind of nuts here, kids.

Pro Sponge people: o/Sponge.

Ghostlin: face palms


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I, ModusOperandi of the nation of Helena, do humbly request permission to lie on Wednesdays to my people. It is normally the day when our budget is reviewed and things have gotten so bad that the government has had to make stuff up.

Also, we have decided to erect a statue of ElectronSponge standing on a GOON; our artists are awaiting his decision to pose for the portrait.

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Sponge is a good man, despite his shortcomings. And the mistakes he may or may not have made in the past were all decisions that he felt were good ones at the time. He (like the rest of you) did not intend to personally, OOC, hurt anyone. Nor did he intend to hurt this game.

More incorrect words have never been spoken. I disagree on every single point and no, I'm not going to tell you why so don't ask. :ph34r:

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For everyone’s assistance, I have had the famous playwrights of Ghostlin compose an one act play of this thread. It will be performed tonight at the Opera House. Everyone in this thread is invited, friends, foes and indifferent folks:

Bravo Sir, Bravo.

You have won the thread.

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For everyone’s assistance, I have had the famous playwrights of Ghostlin compose an one act play of this thread. It will be performed tonight at the Opera House. Everyone in this thread is invited, friends, foes and indifferent folks:

Schattenmann: Yeah. Starfox is no longer Vox Dei due to running off with a girl, Doitzel is Vox Dei, and in expression of how NPO sucks, our Vox Dei can lie except on the third Wednesday on the month, especially since NPO used crap logic to get us to this point in the first place.

Various Nations of the World: Is it he can lie on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, or he can’t lie except then?

Various Vox Members: o/

Schattenman: He can lie on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Various Nations of the World: How will you know?

Schattenman: He’ll tell us so. Sorta like the Bible and the whole Jesus loves me song.

Various Nations of the World: But wait…

Schattenman: It’s a joke, folks. It’s a backhanded complement to the NPO. It’s called irony. Choose one.

Random Person: Did someone say IRON?

Everyone else: No.

Chairman Hal and others: Well, at least someone on Bob is getting laid.

Schattenman: Fair enough.

Chief Savage Man: He’ll be back once that stops.

Starfox101: Can I nuke him now?

CSM: Bring it.

Various Nations: insert jokes about licking wounds, rebound males and females and everything else

Doitzel: Told you so, I did. Now Vox Dei, I am. Yoda, I must speak like.

Starfox101: You just all hate me because I’m getting laid.

Various nations of CN: Yeah, that’s true.

Slayer99: Yeah, maybe I’ll help encourage most of Vox to find chicks.

Various Members: much discussion about finding chicks, and a really weird one about sexual preference

Slayer99: BTW, ES will never be relevant again.

ES/Vox groupies: He is too revelant.

Slayer: No he isn’t, plus he betrayed everyone.

ES groupies: Is too!

Slayer: Isn’t. Plus, weren’t we over this?

Doitzel: NPO will eventually fall. Nothing lasts forever.

ES: Are you kidding me? This is what I did to keep Planet Bob relevant, the opposite of what everyone’s doing. You all suck.

Slayer/Chairman Hal: You big hypocrite.

Merrie Melodies: Hah. Didn’t you create a fake war?

Ghostlin: Would you like to tell us how you came to that conclusion?

MM: Oops, wrong person.

ES: I am not a hypocrite. Go @#$% yourselves.

Pro Sponge: Go Sponge!

Anti-Sponge: Wow. That was classy. Go @#$% yourselves is the height of political discourse. Are we bitter?

ES: Prove that I’m not a hypocrite!

Mods: Remember, you’re being kind of nuts here, kids.

Pro Sponge people: o/Sponge.

Ghostlin: face palms


For everyone’s reminder, I have had the famous playwrights of FRANCOS SPAIN compose a single-act play of this thread. It will be performed tonight at the Lycaeum, amoung all the world's guides. Everyone in this thread is invited, friends, foes and indifferent folks:

Announcement: alliance x and alliance y have signed a treaty. They already have four, but they don't like even numbers!

Everyone: Hail! o/

Vox: Don't you have 4 treaties already?


Vox: lol


You know I think I like yours better actually.

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