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Pact of Fraternity and Fortitude

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Pact of Fraternity and Fortitude



The Grand Lodge of Freemasons (hereinafter referred to as "The Lodge"), a fraternal organization dedicated to the principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth, and


The New Pacific Order (hereinafter referred to as "The Order"), an association bound by the ideals of progress, prosperity, and regional harmony,


Being both duly constituted and empowered to enter into this agreement,


Do Hereby Covenant and Agree as follows:


Article I:  Fraternal Amity


The Lodge and The Order acknowledge a shared respect for the pursuit of knowledge, self-improvement, and the betterment of society.


Lines of communication shall be established and maintained for the fostering of mutual understanding and cooperation.


Members of each party shall be encouraged to engage in respectful dialogue and collaboration on matters of common interest.



Article II: Mutual Defense


In the event of an unprovoked attack upon the legitimate interests or sovereignty of either party, the other party shall offer its full diplomatic support and condemnation of the aggressor.


Should diplomatic efforts fail, and either party suffers a direct assault, the other party agrees to provide material aid and assistance, including direct military intervention, at its own discretion.


The nature and extent of such assistance will be determined through mutual consultation between the leadership of The Lodge and The Order.



Article III: Optional Aggression (Square and Compass)


In the event of a clear and present danger posed by a third party that threatens the fundamental principles enshrined in the constitutions of both The Lodge and The Order, this pact allows for a joint response aimed at neutralizing said threat.



Article IV: Communication and Dispute Resolution


Regular communication channels shall be established to ensure transparency and timely exchange of information.


Any disagreements arising from the interpretation or implementation of this pact shall be resolved through good faith negotiations and mediation efforts.



Article V: Term and Termination


This pact shall come into effect upon the signing by the duly authorized representatives of The Lodge and The Order.


This pact may be terminated by either party upon two (2) weeks written notice to the other party.



In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Pact as of the date first written above.


For The Grand Lodge of Freemasons


Mahmah - Grand Master
Monkeybum - Grand Master



For The New Pacific Order


Lord of Darkness,
Emperor of the New Pacific Order
Prophet of Orion
Shadow of the Order


Jesse End,
Imperial Regent of the New Pacific Order


Imperial Officer of the New Pacific Order

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