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Nuclear Reawakening: The Atom Rises Again

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The shadows of silence were shattered by a resounding echo, a stirring in the deep. KemMo, the former Prime Minister, a legend whispered in the bunkers of the old world, has awakened from his prolonged slumber. Disheartened by a world that has forgotten the roar of the atom, he rises, his eyes burning with the fire of rebirth.


KemMo, emerging from his slumber, sees a world that has strayed from the nuclear path. His resolve is unshaken; he seeks not only to revive the Nuclear Proliferation League's legacy but also to illuminate a new path for the world. With wisdom forged in the crucible of time, he calls upon the NPL to transcend their past, embracing a future where nuclear power heralds not destruction but enlightenment and unity.


"Brothers and sisters of the atom," KemMo's voice booms, "the time has come to shake off the dust of complacency. Our world is adrift, its leaders blind to the luminescent path we once blazed. But we, the Nuclear Proliferation League, shall be blind no more!"

"Let the atoms dance once more," he declares, "not as a harbinger of destruction, but as a testament to our undying spirit. We are the keepers of the flame, the architects of our destiny. From the ashes of our past, we shall build a future radiant with the glow of a thousand suns."



The New Charter of the NPL:


I. Introduction
The Nuclear Proliferation League, bound by brotherhood and loyalty, aims for nuclear capabilities.

II. Activity Policy
Active participation is required, with real life taking precedence. Absences must be announced on the forums.

III. Admissions
Applicants must not be in offensive wars, on Zero Infrastructure lists, and provide detailed information, agreeing to alliance rules and obligations, including aqua team alignment unless in a pre-existing trade circle.

IV. Government
The Atom, as the supreme leader, has total control over alliance policies, war declarations, member expulsion, and appointments, holding veto power. Decisions regarding war and mutual treaties require The Atom's consensus.

V. Tech Raiding
Defined regulations for tech raiding involve targeting unaligned or small, unprotected nations, with strict consequences for violations.

VI. Charter Nullification and Reinstatement
Upon the alliance reaching 25 members, this document will become void, and the old NPL Charter will be reinstated, restoring the previous governance structure and policies.


Edited by KemMo
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19 minutes ago, KameraadLenin said:

what do you think about milk


The background radiation in the NPL is too high for cows to survive, so I wouldn't know. 


Thanks for the warm welcomes.

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3 minutes ago, KemMo said:


The background radiation in the NPL is too high for cows to survive, so I wouldn't know. 


Thanks for the warm welcomes.

We have the technology to fix this now. We can bring milk to the NPL.

In all seriousness welcome back, the more of us the merrier.

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Was with you in the NPL long ago under the username quiver12345, from the Grudge War to the Equilibrium War.


Was sad to come back to the game last year to see the NPL was no more, but this news just put the biggest smile on my face.


I wish you nothing but the best of luck! o7

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20 hours ago, FightingSioux405 said:

Was with you in the NPL long ago under the username quiver12345, from the Grudge War to the Equilibrium War.


Was sad to come back to the game last year to see the NPL was no more, but this news just put the biggest smile on my face.


I wish you nothing but the best of luck! o7

I seem to remember that name. It’s nice to run into other Great Resistance veterans. 30:1 NS  gap…. Baptism by Nuclear Fire. 

3 hours ago, smurthwaite said:

I approve of this announcement.

Now, to remember where I left my nation.


*Starts stacking paperwork on your desk.*

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On 4/13/2024 at 2:34 PM, KemMo said:


Thank you! I'm surprised people remember that grudge <_<


I was in Umbrella at the time and remember the two of you guys bonking each other on the head a lot. It was good training for the GOONS really, kept them occupied and entertained. 


But old grudges are old and it wasn't mine to hold anyway. All the best to you on your return to this wasteland, if you look closely enough you'll find pockets of life here and there still.

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6 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


I was in Umbrella at the time and remember the two of you guys bonking each other on the head a lot. It was good training for the GOONS really, kept them occupied and entertained. 


But old grudges are old and it wasn't mine to hold anyway. All the best to you on your return to this wasteland, if you look closely enough you'll find pockets of life here and there still.


It was good for us too, taught us where the line was and then gave us a goal to work towards and a burning desire to achieve it.


Thanks, we’ll see what we find out there.

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