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Blocking Touchdowns

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14 hours ago, Terrence Krillins said:

I uh.. I believe they treat supergroup as a single word. So it is PGS. Not PGSG.


It's not just that PGS considers supergroup to be one word, it literally is. Bundy and his friends

are just idiots.



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6 hours ago, lilweirdward said:

Also, for what it’s worth, UCR have already demanded surrender from a TW nation who wished to resign and leave for a different alliance not at war, so it’s not like TW created this idea out of thin air. Your allies set the precedent, and it was reasonable for TW to follow it. 

Everyone can shut up about precedent cause its clear none of you actually know what you are talking about. That other wolf also resigned, btw, so yall are crying about literally nothing. 



7 hours ago, firingline said:

Your guy surrendered, just so poorly that it doesn't count

So which is it? Did he surrender or not? You keep contradicting yourself. You can't exactly claim credit for a surrender while simultaneously claiming that said surrender doesn't exist.


5 hours ago, firingline said:

I'm telling you right now, you won't be.

This is legitimately how I picture FL anytime he comes on here to say some silly !@#$ like thisaa19km10.jpg

6 hours ago, lilweirdward said:

they were under the impression that you wanted to leave the war, and followed the precedent set in this war of requiring a surrender in order for that to happen.

You mean the precedent of some guy resigning after his alliance kicked him to the curb?


3 hours ago, AL Bundy said:

If I resigned today, join ODN for a week and next week jump back in when a guy leaves peace mode to hit him I am sure PGS and UCR and the rest of BUTT would be up my butt about how unfair and horrible I am being..... 

Of course, because you are the agressor responsible for starting this war in the first place and you are also the leader of your alliance. Your false equivalence proves nothing except your own cluelessness.


3 hours ago, AL Bundy said:

I raided two alliances who are loosely protected

No, you launched an unprovoked war against an MDP bloc whose members you hold individual peace treaty obligations to.


3 hours ago, AL Bundy said:

nothing last forever....peace agreements end

You are the only signatory to this treaty who seems to be under this impression


3 hours ago, AL Bundy said:

i will make sure to put a timeline in this one, clearly stating when I can raid again hahaha

Its really cute he thinks he's getting another treaty after breaking the first two. UCR doesn't enter into treaties with rogues.

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7 hours ago, SoloRocket said:

Ooooh you're hard, couldn't find anyone to fight Sabcat or force your one dude within range to come out of hiding in peace mode to fight.

What's a boy to do if you can't field an opponent?
As Al Bundy (the 4 touchdown hero) will tell you, if you can't field an opponent, you get a bye. And Sabcat said bye and came back to PGS.


Good luck continuing to struggle fending off UCR & Allies, who are doing a magnificent job of bashing you up.


Out of curiosity has anyone done objective war stats yet? UCR have one member that's declared an offensive war in the last two weeks. Having numeric superiority we shouldn't expect this and that DW should be fairly well staggered at this point. 

[edit] not attempting to take sides on who is doing better, I'm genuinely curious about damage stats as the offensive war decs aren't what I would expect.[/edit]

Edited by dev0win
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50 minutes ago, mrmarx said:

Its really cute he thinks he's getting another treaty after breaking the first two. UCR doesn't enter into treaties with rogues.

With all due respect, you don’t have the fighters to keep Wolves at war into perpetuity. Your alliance is averaging something like 2 offensive wars at a time. Wolves can keep most of you locked up and anarchied for months if they so choose.


If you were smart you guys would be pulling your head out of the sand and negotiating with Wolves unless you want to still be doing this in November. 

Edited by kerschbs
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1 hour ago, mrmarx said:

Everyone can shut up about precedent cause its clear none of you actually know what you are talking about. That other wolf also resigned, btw, so yall are crying about literally nothing. 


You can't "resign to" an alliance. He surrendered to an alliance.


The clear standard for years has been a surrender, not "hahaha I'm going back to PGSG and I reserve the right to start nuking you again whenever I feel like also you suck DEUCES." That's not even close to the spirit of what is expected.



Of course, because you are the agressor responsible for starting this war in the first place and you are also the leader of your alliance. Your false equivalence proves nothing except your own cluelessness.


Incorrect. UCR attacked TW, not the other way around. Go back to when the animosity started and that was your fault too. Cute try though!



Its really cute he thinks he's getting another treaty after breaking the first two. UCR doesn't enter into treaties with rogues.


Have you informed the vast majority of your alliance that they'll be permanently nuked and kept in a state of war while you sit there and don't even bother to send aid? I doubt they're thrilled to hear that you never intend for the war to end, given we've been staggering them for well over a month now.

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Random reminder that CN "standards" got thrown out of the window, were then smashed, cut into little pieces, peed over, dissolved in acid, dumped in an undisclosed location probably in high seas, then even their memory was savagely mocked and finally forgotten for good... circa 2008-2010, IIRC.

It's a brutal world - admittedly, hilariously absurd too - and it's been like that for well over a decade.


E-lawyering has always been alive and kicking, though... that never changes, I guess.

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8 hours ago, Gibsonator21 said:

After a thorough examination of about 4 posts in this topic, I concur.


It took 4?


sup, Gibs? :D



Also: "Supergroup" is definitely one word, but I am a fan of chaos, so ... by all means carry on.

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I now pass my judgement.  The Cat guy fake surrendered; the GPS guys knew it lying to allies about what was up.   So, the Cat guy should be declared a rogue and smashed by all the alliances that were lied to.   GPS should be tossed aside by any alliance it was a part of it lying to.   (Now I have no idea is this totally screws whatever side of the Web I am on but, well I am too lazy to find out anything more about Cat Man and GPS and who they side up with.)  This is my judgement in this, the year of our Admin 17.  So let it be written so let be done.   

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1 hour ago, TheBigBad said:

I now pass my judgement.  The Cat guy fake surrendered; the GPS guys knew it lying to allies about what was up.   So, the Cat guy should be declared a rogue and smashed by all the alliances that were lied to.   GPS should be tossed aside by any alliance it was a part of it lying to.   (Now I have no idea is this totally screws whatever side of the Web I am on but, well I am too lazy to find out anything more about Cat Man and GPS and who they side up with.)  This is my judgement in this, the year of our Admin 17.  So let it be written so let be done.   

I smoked three weeds and still don’t understand what this says. But I support your right to say it nonetheless you big ol’ teddy bear.



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5 hours ago, SirWilliam said:

I smoked three weeds and still don’t understand what this says. But I support your right to say it nonetheless you big ol’ teddy bear.

Postmodern Enlightenment right there.

You didn't age bad.

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12 hours ago, dev0win said:

Out of curiosity has anyone done objective war stats yet? UCR have one member that's declared an offensive war in the last two weeks. Having numeric superiority we shouldn't expect this and that DW should be fairly well staggered at this point. 

[edit] not attempting to take sides on who is doing better, I'm genuinely curious about damage stats as the offensive war decs aren't what I would expect.[/edit]

There are some stats from ~1 month ago available here, kindly provided by lilweirdward:

It's really clear who's winning this war... the military industrial complex.

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43 minutes ago, Bionic redhead said:


Big talk for a guy with less that a quarter of a million casualties.

Damn hard to fight a war when the dude who threatened you won't follow through.

Edited by SoloRocket
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13 hours ago, kerschbs said:

With all due respect, you don’t have the fighters to keep Wolves at war into perpetuity. Your alliance is averaging something like 2 offensive wars at a time. Wolves can keep most of you locked up and anarchied for months if they so choose.


If you were smart you guys would be pulling your head out of the sand and negotiating with Wolves unless you want to still be doing this in November. 

I think UCR could, war is good for activity, the numbers are there to do it.  There's nations out of range to keep the cash rolling down to the people in range of the smoking ruin that is the wolves  and those nations would gain some good experience, and a few casualties.  Wouldn't take too much organising and the experience of putting that work in would also be beneficial for UCR, they've cruised this war so far, be good to see them set up proper staggers and cycling. 

The only downside would be all the nauseating posts from FL about how much damage they're doing compared to receiving as they shed tech and cash. 


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1 hour ago, Sabcat said:

I think UCR could, war is good for activity, the numbers are there to do it.  There's nations out of range to keep the cash rolling down to the people in range of the smoking ruin that is the wolves  and those nations would gain some good experience, and a few casualties.  Wouldn't take too much organising and the experience of putting that work in would also be beneficial for UCR, they've cruised this war so far, be good to see them set up proper staggers and cycling. 

The only downside would be all the nauseating posts from FL about how much damage they're doing compared to receiving as they shed tech and cash. 


Im sure UCR has such activity to do such a thing. Im sure the lower members would really enjoy fighting wars with the 18 mil and 8000 soldiers of aid vs a guy that once scored 4 touch downs in a single game and his massive war chest from selling shoes. 

I dont really see how Sabcat is able to be seen as a member of UCR and James isnt seen as one of TW? Either way I really hope that sabcat patting himself on the back about how awesome he is isnt the only thing to come out of this conflict.  

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2 minutes ago, ditchboy00 said:

Im sure UCR has such activity to do such a thing. Im sure the lower members would really enjoy fighting wars with the 18 mil and 8000 soldiers of aid vs a guy that once scored 4 touch downs in a single game and his massive war chest from selling shoes. 

I dont really see how Sabcat is able to be seen as a member of UCR and James isnt seen as one of TW? Either way I really hope that sabcat patting himself on the back about how awesome he is isnt the only thing to come out of this conflict.  

I have not, at any point, said I'm awesome. The closest I've come to that is pointing out how, despite the bravado, terrible The Wolves are generally and Firingline is specifically. 

I'm an LSF member - I was for years before I joined Kashmir - I went back to help them out, in large part in response to FL jumping on Wolves AA to help them out. James has now done the same and, as I said previously, I salute him, we're going to get lots of casualties and I'm sure he's enjoying that as much as I am. It's all gravy. 

UCR absolutely could do it, whether they want to or should are different questions. Same applies to touchdown boy, does he want to burn through tech and shoe selling cash to keep some UCR nations busy? I don't know. What I do know is that no matter how he spins it Wolves look like right bunch of mugs in this war. It's pathetic. 

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5 minutes ago, Sabcat said:

I have not, at any point, said I'm awesome. The closest I've come to that is pointing out how, despite the bravado, terrible The Wolves are generally and Firingline is specifically. 

I'm an LSF member - I was for years before I joined Kashmir - I went back to help them out, in large part in response to FL jumping on Wolves AA to help them out. James has now done the same and, as I said previously, I salute him, we're going to get lots of casualties and I'm sure he's enjoying that as much as I am. It's all gravy. 

UCR absolutely could do it, whether they want to or should are different questions. Same applies to touchdown boy, does he want to burn through tech and shoe selling cash to keep some UCR nations busy? I don't know. What I do know is that no matter how he spins it Wolves look like right bunch of mugs in this war. It's pathetic. 

Could they? They dont really scream active to me... and a war is going on. Are they going to be burning through tech and cash? I assume Bundy and others have billions and at the NS the bills will be nothing. Wolves get to destroy all the lower nations now which would be effective in stopping their opponents from receiving tech deals but none of them were active prewar anyways doing those deals. 

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6 minutes ago, ditchboy00 said:

Could they? They dont really scream active to me... and a war is going on. Are they going to be burning through tech and cash? I assume Bundy and others have billions and at the NS the bills will be nothing. Wolves get to destroy all the lower nations now which would be effective in stopping their opponents from receiving tech deals but none of them were active prewar anyways doing those deals. 

I think so, as you say, they don't scream "active alliance" and yet they've cruised to an easy win over Wolves, they've smashed them right up. The cost for organising a protracted war of attrition is tech deals they weren't doing anyway and doesn't require a great deal of work. It would be a situation that removes more opportunity and be much more boring for Wolves than it would UCR. 

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9 minutes ago, Sabcat said:

I think so, as you say, they don't scream "active alliance" and yet they've cruised to an easy win over Wolves, they've smashed them right up. The cost for organising a protracted war of attrition is tech deals they weren't doing anyway and doesn't require a great deal of work. It would be a situation that removes more opportunity and be much more boring for Wolves than it would UCR. 

What have they done? They've knocked a few nations mid sized with large warchests down to a level where they can now just war targets forever. After the war assuming they stay active they'll have the infra back instantly and a few months of tech deals be right back. TW are the more active alliance so I'd bet on them coming out of this better in the long run.

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3 minutes ago, ditchboy00 said:

What have they done? They've knocked a few nations mid sized with large warchests down to a level where they can now just war targets forever. After the war assuming they stay active they'll have the infra back instantly and a few months of tech deals be right back. TW are the more active alliance so I'd bet on them coming out of this better in the long run.

I agree that going into this TW were more active although there's some that aren't. You massively overstate their war chests though, 2 of their current top 4 nations have less than $1billion between them, The CommonWealthCW for example hasn't got enough cash to buy back the infra he lost in the 2 wars with me, someone of them have basically no cash at all. They're a shambles. Touchdown boy's shoe money is going to have to spread around quite a lot, his massive war chest was $4billion back at the end of May.

Because you like hearing how awesome I am, I've have larger war chest than the all of The Wolves actual members combined. They're a basket case alliance. I can't believe anyone wants to be allied to them. 

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