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Everything posted by SoloRocket

  1. Hakai wouldn't take the level of praise he deserves, without him pulling all the strings like a twisted puppetmaster we'd all be crawling through the mud like the drunken worms we aspire to become. Love to you all. Now, for my victory lap riding Bert's Dad's fat hog...
  2. Glad to have you on board Madlads.
  3. Maybe the greatest post in the history of posts, excepting this one.
  4. Imagine getting 13 pages into a thread and being so ignorant you haven't even read what the entire thread is about.
  5. I thought we covered this in post #3, where Lyanna brought screenshots? For your benefit, I repost you trying to change the subject after you got told by your 'betters', ya weirdo.
  6. I, SoloRocket, the Immortal Ruler of the Rocket Republic, Supreme Leader, High General and Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas, The Gracious and Merciful, extend my warmest thanks to you on this blessed day. May your Cruise Missiles be warm and full of chickens. Yours Gracefully, SoloRocket PGS Government, PGS Trade Co-ordinator, PGS Ambassador of Good Times, Official Beer Taster of PGS, PGS High Jump Champion 2022, PGS Poet of the Month for September 2023.
  7. I, SoloRocket, would like to take this opportunity to say that the Rocket Republic condemns the MONGOLS unfounded aggression. As Supreme Leader, High General and Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas, I wholeheartedly commend B.U.T.T. on this extremely well crafted post. The Rocket Republic declares that the goal of lasting peace is something we should all be aspiring to, and the protection of civilians is a noble act. I also look forward to using both my extensive warfighting skills gained through literal years of experience to bring about a swift end to the aggression, as well as my excellent reading abilities to be able to decipher who has, and more crucially has not, surrendered to the B.U.T.T. Alliance of Heroes. As a gesture of goodwill the 'Surrender-o-meter' service offered by SoloRocket of the Rocket Republic will also be provided free of charge to those who ask nicely, both within the B.U.T.T. sphere and for those who are less fortunate on the reading front (you know who you are). Terms and Conditions apply. Ask your doctor if the 'Surrender-o-meter' is right for you. This has been a message from the PGS Poet of the Month for September 2023. Thank you all for reading.
  8. Fought GATO back in the day, not sure anyone's around from then to remember me sadly! Different nation name mind... https://cybernations.fandom.com/wiki/Auric_Armada
  9. Thanks for your input, I've freely admitted that I've not warred as much as I'd have liked to. If you want to take a look at my regrets about my lack of war experience & the reasons for them then they're in what LWW called a 'Despressing attempt at a copypasta' - which he may have failed to notice is just the same post 5 or 6 times. The fact that someone with so little war experience (me) had to tell FiringLine who had/had not surrendered to TW is, quite frankly, embarrassing.
  10. OK👌, I understand🧠 where🤷‍♂️ you're🫵 coming💦 FROM! What you're🫵 missing🫥 is THAT in the PAST⏲️ I did have ANOTHER♊ nation🏴‍☠️, which was sadly deleted🕯️ due to inactivity🏝️, but this was BEFORE⌚ we could re-activate🏇 dormant accounts. Hence why my number9️⃣ of WARS💂‍♂️ isn't as high⬆️ as I'd LIKE👍 it to2️⃣ BE🐝. I👈 do very much hope🤞 this👇 clears🧹 up👆 your🫵 confusion❓. P.S. True happiness comes not from comparing yourself to others, but from within. True story kiddos. You're welcome 🥸
  11. What a great post, thank you for your compliments with regard to my rapid expansion.
  12. I see what you mean. The thing is that I FIND myself the Ruler, Eternal King and God-Appointed Leader of a relatively YOUNGER Nation. As a result of the lack of PASSING of time, and tender AGE in comparison to some of the older NATIONS, one has not yet had the PLEASURE of embarking upon quite as much war-business as much as one would like. I trust this explanation dissipates your bewilderment.
  13. Right, I gotcha now, why didn't you say that before? So I'M a newer nation, paticularly COMPARED to you guys, and so I don't have as MANY wars. Lack of time IS the ISSUE. However, previously, I did HAVE a nation that was automatically REMOVED from the game due to me not logging in for a WHILE. Hope this mops up any confused thoughts in your tiny minds.
  14. Oh I see what you mean. The thing is that my ORIGINAL nation was DELETED due to INACTIVITY. My new NATION is not as OLD so the NUMBER of OPPORTUNITIES I've had to GO to war is FEWER. I do hope this clears up the confusion.
  15. Looks like you're confused too, I had a nation in the PAST that I let go INACTIVE and then it was DELETED. I proceeded to create a NEW NATION which is why I don't have MANY wars. You're forgiven for your misunderstanding.
  16. Ah, I see where the confusion lies... I took a significant break from leadership between ~2009 - 2022 and my nation was burned to ashes in the process. The Rocket Republic is what was reborn from those ashes towards the start of last year. You are forgiven for attempting to be condescending, 'cos that's just the type of champ I am. Now, back to proceedings...
  17. I hear that there are only two good things about war... Nuking FiringLine and then nuking FiringLine again.
  18. As an aside, I would love to see this, please do go back to NG without surrendering, before the war is over.
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