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Everything posted by mrmarx

  1. After 4 months of war, the spirit of socialism and the power of the united working class revolution prevails. The combined forces of RED ALERT have resisted invasion and on multiple fronts. Meanwhile The Wolves - who thought they could pick an easy raid target to bully into submission - now walk away having lost far more than they ever could have ever gained by theft, and we continue to stand as the beacon of peaceful socialist construction. Friendly relations among people and good faith diplomacy among nations will always stand firm against those who seek only to inflame division and perpetuate further violence and aggression. The revolution marches on, and we look to the future as we continue along our internationalist path.
  2. Everyone can shut up about precedent cause its clear none of you actually know what you are talking about. That other wolf also resigned, btw, so yall are crying about literally nothing. So which is it? Did he surrender or not? You keep contradicting yourself. You can't exactly claim credit for a surrender while simultaneously claiming that said surrender doesn't exist. This is legitimately how I picture FL anytime he comes on here to say some silly !@#$ like this You mean the precedent of some guy resigning after his alliance kicked him to the curb? Of course, because you are the agressor responsible for starting this war in the first place and you are also the leader of your alliance. Your false equivalence proves nothing except your own cluelessness. No, you launched an unprovoked war against an MDP bloc whose members you hold individual peace treaty obligations to. You are the only signatory to this treaty who seems to be under this impression Its really cute he thinks he's getting another treaty after breaking the first two. UCR doesn't enter into treaties with rogues.
  3. It's not just that PGS considers supergroup to be one word, it literally is. Bundy and his friends are just idiots. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/supergroup
  4. I do and I will. The more you whine about our alliance's use of peace mode, the more I will continue to cycle in and out. Cope harder Since when is it our problem to deal with your deserters? How 'bout you keep your own folks in line
  5. Since the start of this conflict, 3 volunteers have joined the ranks of the wolves, one nation was kicked out, and one nation fled rather than fight Since the start of this conflict, 1 volunteer has joined the ranks of RED ALERT, 2 former members returned to their old alliances, and 1 nation was reactivated 3 - 1 = 2 Especially since they just admitted to kicking out a nation for not being a good enough fighter and another chose to run away rather than support their alliance-mates
  6. And I'm noticing a trend with you, that being your inability to read and comprehend written words
  7. And I don't care if Al Bundy says "get involved" - we don't wage war for war's sake. Never have, never will. The Party and the people's supreme law guides our actions, not whatever made up nonsense standards you wish to apply to us.
  8. If the stakes are so low, why are you so triggered about it
  9. Guy who unironically says things like "better dead than red" and "tankie" is really out here calling someone else an "edgelord" lol.
  10. Friends and Comrades, Nations of the world, On July 20, 2022, the Union of Communist Republics, the Socialist Workers Front, and the Libertarian Socialist Federation signed "The Conclusion of the Friends of Doom RED ALERT War Treaty". We pledged to each other that we would refrain from hostilities, and we pledged to each other a mechanism of diplomatic mediation should any disagreement arise between our nations. For 10 months now, these terms have been respected and upheld on all sides, and despite the differences in our alliances, we have walked the path of peace in good faith. Unfortunately today, one signatory to these accords has unilaterally rejected these obligations and chooses instead to walk the path of war. Our good faith has been met with bloodshed and nuclear terror. On May 24, The Wolves launched a series of aggressive wars against the SWF and the LSF, a blatant breach of our treaty. The next day, they escalated with nuclear weapons. The Wolves have rejected any attempt at diplomatic resolution, leaving us with no other option to defend our allies, our sovereignty, and our rights. Today, May 26, 2023, the Union of Communist Republics, in response to the violation of our peace treaty and the attacks on our allies and in accordance with its obligations under the RED ALERT, and having exhausted every possible route for peaceful mediation, declares war against The Wolves. mrmarx Premier of the Union of Communist Republics Post script: this has already been communicated privately, but although circumstances have brought us to war, the UCR has always desired peace. We would like to be clear that we will still uphold and respect the terms of our peace treaty with Doom Squad, Doombird Doomcave, and Dark Templar. We appreciate their continued commitment to peaceful relations
  11. One Hundred years ago, the world's first socialist governments entered into a historic union. The Treaty of Creation united the first socialist countries into the first international socialist union. Today, as we enter the new year, we enter a new chapter in the history of socialism on Planet bob, as we introduce our new comrades in Soyuz. The cause of the liberation of the working class grows stronger every day. We look forward to writing this new chapter together as we forge this new friendship. Union of Communist Republics and Soyuz Treaty of Protection Preamble: The Union of Communist Republics (UCR) hereby recognizes the legitimacy and protects the sovereignty of Soyuz. Article 1: Union Stability. Soyuz and UCR nations agree to pursue friendly relations with each other. Soyuz agrees to not raid any alliances or be an aggressor in war. Should any foreign conflicts arise, Soyuz agrees to come to UCR for a solution, diplomatic or otherwise. Article 2: Bread Lines for All Soyuz and UCR hereby agree to do trade with one another and allow tech deals to flow between the two for greater prosperity of all the people in both alliances. The People's Commissariat of Finance of the UCR shall offer economic guidance to members of Soyuz. Article 3: Defend the Motherland! Soyuz and UCR agree to come to one another’s aid in the event of a war, be it militarily, politically and or economically. Article 4: Intelligence Any information that would aid either entity shall be shared immediately through secure channels. Article 5: Communication Soyuz is to keep in contact with UCR at all time, either via the UCR Foreign Affairs Commissariat or the office of the Premier. Article 6: Politics: The two parties are extensions of one another, thus one should not act in Foreign Affairs without the considerations of the other. Article 7: Allotment This treaty is allotted for a term of 6 months. Upon completion of this term the treaty shall be reviewed, and may be renewed, upgraded, or allowed to expire. This treaty may be reviewed prior to this date by consent of both signatories. Signed upon approval of the Communist Party of the Union of Communist Republics: mrmarx, Premier of the UCR ComradeV, Chairman of the CPUCR JR People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs AkkenNovikov, People's Commissar of Defense Comrade Sauce, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs Starschwar, People's Commissar of Finances Signed for Soyuz: Leader of the Soyuz Cyber Nations branch: Chalupionia
  12. Doom: UCR is gonna break the peace Also Doom:
  13. Imagine failing basic reading comprehension
  14. Lmao, even after your side was forced to give it up, you are still holding on to your fairy tale about made up peace terms we somehow violated? I find it quite telling that as you sit here and accuse us of warmongering and "breaching" peace, your side is the only one who has expressed any desire for further hostilities between our alliances in your comments in response to this peace. We all already know that if our sides see war again, it WILL be a result of Doom aggression and imperialist ambitions, just as it has been in every time before. That is why I came up with the robust diplomatic procedures you agreed to in this treaty. I know your side will simply disregard them and play the victim again - but this forces you to be honest in your aggression.
  15. I would, sorry your strat failed I guess
  16. So I should have neglected my oath and duty by violating a lawful military order of the Defense Commissariat? Everyone is equal in the Red Army. Just because I am the primary representative of the Union does not mean I stand above the Union's Law. Y'all are just butthurt this didn't end the way you thought it would. Get over it
  17. No, we admitted "military defeat". Your side agreed that these are not the same. Your signature is on the treaty too ... these are terms we ALL will follow
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