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The Holy Water Froze Again Pact

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The Holy Water Froze Again Pact

Everyone loves a good story. Who has a better story than CCC and NpO? We have a storied history. At one time we were close friends, fighting side by side on the battlefield against our enemies. Over time, we grew apart and found ourselves at odds with one another. Recently, we have fought against each other on numerous occasions. Words have been said and pixels have been burned. Yet our story continues to develop. No longer are we enemies. We have turned our swords back to our enemies. We march as one once again. CCC and NpO are back together and better than ever.

Article 1: Our Sovereignty
CCC and NpO remain sovereign alliances. Both alliances agree to protect the sovereignty and independence of one another.

Article 2: Our Secrets
CCC and NpO have many secrets that go back years. They will share their secrets among one another as is vitally important to the well being of each other. They will keep open lines of communication so that our story may continue to develop.

Article 3: Our Finances
CCC and NpO will assist one another in helping each other’s economies to grow and become stronger. While it isn’t mandatory, a strong economy benefits both our alliances and hurts our enemies.

Article 4: Our Protection
CCC and NpO will defend one another against any attack on the other. They can also choose to fight alongside one another in aggression, but that isn’t required. It does, however, make for a powerful tale.

Article 5: Our Story Ends
CCC and NpO know that stories don’t always end with happy endings. Should this tale need to come to an end, a 72 hour grieving period will be recognized before moving on.


Signed for Christian Coalition of Countries:

CCC High Council:

lilweirdward; Chancellor, Other Egregious Titles Go Here

Alph40m3ga; His Grand Majesty, God-Emperor and Lord Protector of the CCC, First and Last of His Name, Beginning and the End, Keeper of Paradisia, Paragon of the Old Ways, Imperator of Justice, Patriarch of Truth, FTW Admin, NG High Gov, Killer of Turtles, Merger of Worlds, and CCC High Councilor

Swagjuice; Immortal Emperor of the CCC


Signed for the New Polar Order:
His Excellency Emperor of the New Polar Order, Fleet Admiral Doctor Electron Sponge, OBE, PHD, COD, ASAP, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, Conqueror of the Antarctic Lands in General and Godwanaland in Particular, Also Hello

Dajobo, Imperial Regent
AlmightyGrub, Imperator Emeritus
EaTeMuP, Imperator Emeritus
RandomInterrupt, Imperial Advisor for Trains
tenbob, Minister of Peace
Quantum Leap, Minister of Truth
JayMillz, Minister of Plenty
Tharu, Minister of Love
Dendarii Federation, Deputy Minister of Peace
Pentix, Deputy Minister of Plenty
73MPL4R, Deputy Minister of Love (edited)

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1 minute ago, Smitty256 said:

I am so happy to see this finally happen. It has been clear to me and pretty much everyone else how much CCC and Polar have loved each other. It is about time that y'all formalize your love for each other.

It's been cool to watch this develop. I was in CCC for 6 months before returning to NATO and got to experience the situation first hand and have watched externally the relationship grow. Friends growing friendships is awesome and between these gov lineups there's also a lot of handsome to go around. OOOOOOEEEE!!

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1 minute ago, Kapleo said:

Polar needs to quickly get as many treaties as they can so the inevitable rolling becomes less inevitable or at least they can take it better. Good luck pumping those meat shields, Polar. 

Always glad to meat shield for @Electron Sponge

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Yay I’ve signed two CCC-NpO treaties now!


Seriously, this is one of the prouder milestones for me personally. I grew up with CCC during an era where Polar were our ride or die, and I have extremely fond memories of that relationship over the years. Though recent history hasn’t been so warm, I’ve always had a feeling that a reunion would be due one day, and that day has finally come. 

Cheers to another round of frozen holy water!

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3 minutes ago, Kapleo said:

Polar does not deserve CCC.

You know what. You’re right. No one “deserves” CCC. Instead we freely choose who we wish to ally. Polar is one of our oldest relationships. It is only right that we bring us back together. 

I remember when people said the same stuff about NG and CCC. Oh they don’t deserve you. You’re just a meat shield. They’ll throw you to the wolves. Yet they’ve proven themselves as amazing allies. 

I have no doubt Polar will be proven in the same way. I can’t wait to fight alongside them once again!

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Just now, A1ph4 0m3ga said:

You know what. You’re right. No one “deserves” CCC. Instead we freely choose who we wish to ally. Polar is one of our oldest relationships. It is only right that we bring us back together. 

I remember when people said the same stuff about NG and CCC. Oh they don’t deserve you. You’re just a meat shield. They’ll throw you to the wolves. Yet they’ve proven themselves as amazing allies. 

I have no doubt Polar will be proven in the same way. I can’t wait to fight alongside them once again!

Bless your hearts.

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1 hour ago, Kapleo said:

My lingering Stockholm syndrome demands that I swallow all the bile I could vomit here and keep it short: Polar does not deserve CCC. CCC are idiots. I say this with love, I think you guys know it. I'll zip it now.


Who is your Stockholm Syndrome with? The people you rogued?

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