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The Rules of Acquisition Accords

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The Rules of Acquisition Accords


Preamble:  A new sharp order begins....

Article I, Rule 17: A Contract is a Contract is a Contract...but only between Ferengi
Both parties hereby agree to maintain harmonious relations; to cooperate on any and all business matters, and disputes in the pursuit of profit
Article II, Rule 35: Peace is Good for Business
Both parties hereby agree to not interfere on one another’s profit margins. Neither shall either party commit acts of military aggression, nor acts of industrial sabotage nor copyright infringement, nor embezzlement.
Pre-established and regular commerce may continue with a competing third-party but the other party is encouraged to consider other revenue streams.


Article III, Rule 74: Knowledge equals Profit

Both parties hereby agree that any intelligence or otherwise sensitive information shared between the two will not be passed on to any third party without permission.
Both parties are encouraged, but not obligated, to share information with the other party relevant to their profit.


Article IV, Rule 34: War is Good for Business
If one party finds itself being worked out of the market by another enterprise, the other party may consider using the opportunity to extract a profit from the mutual rival.


Article V, Rule 57: Good customers are almost as rare as Latinum - treasure them. Both parties agree to open their markets up to one another, free of tariff or tax, so that they may both benefit from a substantial profit.


Article VI, Rule 6: Never allow family to stand in the way of Opportunity 
Should either party wish to pursue more profitable ventures, they are required to notify the respective parties within 72 hours of nullification.


Signed for CLAWS,

Jazzy95, Supreme Sultan of Scratchposts
Al Bundy, Football Legend

Grand Inquisitor: Randalla

Minister of Internal Affairs: Tehol 
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Magical Muslim
Minister At-Large: White Chocolate

Advisory Council

Advisor of Defense: Admiral Alexander & Clash
Advisor of Economics: RS1787


Signed for The First Order,
mastabadey, Supreme Leader
BringMeTheHorizon, Grand Admiral
Feetler,  General Staff
James Maximus,  General Staff


TL;DR ODP between Claws and The First Order

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9 minutes ago, firingline said:

Extremely disappointing to see CLAWS align with a group that seems to have a significant issue with screwing up tech raids - including continually raiding our allies. Pretty questionable move to be honest.





Weren’t you just nuked for screwing up a tech raid? 

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6 minutes ago, firingline said:


No, I was not.


Any more questions?

Oh, that’s weird, the nuclear news reports must have a bug, we should alert the editors! 

If memory serves correctly your last two raids on AAs have ended with you being nuked. 

If you don’t like the treaty, that’s great, talk about it, but your reasons for not liking it, based upon raiding is disingenuous. Especially since you’ve had just as many messed up raids as an entire AA. 

So, please, keep moaning about something that you yourself have messed up just as much, with more damage done to yourself. 


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4 minutes ago, BringMeTheHorizon said:

Oh, that’s weird, the nuclear news reports must have a bug, we should alert the editors! 

If memory serves correctly your last two raids on AAs have ended with you being nuked. 

If you don’t like the treaty, that’s great, talk about it, but your reasons for not liking it, based upon raiding is disingenuous. Especially since you’ve had just as many messed up raids as an entire AA. 

So, please, keep moaning about something that you yourself have messed up just as much, with more damage done to yourself. 



Your memory doesn't serve correctly.


I know you don't have the best critical thinking skills - it's why you somehow declared war on our protectorate after reading that they were our protectorate because "well I thought they might have just put that there." As we sat in Discord channels chatting with you, where you could have asked one of us. You've proven time and again that you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.


But, as I've already explained. I didn't raid any AAs. I've only had two raids in months unfortunately - it's hard to find good targets when you don't just bumble around and declare war on whatever moves.



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3 minutes ago, firingline said:


Your memory doesn't serve correctly.


I know you don't have the best critical thinking skills - it's why you somehow declared war on our protectorate after reading that they were our protectorate because "well I thought they might have just put that there." As we sat in Discord channels chatting with you, where you could have asked one of us. You've proven time and again that you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.


But, as I've already explained. I didn't raid any AAs. I've only had two raids in months unfortunately - it's hard to find good targets when you don't just bumble around and declare war on whatever moves.



Yawn. Go look at your war screen, go look at the nuclear reports, and see your name listed. Color me surprised that you live in a world were you haven’t been nuked, or raided two alliances. I must offer my condolences to Kashmir and FTW, you are not alliances anymore. Who would have known!

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You clearly don't understand what a 'tech raid' is. This is not surprising, given how often you and your friends seem to screw up such a simple concept.


Regardless, this announcement isn't about me. It's about CLAWS' boneheaded move in signing a treaty with an alliance of boneheads.

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16 hours ago, MasterBadey said:


We have only the best proteins in the all the galaxy! We've got blue milk, we've got green milk, we've even got a celebrity endorser!


I think your celebrity might not want to endorse the first order, he seems a bit ghosty!

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On 4/19/2021 at 11:24 AM, Lord Hershey said:

Congratulations to CLAWS and The First Order. May the Force be with them.

and also with you

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