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Announcement from the Imperial Entente


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To My Fellow Cybernations--An Address from the Emperor of the Imperial Entente:

At 1500 game time on 10/31/2020, Lucius Optimus, the founder and leader of our humble alliance stepped down as Emperor of the Imperial Entente and named me as his successor. I’d like to take this opportunity to do three major things: commemorate Lucius and his service to our AA, outline where TIE stands today, and the future path I hope to set for the Entente.

What to say about Lucius? Probably plenty. He’s been around for quite a while and has made his share of friends and enemies. I cannot speak to too much of his history as I restarted this game only in December of 2017. But this is how I know him:

Lucius helped me get out of an AA that was in the middle of some turmoil, leadership was lacking, and we were being harangued by what was left of Monsters Inc. to the point where the person who had originally invited me back to CN left in frustration. Lucius gave me a place in TIE when I realized that AA wasn’t the right fit for me--too decentralized, too indecisive. Since then, for better and worse, I’ve made TIE my home.


 He introduced me to some of the most active and interesting people in the game today. He gave me a position of responsibility in his alliance, and even gave me a flag. I’ve done my best to repay his trust with loyalty and as sage advice as I could muster. I’d be lying if I said he always listened to my (clearly prescient) advice or that he did not sometimes blunder or stick his foot in it (something I may be known to do), but I can truthfully say his heart was in the right place. Loyal to his own, what missteps he made during his tenure as emperor were in service, as he saw it, to the betterment of his alliance and its allies.

With that said, I come not to bury Lucius, but to mark that even though he is no longer emperor, he is not leaving the Entente. As such, my first official act as emperor is to create the rank of Primo Dominus and appoint Lucius Optimus as its first and only recipient. As Primo Dominus, he will be expected to provide advice to those who succeed him as emperor.




The State of the Entente:


Without putting too fine a point on it, the Entente is currently in a state of recovery. Lucius is fighting his last wars as punishment for his transgression against CLAWS. I want to personally apologize to alliances that we have commitments to that have lapsed while we were engaged with CLAWS. Specifically we apologize to the League of Ultra Nationalist Nations, the Kossack Entente, and Ordo Cyberneticus for being unable to fulfill our defense commitments to you. We thank you for your patience and for COBRA  in stepping up and ensuring that if anyone had targeted our friends they would not escape justice. I want to reaffirm our commitments to our allies and that we will do whatever is in our power to aid you. Militarily or economically, TIE will stand with you, come what may.

Domestically, I want to announce the appointment of TzarAV to the newly created position of Minister of Commerce. Already he is showing himself to be an energetic and innovative minister and I look forward to working with him to help the Entente thrive!


I also wish to announce the appointment of Shtanto to my former position of Prince Imperial of the Imperial Entente. He has been a soft spoken, but dedicated member of the Entente as long as I have known him and I know he will continue to serve our alliance dutifully as poet-laureate/alliance heir.


The Future of the Entente:

And so to our future. I would like my ascension to be a chance for better relations with both our friends as well as to those we have quarreled with in the past. TIE is a small alliance and thus cannot have too large an impact on cybernations. Therefore, I don’t think it is too much for me to say that if we cannot have a major influence, then we cannot really have any true enemies. So, if you are willing to let bygones be bygone, then here is to a brighter future for the both of our alliances.


 However, if you are not, that is unfortunate. The Entente will not consider you enemies, but will respect your decision and try to avoid interactions with you, to prevent friction which could trigger further hostile relations. For ourselves, we will consider this as a tabula rasa and forget transgressions and hostilities against us. We renounce revanchism as a policy, any objections we have to another alliance or player will be solely due to hostile actions taken against us in future, not on the basis of past conflicts.

More formally, I am declaring our objection to punitive measures in peace agreements between alliances. Specifically, the Entente will not support terms that are meant to inflict checks on another alliance’s growth or its ability to defend itself and members. In practice, what this means is that If a war is waged due to hostile actions against the Entente or its allies, the Entente renounces the idea of forced reparations or decommission of wonders or military improvements. If our alliance is successful in war and our enemies surrender, we consider the matter resolved and our point made. While we understand that our allies may not agree with our policy and thus feel restitution is justified, the Entente has decided that reparations at the point of the bayonet will only lead to further animosity and revanchism. We will encourage our allies to see this point, but if they do not, we reserve the right to make a separate peace once it is certain that victory is ours and it is clear that the enemy is no longer a threat to us or our allies.

Additionally, we want to affirm that like most, we also object to permawarring or PZI--even against rogues. The game is only as fun as we make it and even the most obnoxious player has a right to participate in the game.

Instead, we would encourage the use of the diplomatic branches of alliances to make voluntary restitution if a transgression has been made. Otherwise, we feel that war and the ensuing destruction inflicted upon the losing party is enough satisfaction for our alliance.


If you are not already on our discord, we encourage you to join us. https://discord.gg/yMKbSkT

May we all go forward together.

Vive l’Entente!

---Tankobite, Emperor of the Imperial Entente



Edited by Tankobite
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3 hours ago, Tankobite said:




The State of the Entente:


Without putting too fine a point on it, the Entente is currently in a state of recovery.





"He who laughs last didn't get the joke"



3 hours ago, Tankobite said:

What to say about Lucius?


I’d be lying if I said he always listened to my (clearly prescient) advice or that he did not sometimes blunder or stick his foot in it (something I may be known to do), but I can truthfully say his heart was in the right place. Loyal to his own, what missteps he made during his tenure as emperor were in service, as he saw it, to the betterment of his alliance and its allies.


"Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first"



3 hours ago, Tankobite said:


At 1500 game time on 10/31/2020, Lucius Optimus, the founder and leader of our humble alliance stepped down as Emperor of the Imperial Entente and named me as his successor.

May we all go forward together.

Vive l’Entente!

---Tankobite, Emperor of the Imperial Entente


 “Je vous ai compris!”

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1 hour ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

So Lucious stepped down and Tank turned TIE into a neutral. Interesting

"I want to reaffirm our commitments to our allies and that we will do whatever is in our power to aid you. Militarily or economically, TIE will stand with you, come what may."


This is a distinctly non neutral stance. 


Whats interesting is no one talking about the more important aspects of the speech. More important than the circumstances of abdication. 

Edited by Lucius Optimus
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4 hours ago, LordGMLP said:

Congrats Tank. Hope all is well on your end.


3 hours ago, tehol said:



3 hours ago, lilweirdward said:

Always interesting to see new blood in the political scene. Best of luck in shaping your own path for TIE, Tankobite!

Thank you all for your kind words. O7


2 hours ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

So Lucious stepped down and Tank turned TIE into a neutral. Interesting

Small clarification--we are not abandoning our established relationships. However, we do hope that if nothing else, TIE can serve as a bridge between our old friends and any new ones we make along the path forward.

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5 hours ago, Kapleo said:

o/ @Lucius Optimus

o/ @Tankobite


(Permawars are fun tho) lol


Best wishes to both of you and TIE!


4 hours ago, Martialis said:

Time to enjoy the good life, happy retirement Lucius! 


Long live the new Emperor Tanko! 


13 hours ago, CrinkledStraw said:

Cheers Tanko and TIE!





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9 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:

This is an outrage! I can't work with a reasonable man like Tankobite. What were you thinking!?



In all seriousness; enjoy the peace and relative quiet Lucius. Tank; I know you will make a fine leader for the Entente.



S'all right. What you don't know is this is all part of Lucius's long con to take back Cobra

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8 hours ago, Stewie said:

I don’t remember being consulted regarding this change in leadership....


But this is my kind of announcement..


Good luck with the new job Tank!

Next coup i'll make sure you're in on 
Thanks Stewie!

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