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I don't see why Methrage candidacy for brown team senate is such a problem for the alliances which constitute the BC bloc. They already control majority of senate seats which allows them to vote on the proposals in such a way as to favour their members.


That being said, if they want to prevent Methrage from being elected, attacking only Methrege is not likely to accomplish that goal. They will need to attack or at least intimidate his voters as well. It seems that some of the alliances backing up Methrage are the same alliances that were previously forced off the pink team for the same reason (for trying to elect their own candidate). So the alliances assembled in the BC bloc should try the same approach that worked on pink, i.e. intimidating the voters with the dployment of nuclear weapons.


LSF is an alliance forced of Pink and we're not backing Methrage. Sure, plenty of members have voted for him but that's down to a number of issues not least that we don't back any senate candidates - we like Brown because it's a stable sphere and crazy proposals that involve trade swaps don't get passed and we're happy to just be on it - and Meth has messaged all our members on Brown asking for votes. The only alliance wide message that's gone out from LSF about senate voting was sent by me last week passing on a request from TCA to vote for a candidate to keep Meth out of the senate. Even that was not official LSF policy.


In short, we don't have an official senate position except to say that if some kind of civil war on Brown goes off we'll be on whatever side SNX are on as they're our only ally on the sphere.

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The funny part is that Methrage is more likely to win now because people are going to throw him votes to fan the fire.

If you just quietly mobilized your members to outnumber him in senate votes, he would have quietly faded.

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The funny part is that Methrage is more likely to win now because people are going to throw him votes to fan the fire.

If you just quietly mobilized your members to outnumber him in senate votes, he would have quietly faded.


The issue with that is BC can at best, within their own borders at least, maintain an 11.4% five-way split. Methrage can attain a cool 11% with his own assets already present. Methrage's people represent already motivated people, whereas BC may carry dead weight with Senate voting. The other 11% of nations on Brown not within BC would likely have to prop BC candidates up as Methrage's dedicated voting bloc grew naturally. As already stated, Methrage was attempting diplomatic expansion of attaining votes, and every vote he got from that idle 11% and every vote from within BC not cast would only draw things closer. That's not counting the people Methrage can get in the future on the sphere to inflate the voting pool just to support his Senate bid, which was already happening.


At the end of the day, if BC wanted to maintain total Brown control or just wanted to keep Methrage out, they were going to run into logistical problems. Trying to push Methrage and his supporters off the sphere with force was probably the best option they had.

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At the end of the day, if BC wanted to maintain total Brown control or just wanted to keep Methrage out, they were going to run into logistical problems. Trying to push Methrage and his supporters off the sphere with force was probably the best option they had.


Your analysis is not bad, but I have a couple of additions. If BC wanted to maintain total control of Brown they *should* have said so from the beginning. That's totally not the way they painted themselves until LDs feelings got hurt and it all suddenly changed. 


If they had said from the beginning they wanted to run Brown like Pacifica used to run Red, no one would have moved there to start with. Not even Methrage.


At this point the die has been cast. And the idea that the nations we bring can be removed militarily is an illusion whether born of conceit or simple ignorance.

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At the end of the day it is important to remember that BC is fighting to keep a notorious tech scammer off the brown sphere. Me personally, I'm all for a bit of roguery on occasion, it's good fun. But tech scamming?
poor form.

Ironic hearing moral judgments passed down from you, but by your standard I am a horrible tech scammer for using deceit against NPO nations as a Vox Populi fighter.
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Comparing LN to Vox is akin to comparing a dog to a cat. They do both have four legs and a tail, that's about it. 


It comes as no surprise that Polar's mouth piece would grasp at straws, but hilariously it appears that Polar now endorses tech scamming as well. 

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I was in the middle of editing my defcon and had to answer the door. So yeah, toddler + phone = peacemode. I'm not afraid of you. I would be more than happy to come out now and declare, but damn that 5 day wait.

Yes, your toddler got on your phone and happened to click the peace mode. What an accident. I bet that $99,790,282 warchest is also an accident.


Does anyone else remember the days when senators didn't matter? This is barbaric, declaring because you can't win a single senate seat. And 3 seperate wars in one week? Damn, CN just got interesting.


But really, Methrage won his seat, he got the support. You don't have to be a dick about it because he's better than you. SNX has like 5000000 members, just have like 20 of them vote for the Atlas guy, and you have your 5th seat. SNX literally had 35 members vote for a second SNX senator, that could have gone towards Atlas dude, and you wouldn't have this problem. This tyranny is unaccpetable.

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How did Monster's Inc end up under the leadership of a cabal of gangsters so intent on spreading their tawdry way of life to the Brown Sphere? The corruption in this cartel of tech traffickers is deep, very deep. The world is obligated to root it out via fire and sword for the good to tech buyers and sellers everywhere. The very top of this cartel is Methrage whose tech trafficking ways started years ago and has yet to properly be held accountable for his crimes of being a tech scammer and a unfunny all around boring person. 

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Comparing LN to Vox is akin to comparing a dog to a cat. They do both have four legs and a tail, that's about it. 


It comes as no surprise that Polar's mouth piece would grasp at straws, but hilariously it appears that Polar now endorses tech scamming as well. 


I'm trying to fit all of your strawmen into my argument, but they won't fit in. I will highlight your logical fallacies in red and hope you learn how to debate in the future.

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It's not a debate. You support tech scammers. You are Polar's mouth piece. Polar too supports tech scamming. Is this official policy put forth by Emperor Cranky pants Dajaba?

I've never tech scammed a nation & neither has Limitless Nexus, so you lost all credibility there and I'm not sure why you keep posting.

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Be advised, Meth is a known tech scammer who will lie to save his skin. This war is to keep his cartel and is corruption away from reputable law abiding tech dealers. 


Killing a Limited Cartel member today, keeps the rape van out of your backyard tomorrow. 

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Be advised, Meth is a known tech scammer who will lie to save his skin. This war is to keep his cartel and is corruption away from reputable law abiding tech dealers. 


Killing a Limited Cartel member today, keeps the rape van out of your backyard tomorrow. 


III% have been making a lot of questionable decisions recently, but accepting someone that jokes about killing members of other alliances is pushing it.

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I appreciate the support of all those who have voted in favor of us on the brown senate or voiced opposition to tyranny on Brown. It seems the Libertarian Empire will be secure in winning a seat and freedom may yet prevail on Brown.

Edited by Methrage
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Jesus Christ you idiots lets methrage win a senate seat. May god have mercy on you.

Rather than use my seat to seek vengeance on those who have wronged my nation and trade circle with improper use of sanctions, I will instead lead by a better example and show what an open and free team color can look like. One where the freedom and integrity of the color isn't compromised over petty grudges. I realize for an alliance built on oppression over others, nations having freedom can be a scary thought. However freedom for nations to trade and interact is a good thing. It can only make brown more prosperous.

Edited by Methrage
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Oh man the temptation to wreck all of III% trade circles must be so strong right now :P

This is hilarious and hope it remains a thing for the forseeable future.

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Oh man the temptation to wreck all of III% trade circles must be so strong right now :P

This is hilarious and hope it remains a thing for the forseeable future.

Even if I was the target of their sanction, it has also caused harm to the leaders of an alliance with a MDP to another BC alliance, as well as members of 2 more alliances. So 4 alliances were effected by the sanction on me, with 2 of those being allies of LSF. So the damage from sanctions can reach far beyond the intended target, which is why Senators need to act based on principles to make the team better, rather than short sighted temptations. I believe Libertarian Principles are the ones to best base Senate decisions on, since I think trades should not all be internalized, but promote interaction between members of different alliances who might not otherwise interact and get to know each other.

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Jesus Christ you idiots lets methrage win a senate seat. May god have mercy on you.


The only people who seem to care are the III% people and they clearly are not the brightest group around.  It seems like the Bruin group is just trying to ignore the entire thing and avoid being drug into this cluster.  

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Congrats Senator Methrage on your senate seat. Brown Team alliances should be welcoming you in with open arms. aNiMaLz the newest addition to brown however celebrates your victory. We look forward to your ushering in a golden age in what is currently an unenlightened, backward, and barbaric brown sphere. We look forward to brown nations peace, and prosperity, and hope we all as brown nations can work together to create a brighter future.


In celebration of Methrage's victory, and of aNiMaLz move to the brown sphere we have added to our revised charter a total ban on the raiding of brown team nations. Any nation who is on brown is exempt from aNiMaLz raids. Although if we are attacked first by a brown team alliance or nation we will not hesitate to attack back.


We wish only to see a brown sphere where peace prevails. Raids, tech scamming, and all other shenanigans should be frowned upon, and a safe secure place for nations to grow, prosper, and fellowship should be established.


o/ Senator Methrage, o/ Brown Sphere!

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Rather than use my seat to seek vengeance on those who have wronged my nation and trade circle with improper use of sanctions, I will instead lead by a better example and show what an open and free team color can look like. One where the freedom and integrity of the color isn't compromised over petty grudges. I realize for an alliance built on oppression over others, nations having freedom can be a scary thought. However freedom for nations to trade and interact is a good thing. It can only make brown more prosperous.

This really does highlight the difference between III% and their friends, and people of principle who seek true global stability.

Obviously I am simply a neutral observer, but actions speak for themselves.
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