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What I find most humorous about this whole thing is this all evolves around someone who once was a DBDC member. You went along with the raids on other alliances (even in the logs you boast about how you have fought more then the rest, even though others call you out on that), supported DBDC, and now suddenly because for once they raid someone you don't want them to you come on trying to rally troops around you. Sorry, it's one thing for a member of an alliance who is getting raided to come on here to try to get a group to back them, it's another when it comes from a former member who just recently left because they are pissed they chose an alliance they once were members of. You have no leg to stand on, you calling out DBDC on their actions when you went along with them when they did it to alliances you didn't care about means absolutely nothing to me, all it shows is your butthurt over it.

WTF would be better off having someone no one knows come on here to try to rally against them then someone who complains about DBDC raiding people when they were up until recently, part of that. I get you being upset if you didn't want to see WTF raided, but calling them out for their raiding practices and trying to get other alliances to hit them is laughable.

Btw, these logs are as many said, pointless and not even close to what people were hoping to be "juicy" logs. You trying to hold the "other logs" in attempt to make people join the resistance to get them is quite stupid and never gonna work. Either post some actual news to people, or stfu, because either you got something to show and let the whole world see it, or you don't. So far, you've proven you dont. Nothing is new to anyone, besides your ooc attacks, and if you think it's news to IRON that DBDC was thinking about hitting us, it's not, we were both preparing for it to happen. And you don't need to remind anyone that treaties can be canceled, this isn't our or anyone first rodeo and had that happen, so you can stop with the wonderful insight of how politics and treaties work, we're past treaties 101.


What i find really funny is that you protect the very people who are using you like a cheap whore and have always planned to attack you.


One of the tyrants aims was to take Matt Miller b4 they attacked Iron. As always the tyrant always avoids a challange. The first step is completed. I wonder how long it will be until they hit you.


When they attack you dont whine. You have been warned.

Edited by christian trojans
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What i find really funny is that you protect the very people who are using you like a cheap whore and have always planned to attack you.
One of the tyrants aims was to take Matt Miller b4 they attacked Iron. As always the tyrant always avoids a challange. The firsts tep is completed. I wonder how long it will be until they hit you.
When they attack you dont whine. You have been warned.

As I said, which you so masterfully ignored, if you want people to listen to your warnings, give a warning with substance. Nobody cares about another guy on the soap box yelling about how DBDC are evil and would betray their own mothers for a pretty penny. We already have Tywin for that. Give something tangible, or else there's zero reason for people to break their obligations. Your word is worth next to nothing, and you're only adding inflation and causing it to go further down by adding more and more posts with nothing more than accusations.
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To: customerservice@ebay.com
From: Hapapants@gmail.com
Subject:  Auction #5423456 - Complaint
To whom it may concern,
I recently placed a bid of 9 million dollars on Item #5423456 (Authentic DBDC Government Skype Logs) on Ebay.com.  It appears my bid has not been registered, and I'm here to inquire as to why.  There were no previous bids on this item and my bid was well above the minimum price.  I have contacted the owner of the auction (User: H2BK), but have not received a response as of yet, which is why I have sent you this e-mail.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could reply as soon as possible.  This one-of-a-kind item is of great importance to me.
Warmest Regards,

To: Hapapants@Gmail.com
From: Customerservice@eBay.com
Subject: RE: Auction #5423456 - Complaint

We do not apologize for the inconvenience, %×#$ happens you know! However, we will conduct and investigation to clarify the reason why such user has not gotten back to you. It May take a while for our systems to process this investigation, a couple hundred years maybe but you're assure a response from our team. In the meantime we suggest you make the 9M payment to (user:H2BK) and hope for the best.

Our homeless tech team
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Oh is this about how ridiculous you can look? What are you willing to offer? 1 Billion for them or perhaps half a penny?
This is only to educate/warn those that their days are counted but apparently IRON thinks they're safe by a Treaty LOL!! You see Iron, you can always cancel treaties and switch to the other side :)


I'm pretty sure WC isn't offering you anything for those logs, as she should be able to read them herself. Oh wait, are we talking about the original logs, or altered ones? If it's the latter, she might be interested after all.

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While it was a bit amusing at the beginning now it's getting stale. I'm not sure if you're here for real...but you definitely should reread your posts. 


"I got proof that your ally will betray you, but I wont show it to you. Not until you attack him" - does it sound like something one would treat seriously or rather like a new Monty Python sketch?


Unless you really have something to present, don't waste your keyboard.

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While it was a bit amusing at the beginning now it's getting stale. I'm not sure if you're here for real...but you definitely should reread your posts. 
"I got proof that your ally will betray you, but I wont show it to you. Not until you attack him" - does it sound like something one would treat seriously or rather like a new Monty Python sketch?
Unless you really have something to present, don't waste your keyboard.

Dude, I can buy more keyboards.

The proof is clear in the logs I presented that GPA was gonna get hit but oyababy screwed that up and they went after WTF instead, it also shows the intention to hit OBR! It doesn't get any clear than that. But yea I still have more logs I won't be releasing and you can all agonize in curiosity to know who is next on the target list after GPA and IRON Edited by H2BKs
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Dude, I can buy more keyboards.

The proof is clear in the logs I presented that GPA was gonna get hit but oyababy screwed that up and they went after WTF instead, it also shows the intention to hit OBR! It doesn't get any clear than that. But yea I still have more logs I won't be releasing and you can all agonize in curiosity to know who is next on the target list after GPA and IRON

Nobody cares about GPA, other than GPA. You say IRON is on their list, but provide nothing. Nobody will take this as a serious "warning" to non-neutral alliances. If we did that we'd all be hailing Tywin. The difference here is though, Tywin at least preaches an ideology with it, you're just throwing accusations with the threat of evidence that you refuse to present. Give "threatened" alliances a reason to be threatened, otherwise it's all just smoke in the wind.
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Dude, I can buy more keyboards.

The proof is clear in the logs I presented that GPA was gonna get hit but oyababy screwed that up and they went after WTF instead, it also shows the intention to hit OBR! It doesn't get any clear than that. But yea I still have more logs I won't be releasing and you can all agonize in curiosity to know who is next on the target list after GPA and IRON

My apologies, I thought you want to accomplish something here but it seems you're just venting. I'm afraid I'm not going to agonize over some random guy's gossip, but well, good luck to you.

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Dude, I can buy more keyboards.
The proof is clear in the logs I presented that GPA was gonna get hit but oyababy screwed that up and they went after WTF instead, it also shows the intention to hit OBR! It doesn't get any clear than that. But yea I still have more logs I won't be releasing and you can all agonize in curiosity to know who is next on the target list after GPA and IRON

Hitting neutrals means literally nothing to me or most people. I could careless if they were going to hit GPA or WTF, both I feel do nothing to help this world, and if there were no neutral alliances I wouldn't be heartbroken. It's not really a surprise anyway they got hit, I never would of thought just because they were "neutral" that they were protected from DBDC raiding them.

For someone who sure is on IRON's dick to revolt against them, you would think you'd be supplying some logs to persuade us besides just accusing them without proof, other then if it revolved around when both DBDC and IRON were having a mini Cold War that's not news so don't waste ur breath anyway. If you got something to prove with evidence, then actually putting it out there is more intelligent then "keeping them secret." You're only proving this is butthurt more then anything, and trying to have someone else do your dirty work for you.

Needless to say, you're becoming more a laughing stock then Tywin.... Which I wasn't sure was possible.
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My apologies, I thought you want to accomplish something here but it seems you're just venting. I'm afraid I'm not going to agonize over some random guy's gossip, but well, good luck to you.

Ok if that what you've interpreted. Since replying to the comments you guys make isn't getting us anywhere I'll refrain from more posting unless I feel is necessary. Just 2 things

1)these aren't gossips and are backed by 100% valid proof.
2)I'll reserve my "I told you so" for you guys at GPA and Iron

I didn't create this thread to spread gossips nor to harm any other alliance but to show what I believe in like it or not. These aren't my suppositions. I showed proof and the obvious pattern DBDC has but it apparently has fallen on deaf ears.
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All you would be showing is old chatter.  Any plans obviously evolve on a daily basis and can change on a dime.  What we speak about behind closed doors today has very little impact on what we will do tomorrow.  Just because you have a statement from any one member saying "this AA is a target" means nothing really.  It's nice that you are taking the role of prophet, but it's coming off more like court jester.

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I sense that GeniusInc (if he is still around) should probably try and reach out to H2BKs or Christian Trojans for an interview on The Apathy Report.

I say invite both, as well as representatives from DBDC, IRON, and PECS. Have a nice big round-table discussion about it.
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I find it interesting to see people from IRON and Argent acting as if proof of DBDC plotting against you would be some kind of game changer. Marx broke it down pretty well in the other thread how that just doesn't seem likely at all. I'm willing to bet that you're grateful for every day of peace you can have with them, hoping to either build the sheer numbers to make an attack unfavorable for them, or somehow get true loyalty (haha).


That's the problem with aligning yourselve with vastly superior and vastly more aggressive forces: you need them, but they don't need you.

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I find it interesting to see people from IRON and Argent acting as if proof of DBDC plotting against you would be some kind of game changer. Marx broke it down pretty well in the other thread how that just doesn't seem likely at all. I'm willing to bet that you're grateful for every day of peace you can have with them, hoping to either build the sheer numbers to make an attack unfavorable for them, or somehow get true loyalty (haha).
That's the problem with aligning yourselve with vastly superior and vastly more aggressive forces: you need them, but they don't need you.

I know this is difficult because Polarsphere has a history of doing nothing for itself, but when I find out someone is trying to roll my alliance or my allies, it usually shifts me to work against that alliance's interest. But if that threat isn't there, why would I change course? Before IRON had their NAP with DBDC, we would have assisted IRON in the event of an attack as they offered to us when Donada was hit, and we did in fact do when DBDC attacked our allies during EQ. Otter can show you those scars.

However, DBDC has been nothing but cordial in the last year to Argent, why antagonize them because other people that I don't even particularly care for don't like them? I know DBDC is your big bad, that's fine, they don't shy away from it. But that doesn't make them ours. If there is proof of this, then it serves to change approaches. But until then, this is nothing more than a dog and pony show with the attempt to save neutral alliances that never cared before, and will not be cared about as a result.
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I find it interesting to see people from IRON and Argent acting as if proof of DBDC plotting against you would be some kind of game changer. Marx broke it down pretty well in the other thread how that just doesn't seem likely at all. I'm willing to bet that you're grateful for every day of peace you can have with them, hoping to either build the sheer numbers to make an attack unfavorable for them, or somehow get true loyalty (haha).


That's the problem with aligning yourselve with vastly superior and vastly more aggressive forces: you need them, but they don't need you.

I really do not understand why you think DBDC plays in a manner relating to real politik. Give me 1 instance they've gone back on one of their treaties. Give me 1 instance that they have gone back on their word.


You claim that DBDC uses people and will hit them when they're done with them, but you have literally nothing to back that up. It is nothing but hot air, and it is a reason you will never have the chance to know them. Think what you will, but stop claiming !@#$ you cannot, and will not be able to, back up.

Edited by Gh0s7
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I'm really upset more by the fact that the OWF community seems fine with setting the precedent that private intra alliance communications are in any way justified to be posted to the public forums.



DBDC policy has always been "We'll do whatever we want, screw everyone else, if you don't like it, make us stop.  Might makes right!"


Now you're whining because someone did something you don't like.  That's funny.

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