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Over 1/3 of TOP has not yet fought this war


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So your ok with being their lapdog then?

Are you saying TOP and Umbrella are also lapdogs for fighting the top tier for the coalition? Edited by Eumirbago
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................................seriously Rey?  :facepalm:

If they're going to just sit out wars permanently, they're not of much use other than to collect dust - or sell tech, in which case why in the everloving $%&@ are you in the mid tier? Edited by Neo Uruk
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I don't see the NPO having a top tier nation in war mode anymore.


I dont see NPO having a top tier anymore. Perhaps the battle has been won there, and a new front can now be open in ranges where ex-top tier NPO nations reside.


ultimately this is all silly. Neither is TOP the only one with a minimalistic approach to this war on their side, neither do I mind. Makes it easier for me and my Comrades. So, carry on people.

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Here then, let's put this to bed now:


Active Wars:


TOP - 20

NpO - 224

Sparta - 64

Fark - 72

MHA - 40

Mi6 - 35

Legion - 59

VE - 58

IRON - 119


So regardless of all your e-lawyering with the stats, GTFO out of peace mode and help your coalition, cowards.

NpO has over ten times the wars TOP does?  These numbers speak volumes.  I'm sure TOP would be happy for this to go on for awhile the way these numbers look.

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TOP did their work in the first few weeks of this war. They did it quickly and with brutal efficiency. With the way  that their alliance is set up, there is no point for their lower and mid tiers to get burnt, as it slows their progression towards being quasi top tier, which is what that alliance is all about. Given they already had one of the most competent military commands pre the MK disbandment, then absorbed most of the competent MKers, I really do think they know what they are doing a little better than the OWF peanut gallery.

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So all their coalition mates are ok with TOP's middle and lower tiers getting a free pass, while those coalition mates' middle and lower tiers continue to take fight heavily?  Well, again, kudos to TOP for their ability to maneuver in such a way.

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Given they already had one of the most competent military commands pre the MK disbandment, then absorbed most of the competent MKers, I really do think they know what they are doing a little better than the OWF peanut gallery.

I agree and I won't limit it to the military hierarchy. They know what is best for them and they have the political capital and military strength/importance to impose their will to their allies, as prime alliances usually do. 

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Nation Strength: 4,365.536

if you guys want, throw me some aid and I'll reduce him to ashes.


Maybe instead of wasting your time on the OWF, it might be a good idea to get your bloc mate into the conflict that they're sitting out of while their allies have their asses handed to them.


I know it means you won't be able to get off over hating us, but it might be time to stop. You're chafing red and infertile by now.

To be completely fair here, RnR can't technically declare for either coalition due to their place in the treaty web, activating any of their treaties would put them at war with other treaty partners they currently hold, sitting this one out is their only real option, although I am fairly certain that was the intention.


Then why have nations in the mid to low tier?

why did Umbrella and MK keep GOONS around? oh yeah that whole tech thing.

Edited by Mogar
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Here then, let's put this to bed now:


Active Wars:


TOP - 20

NpO - 224

Sparta - 64

Fark - 72

MHA - 40

Mi6 - 35

Legion - 59

VE - 58

IRON - 119


So regardless of all your e-lawyering with the stats, GTFO out of peace mode and help your coalition, cowards.

NpO 224 wars. Good job, boys.


Peace Mode stats are irrelevant. Have you noticed how many TOP nations are actually fighting?

Current # TOP nations = 102
Current # of wars = 18
Offensive Wars = 6
Current Defensive Wars = 12
Current # of TOP nations fighting = 11 (10%)

In the Grudge war TOP used IRON to do the fighting against Polar then exhorted reps for a war they barely fought. Now in this war TOP has Polar and other alliances doing the fighting for them. Same story.

Well, to be fair this is a war started by NpO. How has this whole thing been spun to everyone being a TOP pawn? Honestly, I expected it to be the other way around. 



I dont see NPO having a top tier anymore. Perhaps the battle has been won there, and a new front can now be open in ranges where ex-top tier NPO nations reside.


ultimately this is all silly. Neither is TOP the only one with a minimalistic approach to this war on their side, neither do I mind. Makes it easier for me and my Comrades. So, carry on people.

NPO has committed fully along with Polar. This truly is the war of the Orders because when it wraps up, I fully expect us to be the top in damage sustained and given in both of our respective coalitions. Given that I wasn't really active for the past few wars, I was surprised by NPO's activity and performance.  


Why should TOP fight when they can pay SPARTA to fight for them. Two of my opponents have been reduced to begging for aid from TOP. Sad really. This is Sparta?



First off...Sparta is an NpO ally, and entered the war in support of us. Secondly, they have one of the highest damage outputs and fought two large, uninvolved alliances by themselves. They have done really well, probably the most unsung performance of the war.

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NpO has over ten times the wars TOP does?  These numbers speak volumes.  I'm sure TOP would be happy for this to go on for awhile the way these numbers look.

Aye, it does show how fast TOP can destroy nations out of their range.
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Have you ever heard the saying that one shouldn't throw stones in a glass house?

I thought about it and I thought about and I can only come to the conclusion you have no idea as what the content of my post holds.

If you did then I would be able to find a logical meaning for the saying in relation to what I said.

I also paid you a compliment, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Edited by Commander shepard
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Well, to be fair this is a war started by NpO. How has this whole thing been spun to everyone being a TOP pawn? Honestly, I expected it to be the other way around. 


NPO has committed fully along with Polar. This truly is the war of the Orders because when it wraps up, I fully expect us to be the top in damage sustained and given in both of our respective coalitions. Given that I wasn't really active for the past few wars, I was surprised by NPO's activity and performance.  


First off...Sparta is an NpO ally, and entered the war in support of us. Secondly, they have one of the highest damage outputs and fought two large, uninvolved alliances by themselves. They have done really well, probably the most unsung performance of the war.


1. Point being that those who don't fight, or certainly aren't taking the lion's share of the damage shouldn't be demanding reps.  Really they shouldn't even be involved in the conversation beyond stating they don't want reps.  That's fair and that would apply whether we are talking about TOP or not.


2. NPO is letting their smaller nations do all the fighting while their larger nations chill at Cabo in PM.  Yeah I get there is a strategy in play, but it would be inaccurate to describe them as 'fully committed' to this fight.


3. So noted.  Sparta has been countered heavily.  It's not been a good time for them, and they are due some credit.

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1. Point being that those who don't fight, or certainly aren't taking the lion's share of the damage shouldn't be demanding reps.  Really they shouldn't even be involved in the conversation beyond stating they don't want reps.  That's fair and that would apply whether we are talking about TOP or not.


2. NPO is letting their smaller nations do all the fighting while their larger nations chill at Cabo in PM.  Yeah I get there is a strategy in play, but it would be inaccurate to describe them as 'fully committed' to this fight.


3. So noted.  Sparta has been countered heavily.  It's not been a good time for them, and they are due some credit.

1. I agree. There should be no reps demanded, from anyone. At this point, I think we should all rebuild, or rather, reload for our next battle. Just see where the politics take us. I don't think anyone is fighting this war to destroy anyone, and I imagine peace talks will reflect that. Though, if the shoe was on the other foot, I'm sure Polar would be under crippling terms. Something about the high road...


2. Good point. The smaller and mid tier Pacificans deserve much props. The other guys? Well, they are just the classic case of pixel preservers hoping for a better roll of the dice in the next war. 

Edited by Starfox101
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2. Good point. The smaller and mid tier Pacificans deserve much props. The other guys? Well, they are just the classic case of pixel preservers hoping for a better roll of the dice in the next war.

Very same could be said about those MQ'ers hiding out in PM at TOP, as mentioned earlier in this thread, cause they fought oh-so-hard last war they "deserve" to sit this one out.
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2. NPO is letting their smaller nations do all the fighting while their larger nations chill at Cabo in PM.  Yeah I get there is a strategy in play, but it would be inaccurate to describe them as 'fully committed' to this fight.

This strategy seems really familiar for some reason...
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2. NPO is letting their smaller nations do all the fighting while their larger nations chill at Cabo in PM.  Yeah I get there is a strategy in play, but it would be inaccurate to describe them as 'fully committed' to this fight.


The clock is ticking on this so-called strategy.  We've been at war for over a month, time is running down on coming out of PM.  MagicNinja to this day howls about GATO's "strategy" and we have seen it from the inside for what it truly was: inability and insubordination.  If NPO and ODN are making to fight, then let them show us.


Very same could be said about those MQ'ers hiding out in PM at TOP, as mentioned earlier in this thread, cause they fought oh-so-hard last war they "deserve" to sit this one out.

No, it couldn't, as MQ just fought a couple months ago, while it has been a year since NPO fought.  I've had just as long between wars as the NPO and ODN peacemode legions and I neither needed nor wanted a break in this war, which has been a cakewalk due to the generous turtling example set by yourself, Emperor, and Secretary General OsRavan, who have been put to shame this morning by the fighting example of Assembly Chairman Dre4mweaver who will not go mewling into my collection like those before him.

Edited by Schattenmann
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